Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Mays horns sprout up from the top of her head and her wings rip out of her back her tail whipping out almost hitting the teacher. Her fangs grew and her nails turned into talons. "Didn't even itch." She flies into Derivik slamming him into the wall her talons ripping at his back.
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul](Er, B*tch isn't allowed?) 
(Russia... I'm fighting May... You guys are going to double team me :( )

Yup no rules lol
Ophelia sighed and steeled her nerves for a moment then looked at Naomi and nodded, "Yeah I'm ready, let's go!" she said, she didn't like fighting but she still would give it her all.
Being beaten bloody, I laugh. "Great lot you are, do you both really need to attack me at once? Your flattering me. I guess I'm going to have to get serious." My entire body is shrouded by darkness, wings appear from my back, and the glow of my eyes becomes crimson. I launch myself into the air, breaking the strings that bound me. I wait for their next move. "So, who will claim the prize of my head? Or must you work together? I thought you would have a little more pride." 
(Too late.)
Naomi smiles, and stands in postions. Her legs are wide apart, her arms close to her sides. She moves around quick on her feet, and does the suck walk. She grabs both of Ophelia legs. Naomi pulls up quickly, making Ophelia slam to the ground. She goes on her chest, pushing down.
May let's go of Derivik and flies back to the opposite side of the room. Her wounds were slowly closing up but not fast enough. Sh*t must be because he's part demon. She speeds toward him. "Russia, this is my fight!" in her hands appear to blue flames. She throws them at Derivik and quickly kicks him back with her strong legs.
Russia stands back."Hmmmm May I'll you take the glory on this one,"He says not out of fear but just to get a grip on his fighting style.
I spiral around, barely dodging the flames. Damn it, I'll kill that b!tch. I charge straight down, aiming my claws at May's heart. I issue a single command, but put all my power in it. (I can control humans, and influence demons.) "Don't move". As I speak, my eyes glow a vicious red, a my killing intent is almost tangible.
Hmph he thinks his half demon powers are strong enough to control me. "I didn't know you were so unintelligent," May says quickly as she spins around and slams him into the floor.
Russia exits the room,but quickly returns with a bucket of popcorn watching the fight with intrest. "GO DERIVIK,"He cheers while eating his popcorn so it came out muffled.
(May... Please don't dodge and resist everything... It can affect anyone. Even a second of delay. I'm trying not to "I stab may in the heart" but to "I try to stab May in the heart..." But you are making that difficult...)

I get back up, almost un affected. And once more, I radiate darkness. I channel all my rage, my hatred, my sorrow, as I fly to May, with my claws in position to kill. Her attacks sting, but I can withstand them for a very long time. I refuse to be defeated by someone such as she.
I might be screwed.Russia watches the fight intensely seeing every move Derivik and May make studing them and there sense of balance.
Ophelia groans as she hits the floor and stares up at Naomi, she shuts her eyes and starts wriggling to get her off of her chest. If she could just get up, she'd have a chance.
Naomi pulls back her fist. She loves fighting. "Sorry." She whispers, right before Naomi strikes Ophelia right between her eyes.
Ophelia yelps and groans as pain shot through her head, her eyes watering slightly. She starts trying to blindly swing her arms.
Naomi ducks and weaves, and hits again. She continues to punch the poor girl until she is knocked out.
Ophelia slowly stops moving and her arms fall to her side as the constant blows to the head soon cause her to pass out.

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