Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Naomi is still unconsious, and she slowly wakes up. SHe blinks for a moment, and then groans slightly. She then nearly grins. She shuts her eyes for a moment, to try and see what would happen to her.
Mark: I grin sadistically. 
Mark: "Now... Who wants to go first."

Derivik: Guess it's best to get it done with... "I will."
Naomi glances at Russia, and gives a slight shake of her head. 'No.' She mouths, 'I know what will happen.' She adds, but nothing more.
Mark: I frown, "Why, if I did that, how could I keep having my fun?" I pull my knife out. "Put your arm out.

Derivik: I put my arm out.

Mark: "What should I make... how about... A smile." And with that, I lightly carve a nice smile into Derivik's arm. "Oh how wonderful... It turned out great." That cut is deep enough to bleed and scar, but not through all my skin. "So, who is next?"
Naomi laughs slightly, and digs into the ground. Her tail appears again, "Me." She says, holding out her arm quickly.
Mark: "Ah... What should I carve into you... How about a fishie? Yes, that will suit you well..." I carve a crude fish into your arm. "I hope you enjoy it..."

Derivik: I cringe. How terrible...
Naomi smiles, and pulls herself away. She drays her hand, and is back to normal, with no carving. She slinks out quickly, and heads to the next class; smiling.
Naomi hears, and then back tracks real quick, "How about a word?" She says, and then slips away, laughing silently to herself.
Mark: "Fine..." I just stab Russia in the arm, fairly deep, and pull the blade out. I sigh. "Dismissed." And the doors unlock.

Derivik: I just about sprint out of there, without saying a word.
May watched as the bloody fights continued on This is just sick, this Mark guy is very ominous I should watch out for him. May cringes as Naomi, Derivik, and Russia receive their punishment. She waits till everyone leaves the room and then follows them out.

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