Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Nico wakes up in her bed,Instantly she walks out into the hallway."Good Morning world,"She yells this sarcastically down the hallway waking up many of the other students in the dorm.
(Ok what do you guys think of Naomi so far? I know it's super messy and it's not done and the tail looks crappy because I haven't started working on it.)

Thanks oh and sadly I won't be on for a while (today) because I'm leaving soon and I'm not sure when I'll be back.
Russia tries to awaken Rudith,but he is out cold.Sleeping like a baby rock.Russia walks outside of the cabin staying within running distance."Good morning world,"He says then leans against a tree.
Vlad gets up and stretches. He opens his window and looks out at the sunlight and birds chirping happily. "Hello world, what another disgustingly beautiful day," he says with a cruel smile. "Time to wreak some havoc." He slips on his black hoodie and slams his door shut as he walks to the school whistling. 
(I need other people to be on -__-)
Nico running down teh hallway runs into Vlad knocking him over."Oh,So,"She stops when she sees its Vlad who she knocked over.
(Hey don't go knocking people over :C)

Vlad gets up and brushes off his pants. "Hmph, what do you want? Some more from yesterday? Because I have plenty of it from where it came from," He says with a smirk. (he's referring to the molestation and snide comments)
(Fine :P
Nico takes a step back."Um no rather not have any more of that thank you very much,"Darn it why did i pick today to where a skirt.She looks at him the awkward silence filling the air not knowing what to do she started to back away slowly.
Vlad chuckled and began walking to the classroom. "I would hurry up if I were you, or you're going to be late."
Nico heads to the class and sits down in a random chair then starts looking out the window.

Russia Sits in a tree staring out into the forest.Maybe i should go back to the school make sure May is ok.
Rudith wakes up from his peaceful sleep. He glances around and starts panicking seeing that he was all alone. "Russia!?"

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