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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

(*audience bursts into uncontrollable cheering and ear-splitting claps*)

Chy's eyes scanned the room in interest. The hanging lights were one of the first things she had noticed and right away she takes a liking to the environment. "When I get a place of my own I'll definitely have to get myself some to decorate around my bedroom!" She comments enthusiastically while looking from wall to wall. Her eyes reflecting the small lights that seemed to levitate all around them. "They're so cool!" Her voice is filled with amazement and as she continues her tour about the bedroom she doesn't even notice Annais fiddling with the knives and other weapons hidden away within the compartment.

"So, it's just you and Everett? Sounds like fun." Her attention shifts back to Annais. "Thanks, this place is amazing just from the glimpses I saw." Turning away to look around again until she is spoken to again, Chyanne nods her head. "The Starlight Pack didn't come into power over that territory but a handful of years ago...my mom, uh..well, Noah and Zeke's mom took over after the previous pack, Moonlight or something like that, got too old to keep up its reputation." After explaining all of this, she looked at the choice of drink and grins at the sight of whiskey.

"Though I don't normally decline alcohol, I think I'll pass for now." Pointing to the water bottle she walks over and takes it gratefully. Unscrewing the top and then doing the same to the pill bottle, she dumps out a couple of the capsules and tosses them into her mouth followed by a few swallows of water. "Ahhh, I just hope that the bruises heal up..how bad are they anyway?"

He watches her quietly and smiles, moving to her side and laying a hand lightly on her head. "You can sleep if you want." It was good that she no longer was having issues with her breathing.
Rosalie nodded, standing up and swaying slightly. "Thank you Alpha. Do you mind showing me to your room?" she asks, sounding out of breath.

((As bad as this sounds, I kinda ship them...))
As Zeke wondered around the woods on his way home he picks up a familiar scent. 'Who the hell is out here so early?" He sighs and walks toward the scent silently. As he neared the wolf he can make out who it is and immediately frowns. Moving into view, he calls her name, "So..no sleep again?" He knew of her insomnia related issue but hardly spoke of it often just offering her comfort through his presence and nothing more. "I don't want you wandering around too much..." He spoke to her in a way a beta would and giving her a serious look he decides to leave it up to Noah to warn everyone of the ghoul. He still wasn't informed of the possible war with the Russian Rogues as allies but he certainly would not be pleased by such news.

(Sorry for the late reply . )

Star looked up and slowly shifted to her human form again and nodded "No sleep.. about 10 minutes and nothing more.." she rubbed her eyes and walked up to him, embracing him in a hug. "And why not? I like wandering around.." she gave a soft sigh and squeezed him lightly, she didn't want to think of what just happened and was a bit afraid of returning to the pack as if she may get yelled and growled at once more. "What are you doing out here?" she was curious and she looked up at him.
((I will not be on much today. I will let you guys know when I will be on. Sorry for any inconvenience))
((That doesn't sound bad at all. Lol))

Standing as she does, Noah watches closely before looking toward the stairs and starting to walk that way. "Yea, it's up stairs." He flashes a look of concern and strps up a couple steps being sure to keep looking back. The stairway was plenty big enough for atleast three of them to walk side by side so he stays a bit worried over the rise.
((It's fine!))

Ezekial watched as she shifted and sighs at her explaination. "You out to go see my mother sometime, she's sure to whip up a remedy of sorts." Being hugged, Zeke goes ridged. He would shove anyone away when touched but she truly seemed to be upset. "What is it?" Just standing there, he stares off into the trees waiting for an answer only to be questioned. He growled quietly, his temper rising though he forces it away and shakes his head pulling away. "Because, it isn't safe..and it's none of your business." Rubbing his face, he sighed heavily. "Where's Noah?"
Rosalie uses the railing for support, legs weak. She winced and stops for a minute, wheezing. "Just give me a minute," she says, closing her eyes.
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Star rubbed her eyes and grunted, only to be pushed away once again "Fine then.." she gave a small sigh "Where do you think?" she turned around and began to walk off again, looking at her feet and she muttered something under her breath.


