Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

I stand in my old home, with my family dead before me. The moment that changed me forever. The shock is too much... I let out a inhuman scream, and I begin to change... My arms become longer, stronger, my nails sharper. My eyes become blood red, surging with power. My skin itself becomes pitch black, and the darkness around me is almost tangible. I look Russia in the eye, and say a single word, packed with so much power that a weaker creature would do it without a second thought. "Die." My voice sounds inhuman, any my thoughts are blurred. Charge with massive strength at Russia, aiming to kill with my claws. They are all the same. All demons must die. All creatures must die... All monsters must die... All enemies must die. You. Must. Die.
May quickly intervenes. "STOP IT, CONTROL YOURSELF DERIVIK! AND RUSSIA STOP HYPNOTIZING HIM OR WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING!" May latches herself onto Derivik's back and pushes him to the ground. "Derivik calm down, everything's alright. You can't lose yourself now"
Russia didn't like this if fact he hated this the problem with his powers is that he can't control which memory they saw.He's unfocused his anger is raw.Then the scence changes this time it isn't Derivik.Time moves slower and everyones momvents seems sluggish,Everything in black in white.The command word Derivik screaming in his head.If i must.Russia did one last thing before Derivik reachs him. He moves slightly to the left so when he was hit it would only hit deeply into his shoulder
I kick May off without a second thought. My rage is blinding. I'm going insane "It's simple really. If your a demon, I'll kill you. So just sit still and wait your turn. I'll kill you next." I pat May on the head, and continue to walk to Russia. I'm putting power into my every word. "Just die, I have other demons to purge. None of you will live. I was almost tricked by little May here, and the whole cast. I almost thought, please forgive how crazy it sounds, that some demons were good people. Insane right?" I then charge straight at Russia, positioned to kill. "But don't worry, I'll kill you quickly." 
(Gah, hadn't read Russia's post, but it still sorta works.)
"Derivik if you do this, you won't be human anymore! Is that what you want! I thought you said you hated demons because of the way they acted, because of what they did to you?! Well then at the moment you are no better than a demon!!" May shouts filled the gym.
Russia Raises his hands in the air."Umm can i ask something before you kill me,cause i rather not die with regrets,"His voice calm and soft like he was talking to a scared animal.
I let out a laugh. "Then I guess I'll kill myself after I'm done. It doesn't really matter in the end." I say, almost at Russia. 
I stop, my nails touching Russia's neck. "Yes? What is it little lamb?"
"Coward, you just don't want to deal with reality!"

(I have to go eat be back soon)
Panic ran through Russia's body then he did something he hasn't done in years.Cried.The tears came out like a river down his face.His eyes at the moment turning back to that sweet baby blue.(Remeber russia only 14 so he hasn't had time to put up emotional blocks) 
"I'm sorry,"He says rubbing his red eyes."Just make it Fast."
The tears make me stop for a second, something about them makes me think. Tears... What about tears... They seem so... Human. How can something evil cry? They seem so genuine... What... What the hell am I even doing? Suddenly a tear slides down my own face. "Oh my god... What... What am I doing? I collapse on the ground, unconscious. I slowly revert back to my human state. Why am I so alone...
May walks over to Derivik, sits down, and lifts his head off the ground and onto her lap. "You okay?"
"I'm sorry Derivik it's my fault I shouldn't have used my powers on you,"Tears still running down his face guilt filling his soul.At the moment he wanted to disappear.Just fade away without notice."I'm So Sorry."
I slowly wake up when hearing May speak. "I... I guess... What happened? Did Russia use some type of secret attack? I blacked out after I looked into his eyes... Right?"
May was so relieved that he was back to normal that she started to cry, "No, but everythings fine now, you don't have to worry."
"Whaa,"He starts to exsplain but stop knowing it'll make things worst.Not knowing what to say he stay silent. 
(this is so touching Were all crying)
"Why are you crying? I just got knocked around a bit." I stand up, and brush myself off, as if nothing had happened. "Is everyone's fight done?"
"I'll tell you later. And yes everyone's fight is done," She stands up wiping away her tears.
Naomi nods, a soft smile on her face "I suppose so. I've also been involved in my schools wrestling team since around fifth grade, as that's when we could start." She says, shrugging. Naomi then hears that, and says "Dang it... I thought that we got more than one fight." She says, making a face to herself.
May mutters under her breath forlornly, "This is why I wish I wasn't a demon."

"Anyway Derivik, Russia we'll talk about this later." She glances at the teacher who looked as if he was going to die from fright and answers the question about whether we have anymore classes or not, "No, class is dismissed, all other classes are cancelled for the day."
"Aye. I guess I'll head back to the dorm then. You coming with me Russia?" I brush off some dirt on my shirt. Man I'm a mess...
Russia can't seem to look at any of the others he keeps his head low."I am going to my dorm for a little bit,"Then he walks away feeling drained and starving.I'm so stupid.The hallway echo with his foot steps as he drags his feet to his dorm.
"I think I'm going to go back to my room for a bit. Is it alright if I visit in about an hour so that we can talk and so I can check up on Rudy?" May asked.

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