Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

(Double post. :P )

Naomi struggles into the tight dress, and tries to straighten her hair. She gives up, and combs the mess to one side of her head, and pins the hair on the other side down. She puts on her sneakers, not bothering with other shoes.

Valkyrie walks into Naomi's dorm, and says "Hey." She looks in her bag, and ends up pulling out this(see below) She puts on her black sneakers, and braids her hair to one side. She pulls in her wings as much as possible.

(I guess it's in the combat room? But they cleared all of the training equipment and bloodstains and everything.)
Nico walks into the gym noticing how changed it looked.all the bloodstains are gone and the room is covered with twinkling lights and streamers."Woah,"She says a little awestruck.
Naomi leaves, and walks into the combat room. She just stands by a wall sort of awkwardly.

Valerie goes in after Naomi, shrugging. She pulls her skirt a bit farther down self consiously, cursing herself for not wearing shorts under it.
Vladimir changes into an all black suit. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top and he didn't even bother with a tie. Guess it's time to go have some fun. 
Rudith answers him, "I have, I've been to balls and both modern dances. They're quite fun."
Ophelia steps into the gym and gazes around the room, it looks completely different, if someone hadn't seen the way the gym normally looks they would think this was the norm. "Wow they certainly know how to clean up a room."
Nico sees Ophelia and waves."Yes they do,"She walks over to her.Her dress flowing gracefully around her."You look good,"She says. 
Russia frowns for a quick moment,"My father never let me go anywhere,"The smile reforms on his face instantly.
Ophelia smiles and smooths her dress out, "Thank you, my mom made this for me for if I ever went to a formal event. You look very nice as well, I really like your dress."
Vladimir enters the gym unimpressed by the lights and streamers. Hmph instead of streamers they should have strippers (god I'm so sorry I just had to say that) he goes to the corner of the room and observes everyone else as they chat. 
"Would you like to go to the dance with me?" he asks Russia. "Maybe I could teach you a few dances?"
Nico sees Vladimir and frowns then quickly looks away hoping he doesn't notice her."Hey Ophelia lets walks over here,'She says as she drags Ophelia on teh other side of the room.
Ophelia blinks as she was dragged away, "Um.. okay.." she says just a little confused as to what made Nico want to randomly drag her across the room for.
Russia blushes."Sure,"He says his grayish blonde hair blowing in the wind."but don't blame me when I i knock over something and destory the whole thing with my clumsiness," 
Nico smiles."The um air is better over here,"She says as a single strand of hair starts to poke up on her head giving her a cute look.
"Sure, I'm fairly good at dancing because of been to so many." She places one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand and changes the music to a waltz.

Rudith laughs, "I doubt you're that clumsy."
I begin to dance with surprising grace, obviously it isn't my first time dancing the waltz. "So... How has life been, I guess?"
May sighs, "Not to well actually. Rudy has been having nightmares again and Vlad is here and . . ." she abruptly stopped talking realizing she was saying to much. 
Rudy puts on a white tux with and places a little red rose in the front pocket. "I'm ready when you are."
Ophelia gives her a slightly suspicious look before nodding and smiling, "Ohh well that sense I guess, sometimes I have to find cold spots to chill my body when it gets a little too warm." she says with a giggle.
I'm not sure what to say, so I just smile, "Well, try to enjoy yourself here. It's always good to give yourself a break now and then."
"I know, but everything just keeps getting worse and worse." She frowns a bit. "Anyway off with the gloomy topics. How are you doing?"
Russia puts on a black tux with a silver tie he leaves his tench coat and other winter wear off."Lets go shall we,"He says.

Nico just nods without saying a word.
"Well, I'm doing pretty well. Holding on to my humanity. Though I was a bit scared when Valerie almost killed it off... But ya know, good other then that."

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