Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

"I am!" May replied excitedly as she smelled bacon. She hurries to sit down at the table.

Rudith comes out of the bathroom (already dressed) his hair is sopping wet and he has dark circles under his eyes. He plops himself onto a chair.

"Hmph, you look like a wet panda. You should dry your hair!" May stands up to go get a towel from the bathroom and and comes back. She works on drying Rudy's hair as she waits for the food to come.
Russia places two plates infront of Rudith an May.The plates are heavy with biscuits gravy and tons of bacon.'Here you go,"He says sweetly smiling at Rudith.
May leaves the towel on his shoulders and sits down ready to eat.

Rudith mumbles a thank you to both May and Russia and slowly starts eating.
Nico walks into the dorm after being ignored by Derivik in the yard."Hey guys theirs a creepy person in the hall ways,"She says as she picks up a biscuit and drowns it in gravy."He scares me as much as Mark." 
Russia shrugs."I feel like were being Invaded by creepers,"He says while chewing on a piece of bacon.
Ophelia sits up in her bed and lets out a long yawn. As she gets up to get dressed she felt a shiver go down her spine, which was odd since being naturally cold she never shivered, something bad was going to happen. She sighed and quickly got dressed, tying her choker on and left her room, running to the school. She was gonna make this day great and hopefully avoid that bad feeling, on her way she stopped to get a sandwich and some candy, sweets seemed to make her feel better sometimes.
May looked at Russia, "Yeah I also got the feeling, I feel like something bad's gonna happen today."

Rudith just quietly eats his bacon.
Nico leaves the room and runs into Ophelia."Hey,"She says as she stood partly inside Ophelia's body half of her was translucent.There seemed to be a fuzzy outline that wasn't around her ealier.
"Same here maybe we should just skip class today and go into town.So we can relax,"He asks nowing we proably just go to class anyway."Oh,Rudith can I skip combat class with you today,"He holds his arm where he got stabbed."I rather not go today." 
(she with Ophelia in the class room i Think )
Rudith nods slightly.

May looks at the both of them. "Suit yourselves, but we're still going to science. It's not good to skip," she says with a stern look. 
Vladimir eventually finds the classroom. "Well hello there," he says with an eerie smirk.
Ophelia jumps a little in partial shock before calming down and smiling at Nico, "Oh! Hi there, you scared me with the whole ghosty thing you do, how are you this morning?"

{Ophelia was just getting into the classroom actually.}
"So you up for skipping classes today Rudith lets get out of this place before the creepers come and Torture us or something,"He says putting out his hand for Rudith to take. 
Nico sees Vladimir an shivers."Um Hello,"She says with the sudden urge to hide under the nearest desk.Run Run Run.She doesn't know what to do so she just stares.
Rudith takes Russia's hand surprisingly docile and say, "Ok. Where should we go."

*Sigh* "Nothing I say is going to get through to the two of you is it?" May says exasperated. 
Vladimir grins even wider at the boy's obvious discomfort. He makes he makes his way towards him and puts his arm around his shoulder. He frown for a second These shoulders are kind of dainty he quickly smiles again. "And who are you sweetcheeks?" (he doesn't know she's a girl yet, he's just gay -__-)
Russia grips Rudith's hand,He starts to drag him out of the school into town."TO THE AMUSEMENT PARK,"He yells like its a almighty war cry. 
(laughing so hard right now.I am kinda sad Vladimir is gay)

"Nico,"She whispers looking down tencing she didn't like this man touching her.
(Should I make him bi?)

Rudith stumbles a bit, surprised, but quickly starts walking normally. He smiles a bit, Russia had made him the tiniest bit happier.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Nico, I'm Vladimir Loriner." He chuckles. 
May decides to go to class. When she reaches the room she gasps and quickly hides. What the hell is HE doing here? I'm glad Russia chose to leave with Rudy.
(sure if you want)

They reach the amusement park Russia smiles like the somewhat little kid he is."What do you want to ride first,"He ask his eyes bright.

Nico grabs Vladimir's arm and takes it off her shoulder.
Rudith shrugs, "How about the roller coaster?" Rudith's spirits were rising. He hadn't gone to an amusement park in ages.

Vladimir turns to see May walk in, "May May beautiful May."

May shivers. "What are you doing here!?" She hisses at him.
(Oh, how do you like my new signature? I made it myself ^_^
(It's supposed to be Russia :P )
Russia finds the biggest roller coast in the Amusement Park."How about this one,"HE points at the huge rickety thing."It looks awesome."

Nico sees May."Hey May wheres Russia,"She ask walking over to her.Then grips her arm we she gets over there.Her eyes saying who is this guy.Please just read my thoughts.She thinks.(lets relval Nico now lol) 
(Type like the wind Type) 

May said:
(Thanks, btw I have to go in 7 mins :()
Cant you beg ur parnets for more time or maybe just sneak back online)

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