Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

May peeked into the cabin and stifled a giggle with her hand. (She's a major yaoi fan :tongue:) There she saw Rudith and Russia all snuggled up. How cute.

(I don't know what else I should do and I have to go eat)
Russia wakes up being snuggled by Rudith.He now had a perfect view of his chest."Rudith,"He whispers,"You awake." 
He gentle turns over and sits up staring at his surroundings.Where am I.He thinks as the memories of the night before slowly come back to him.
Rudith mumbles something but is still sound asleep.

May looks into the cabin (She has been awake all night) and see's Russia now awake and Rudith still asleep and clinging to him. Well this is going to be quite a fun day. She shivers at the thought of Vlad but quickly tosses the thought.
Nirvana said:
(... So Naomi and Valerie apparently fell asleep in the hallway?)
(Just quickly say that you guys went back to your rooms fell asleep and are now awake.)
"Morning May,"He looks at May seeing her shiver."You know if you want I can go back to the school and you can stay here with Rudith,"His voice sounding strong ,but shaky.
"No that's fine, I think you should stay with Rudith," she says, her voice unwavering.

"Night." Naomi tells Nico, and goes to her room. She kicks off her dress, and pulls on a long t-shirt. She tumbles into bed.

Valerie goes to her room, and puts on shorts and a tank top. She goes to sleep.


Naomi and Valerie wake up.
"Ok,"Russia sits by Rudith rubbing his back."What you going to do then when Vlad comes after you,"His voice full of concern when he asks her this.
"Fight or run, those are my only options really. Well, I have to go and change," she says while gesturing at her dress. "Make sure Rudith stays safe, I will see you soon."
Taryn woke up in a strange chamber, slowly, her eyes adjusted. The chamber she was in was made of Ssypher metal. "What the heelll?" Then, she say the purple lights, first thing she thought of were Xenons. "XER'CHI YOU BAS**RD!" She shouted, morphing into a Cynan and struggling against the chains. "I'm screwed...." Taryn checked her current location in space using her thin suit. "Wow, the ship is only a transportation.... Where am I- Oh. The big ship. If I can juuuust..." She tried to move her leg to the wall, trying to make the suit touch it so she can make things power down, allowing the chains to deactivate. And she was successful. The chains shut off, and she moved to the door. "Open.... PLEASE!" She punched it, popping open. "Ohh!" Taryn shook her hand, and next thing she knew there were 3 Xenons in front of her, speaking their rapid language. One dove to her, obviously missing, the two others pulled out plasma swords. "AAAGGHH!" She slid under their legs running down the main corridor. "HEEELP! CHASIK, HELP!" She screamed. Taryn stopped, looking at the two. "Oh, nevermind..." She grabbed both of their heads, and bashed them together. They dropped, apparently knocked out. "Now what? I don't know how to fly a Xenonian ship..."
May sprints to the cabin, hair back, dress flowing and all. She quickly enters her room and shuts the door. I don't think anyone saw me. She takes a shower, changes, and heads to school.

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