Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Rudith grabs Russia's hand and pulls him along to the gym. (Omg I'm gonna feel so bad because everythings gonna be ruined) 
"Hmm, I wonder if there is anyway to get some of your humanity back. I feel that it's unfair for you."

Russia Stumbles trying to keep up the pace."Slow down Rudith I'm tripping,"He says right before he face planst taking rudith down with him.
Rudith tangled up with Russia on the floor giggles, "I guess you are quite clumsy."

May smiled, "I guess that is nice."
"No I'm fine,"She laughs and smiles."Oh look food,"She runs over to the snack table and munchies on a chocolate strawberry. 
"I warned you,"He laughs while trying to stand up."Ok I'm ok now lets go,"He says helping Rudith up.
Vladimir's nostrils flare from the familiar scent. Lil bro's finally here. He frowns when he smells someones scent mixed in with his brothers. 
Rudith stands up and they enter the gym but once he's inside he freezes up. Something's wrong, he can't be here no! NO!
May suddenly stops dancing. She had forgotten all about how Rudith loved dancing.

Vladimir started walking towards Rudith he frowned when he noticed Russia standing in front of his as if to guard him.

Rudith clutched at Russia's back. His eyes filled with tears and he thought he would stop breathing He can't be here! 
I told you he would have a bad reaction.

"Rudith run,"Russia whispers."Run now." Russia stays on guard he didn't even know who vladimire was but he knew Rudith was scared of him and he didn't like that.
Russia's words weren't getting through to Rudith, his knees buckled and he couldn't stop shaking.

"Is that how you welcome your older brother Rudith? I thought I taught you better." Vladimir kept approaching them. He cracked his knuckles getting ready to push Russia out of the way.
Russia turns his head to see Rudith on his knee.He grips his hand He was going to hold on to Rudith for dear life.Then stares Vladimir in the eyes.I'm not letting go.
(omg this is so so . . . I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN IT! xD )

Vladimir ignores Derivik and finally reaches Rudith and Russia, "You have two choices: 1. Let go of Rudith or 2. Have me pummel you in the face."

May tugged at Derivik's sleeve. "We have to do something! Rudy's personality is all an act so that he can keep himself safe, Rudy is very weak and the reason Rudy's like this is all because of Vlad in the first place!" She whispers loudly to him.
"Have fun pummeling my face I'm not letting go,"His eyes were determined as he grips Rudith's hand tighter.No way I am going to let this Bastard Hurt Rudith."Do your worst."

(Nose bleed:eek: )
Vladimir pulled his arm back ready to punch Russia but May suddenly latches onto his arm, "Russia take Rudith and run!!!!"
Russia picks up Rudith an starts running down the hallway adrenaline flooding his veins.Once he turned the corner he made a web of puppeteer strings block the way so it would be harder to follow."It's going to be ok Rudith,"If those strings break I'm going to be defenseless. 
Then he kept on running no knowing where to go.where is a safe place.
Vladimir tsked as Rudith and Russia got away. He shook May off and as she tried to get away he grabbed her hair. "B*tch! I told you there were consequences!" May struggled to free herself from his grasp but he was tugging on her hair so hard that she thought he would pull her head off with her hair.

Rudith was gasping for breath trying to calm down. "There's . . . a cottage . . . somewhere in the forest . . . behind the school . . . Vlad doesn't know about it . . . May will find us."
Russia runs out of the school."Rudith are you ok,"He ask tears in his eyes.He keeps on running until deep into the woods until they reach a small cottage it.He enters it putting Rudith down gently he sits down patting he was lost alot of energy putting up that web.

Nico picks up the nearest chair and runs at Vladimir."Let her go you sick bastard,"She yells hitting him with the chair as hard as she could.Then grabbing his arms trying to pry him away from May.I'll buy them time to run.
May gets out of Vlads grasp but Vlad is furious. He shakes Nico off and starts suppressing his anger. "He can't hide forever I'm going to find him soon enough." And with that Vladimir slinks off to his dorm room. May slumps to the ground. She quickly get's up after resting a bit. "I need to go and make sure Rudy and Russia are fine." She quickly help Nico up and leaves. They're probably at the cottage.

Valerie sees the scene, and her eyes flare with anger. She follows Vlad, slinking along in the shadows. Her eyes nearly glow with firey anger.

(Mwa ha ha... causing troubllee, sorry, lol)

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