@Erza Scarlet )
((So I'm not sure if this is inactive or I'm not getting notifications.... can someone tag me in their posts? You don't have to.... but I would be very grateful./)
Rosalie took her breather, wheezing and shaking slightly. "Thank you...." she says, sending him a smile before she carefully started up the stairs again. She held onto the railing tightly, shaking as she she walked
"Wait..." It hadn't been like he had shoved her away, a small push definitely hadn't hurt her other than her feelings. As a split second thought he sighs and walks to her side. "As beta it's my duty not to leave you out here when I know something is up...there's a ghoul that could be lurking anywhere.." He tells her reluctantly. "You are not to wander past the lake." His command is followed by a slow breath. "Mind company?"

Step after step, Noah only goes ahead a couple steps not wanting to be too far if she needed anything. His patient nature keeps him from becoming annoyed and after a moment of thought he walks to her and takes her hand. "I promise not to drop you." He carefully picks her up and carries her up the rest of the steps and starts down a dimly lit hallway that shows another staircase at the end. "I hope you don't mind this too much..you really need to take it easy...besides, my rooms up another staircase."

@Erza Scarlet
Rosalie sighed. "Okay. I'll let this go. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. Please forgive me Alpha," she said softly, looking down.

Star paused for a second and sighed, scratching her arm "A ghoul?.. " she looked down at the ground and turned to look at him "Sure.. mind going for a run or something with me? I'd like to relieve some stress.." she moved her hair from her face and gave a look of hope as she was really hoping he wouldn't mind a run.
(I just wanna get them to sleep, already. The day's already been drawn out for so long.)

Annais nodded slowly with arms crossed as Chyanne took the bottle of water from her and explained the brief history of her clan.
Moonlight? That doesn't sound right. And weren't they ran out of the area? Shaking her head of the thought, she opted against pushing the subject. Upon hearing the question about how bad her injuries were, she simply gave her a smile accompanied by a shrug. It honestly wasn't all that bad considering, but thay was probably due to her quick healing abilities.

"I think you'll be fine in a couple of days, a week tops." A knock echoed through the room soon after her say and Everett's voice sounded soon after. Opening the door, Annais greeted him with an unsteady smile, hoping to hear something of an ominous message from Dane. She hadn't checked im with him for over 12 hours after all. But, luckily, that wasn't the case. "How're you two settling in?" Though his composure never broke, a certain uneasiness showed on his face, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "Fine? What's up?" She asked, dragging out the 'fine' as she tilts her head to the side. Looking over Annais' shoulder, he briefly caught sight of Chyanne before lookinf back at the other shewolf.

Something had come up but he couldn't speak of it now. He thought that she would've been asleep by now, but apparently not. Rhett shook his head as he leaned against the doorway.
"Never mind, we'll talk about it another time. But... remember that favor you owed me?" He changed the subject, but something told her that she was going to hate this more than what he was so hesitant to tell her. "Yes... I don't like these guessing games, Rhett. Just spit it out already!" Annais impatiently tapped her foot on the ground as she released a deep sigh. There's nothing she hated more than suspense. "Well, I'm having lunch with my partner tomorrow--" And before he could even finish his proposal, Annais cut in with a loud expression of disgust. An understandable reaction, but he just pressed on with an innocent smile.

"Ugh! And you want me to whore myself out so you can get on his good side." It sounded more like a firm statement rather than a question. "C'mon, Anna! You know he's sweet on you. Just flirt a little, I'm not saying you have to do anything else, I just need him to be in a good mood by the time I ask him to take on the new case on my own." Annais didn't understand why he was so hung up on the new killings, but shs hated seeing him upset, especially when the anger was toward her. And as much as she hated the thought of being around that creep, she slowly nodded in defeat. "Whatever, but I get a free pass on curfew for a month.", "A week...", "Three weeks!", "Two weeks.", "Fine, two weeks!" Rhett was beaming with joy on the outcome, but it didn't show.

f Annais knew how much he appreciated her help, she'd get too ahead of herself and her terms would skyrocket. "Alright then. Good night." He replied plainly before flickering his gaze ocer toward Chyanne. "Good night." And with that, he retreated for his bedroom. Annais closed the door and turned on her heel, rushing toward the closet to set up her makeshift bed. "What the fuck did I just agree to?" She muttered to herself, exhaling a storm.

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