Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

"Derivik, it's best to just ignore Rudith, he won't seriously hurt anyone unless they make him angry," She says exasperated by Rudy's awful behavior and the responses it received.
I glare at Rudith, and return to my seat. I mutter under my breath, "Ignore him controlling a friend? Making him act like a dog..." What a guy...
Ophelia smiles and shakes her head, "You're welcome and I don't mind at all, I like to help and comfort people. I think it's one of the only things that I'm really good at."

{There's a storm going on over here so my internet may cut in and out, so I'm leaving this here in case I don't come back right away.}
She mutters to Derivik, "He's done much worse, Russia only experienced the least of Rudy's sadistic humor." She walks to the center of the room. The teacher asks, "What type of Magic will you use, May?" She automatically replied, "Shifting." and with that May clapped her hands and and with a poof she turned into a cat. She went and rubbed up against Derivik's legs hoping that he liked cats. (She means to calm him down)
Not sure how to really respond to a girl turning to a cat and rubbing against my legs, I just stay still and silent. Huh. This is very... Strange. But seriously... Rudith. I'm going to have to make sure he doesn't do something terrible to Russia. I don't get why May thinks its fine for her friend to be doing those things...
May trots around the room showing everyone her feline self. Her chin tilted upward and furry tail stuck up high in the air showing off her pride.
She looked at the feline. "Cool..." She smiled, looking at her. "Should I go next?" She asked out loud. 'Should I?" She thought. People might freak out. People might freak out because they don't know what the hell she is.
"Ohh.... It's just I really haven't been a Cynan for awhile..." She murmured to Derivik. She touched the symbols on her back, feeling the dragginess of the thick black paste that acted like tattoo resin.
May changed back into her original state, "Maybe next time we have this class? Tomorrow we're having a class about beasts so you can't really show your abilities . . . " she says in reply to Taryn.
I get up, "Well, I guess its my turn now. I'll show off full transformation magic." I walk to the front of the class. Suddenly, my eyes turn red, and I'm shrouded by darkness. Wings sprout from my back, and my nails turn to claws. "Yep. That's about it."
"Cool..." She looked at the claws. "Hey, your claws are shaped like mine! But.... Stronger...." She muttered. "Not that you're weak!" She quickly said. 'I really want to show...' She thought.
"Same here..." Taryn stated, remembering what she did to Xer'Chi. The leader of the Xenonian fleet. The Cynan's enemy.
May goes back to her dorm room exhausted from the tiring day, while walking she scolds Rudith. "Rudith! I told you not to go so far!" He just pouts more and says he was going back to his room. 
(K I have to go soon anyway)

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