Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

"You really don't know when to shut up do you?" Vlad was fuming. He started transforming, his dark black wings came out and then his horns and tail. His nails turned into claws and his teeth we all razor sharp.
Valerie rolled her eyes "Idiot boys..." She mutters to herself, not even bothering with her wings. She was practically part god. She just chose not to be one, preferring freedom over that trash, "I am one of the eldest Valkyries, I've seen what you couldn't even imagine." She tells the bigoted boy, poking him in the chest, hard sending him stumbling backwards.
(try not to make my character do stuff :P It's kinda like godmodding)

"Good to know since I may or may not be quite older than you, and if you're such and old hag shouldn't you know it's rude to poke people? And like I said before get out of my f*cking business. Also I'm leaving to my room and I'm quite sure that females aren't aloud in the male dorm."
Russia stands in the doorway of the cottage staring out into the darkness.He sees May."What's the news,"He asks looking concerned.Russia looks back at Rudith worriedly.Darn it what did that man do to turn you into this.The bastard.His eyes droop a little he dismantled the threads in the hallway a little while back,but he still drained."Whats the plan May."

"If your such a 'wise old man' shouldn't you know that people aren't material possessions?" She retorts a bit angrily.
May enters the cabin and lights the candles with her cobalt blue fire. "There isn't much of a plan. Nico was trying to hold off Vlad but he isn't so stupid as to waste his energy for nothing. He's probably already back in his room. For now I think we should just stay here and while we're here I'll tell you about Rudy's past." 
"Hmm, technically speaking Rudith isn't a person, now is he?" With that he spun on his heel and headed for the male dorm. He didn't want to deal with anymore of this crazy ladie's sh*t.
"Ok,"He replies and sits down staring at May. 
Nico head back to her dorm.(I think i'm going to keep her in the male dorms for now)Ok tonight was jacked up.She thinks as she sits down on her bed.
May moves over to the cowering Rudith and covers his ears with her hands while sitting behind him. "He doesn't like reliving his past," May quickly explained. "Anyway let's get onto the story. Rudith when he was very young only 10 physically was still very pure for an Incubus. His brother already quite old was the opposite. Long story short he raped him. One day when it was time for Rudith to learn how to feed his brother did terrible things to him and he didn't stop. He would do many cruel things to Rudy whenever he felt like it. He treated Rudy like a dog, a slave. When I say he's a sadist I don't only mean it in one way. Rudy couldn't do anything, he was helpless and that's why he's so cruel now. He finally managed to run away but he's scarred for life." May uncovered Rudy's ears and wrapped her arms around him who was quivering like a leaf that would tear at any moment.
Russia stares at the ground unsure what to do."Well we can't let him get to Rudith,"Russia says anger leaking into his voice."I won't let him.He'll have to kill me before he can even touch Rudith,"He looks up and stares into May's eyes his own eyes were burning with anger and determination."So we have one thing clear me and Rudith can't go back to the school until he leaves."
(Rudith and I xD Sorry if I seem rude, also I think we should have everyone team up on Vlad and kill him :P )

"Our only choice is to either get Vlad to seal an oath or to kill him and I'm sure that he would never submit to us. For now you guys will have to stay in the cabin." May looked back at him her eyes burned with Anger but there was also sorrow.
(lol its ok)

"Wait won't Vlad try to make you tell where our location is,"Russia quirks an eyebrow thinking about this."Unless he is above torturing you which I don't think he is."
"Oh he will, I'm not sure what I'll do but someone needs to know what's going on at the school," May shrugs as if it's nothing, but inside she's scared to death.
Valerie huffed, angry with the idiot. She turned, and glanced around, looking for May, Rudith and Russia. She saw no one, and sighed.

Naomi stood there, shell-shocked. She left the room, and saw Valerie. Naomi jogged over, "What happened?" She asked.

"I think I got enough time for them to escape..." Valerie replied, arms crossed.
(Vlad is a stalker mawahahaha)

Russia puts his hand on Her shoulder."I want you to stay safe ok,"He says,"Just try you best to avoid Vlad."His voice full of worry and many other emotions.Russia puts his hand on Rudith's back rubbing smalls circles in between his shoulder blades."It's ok Rudith I'll protect you." 
Nico walks in down the hallway trying to find the girls dorms to talk to Valerie.
Naomi leaves Valerie, and sees Nico. She jogs over, "Hey. I hope that Vlad doesn't find Russia and Rudith..." She said, sighing softly.
"Yeah me too,"She replies shivering a bit."I was thinking we should take turns stalking Vlad making sure he doesn't do anything else,"She suggest.
"I'll try my best." May sighed and added, "I think I'll stay here for tonight.

Rudith relaxed a little but he was still crying.

Vlad flops onto his bed and starts thinking of Rudith.
"Ok you sleep I'll watch,"Russia says Going back to the doorway to stare out into the deep darkness the trees swaying in nights breeze.It's a dark night.An owl hoots in the background."Night."
My settles down next to Rudith and strokes his hair as she sings him a lullaby. (Even though she is a demon her voice is actually quite beautiful it helps her when she uses her power of persuasion) Rudith slowly falls asleep. He sleeps peacefully without nightmares. May just lies next to him stroking his hair. She wasn't ready to fall asleep after what had happened.
Russia listens to the lullaby memories fill his head."You sound like my mother,"He whispers trying to remember the distant words she use to sing to him when he was younger."Sometimes I find it hard to believe your a demon."
"Well, sometimes I wish I wasn't," May says. "You should have a rest now I'll guard, you look exhausted."
"Yup, and if you don't want to sleep just lie down next to Rudy and comfort him, he's a light sleeper." May gets up and walks outside just hovering near the doorway.
Russia slowly makes his way towards Rudith and lays down next to him.He doesn't want to sleep,but his mind slowly fades dragging him into a dreamless sleep.As he sleeps he puts his arm around Rudith holding him close.
Rudith turns in his sleep and hugs Russia he snuggles up close to him and sighs.

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