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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

"I'll still perform," she said. "You can announce it tonight. You are Alpha. Your word is law. And I'm follow you as Luna." She looked up at him and cupped his face. "I love you..." She then leaned in and kissed him softly.
He kissed her back and wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close. He deepened the kiss.
Serenity wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing closer against him. She grinned into the kiss and let one hands travel down to his chest
He chuckled and pulled back after lightly biting her bottom lip. He then took her hand,"Let's got to out room?"
Chyanne ignores everything around her as she laid in the hospital bed staring up at the ceiling. She was actually pretty relaxed at the moment, more so than she had been for the past several hours. Speaking of the past few hours, she had been captured, rescued by a hunter and two she-wolves and then kicked out of her home. 'Atleast they'll be safe...yea but you have nowhere to go..' Her inner conversation is interrupted by the door opening and her eyes eventually break away from the roof of the room to see the intruder. It was the hunter she sees and quietly looking over the items he'd brought back her stomach lurches in unease. She hadn't eaten since the last morning but right now she felt as though her insides were all knotted.

She watches Anna jump from her seat and lunge to retrieve the jerky. An unhappy grumble releasing from her abdomen. Her eyes goto the man and listening she sighs. 'So this place is already packed..great.' This meant she would most likely be staying for atleast another day. "You guys really don't have to stay..." She spoke up after Rhett sat down. The silence not much of a bother to her. Chy followed his gesture to the coffee cup and gives a small frown. "I'm ok." She forces herself up into a sitting position, the IV shaking as she moved around. "Thanks, by the way." Stretching her arms up gently, Chy looks around. Some of her energy had already returned though not nearly enough to be moving from the bed. "She smokes?" She asks out of the blue while silently watching out the window.
After driving around for some time, Borris begins to drive in the direction of the town cemetery, hoping to find something to eat.
He laughed and took her from her old room to their room. It was really big with a huge bed. It was definitely a boy's room with masculine decor.
Serenity looked around the room and grinned. "I like it. Now.... are we going to continue where we left off?" she purred
"Maybe we will." He grinned and pulled her against him and started to kiss her neck, over her mark.
Serenity gasped when he pulled hide against him. "Aidan...." she breathed, barring her neck to him.
'You guys really don't have to stay...' He wanted to scoff as those words escaped her mouth. He wasn't planning to stay all day, nor would he want to but because Annais was so set on helping this girl out and making sure she was fit enough to fend for herself back at Ms. Waters', Rhett really didn't have a choice. Besides, they were only there for as long as the doctor took to give them a prognosis and prescription for pain killers. But he opted against responding anyway.

Returning his drowsy gaze back toward the shewolf, Everett simply shrugged when she declined his offer. He wasn't sure when she last ate and he didn't exactly care, but to refuse food (even a snack as feeble as chocolate) in her condition was stupid and reckless.
Maybe she doesn't like human food? Even so, now's not the time to be picky. Besides, what did she expect him to do: go out into the woods, hunt down a buck and somehow sneak it into the hospital? Shaking his mind of the thought as she inquired about Annais' smoking habits, Rhett removed his jacket and set it down on the leather couch -decorated with matching hospital room colors- to his right.

His tattooed arms and neck were now completely exposed, a few cigar-sporting classics inked on his arms [i.e. Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, etc.].
"Yeah, my father's kind of a cigar enthusiast. I guess you can say we were inclined to pick up the habit eventually. Though, it isn't more than a recreational thing for us." He shrugged as he leaned back. "Why? You need a smoke?" His brow cocked up with a questioning expression as he looked her over. She didn't really look like the smoking type... if that was a thing.
As Everett begins to move around Chyanne glances over. Her eyes fix onto the tattoos and her curious side shows itself further. 'How cool.' She thinks with a small smile then turns her head away once more. Chyanne listens to him explain while basking in the quiet that hospitals some how obtained despite all of the movement throughout the building.

Yawning, Chy tries to make sense of it all. 'Why would a clan take in a werewolf..? This makes no sense at all.' Rubbing her face in a failed attempt to relieve herself from drowsiness, the shewolf blinks. "You're a part of the Demyan Clan, am I right?" Her murky blue orbs narrow as she awaits an answer but doesn't stay as serious for long. "I don't smoke." She opens her mouth and points to her front canine teeth with her tongue. "I like my teeth the way they are." Closing her mouth and looking back to the
window she slumps forward just a tiny bit. "But Annais is a werewolf...I don't get it."

The alpha takes in a deep breath, his protective nature when dealing with loved ones seems to calm and a smile appears onto his face. "I trust you, Rosalie and will treat your people as fair as my own. We are equals in this time of alert...please, do come to us if there is anything you need." He looked at the shewolf with concern, her illness was a definite concerning factor if he were to allow her to watch over Chy yet he knows that his sister will possibly help Rosalie. "You will not be alone." He reassures her and shakes his head at her suggestion that he may want to visit. "For now you should live where you want. If I decide to visit I will simply find you. Thank you for aiding my pack and the others, Starlight Wolf Pack will welcome you upon arrival." His promise is a bit much but this was a big deal to him, Chyanne was going to be safe and so this would be the least he can do. "You can get in touch with me at any time." Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pen and a small card, Noah scribbles down his phone number and hands it over. For now they were allies. The Starlight Pack and Russian Rogues.
Rosalie nodded. "I trust you you too. And we are not equals. You are Alpha. I am Rogue. You have more words than I do over others. And I will come if needed. And the same goes for you. Here," she said, taking the card, ripping a piece of it off and grabbing his own. She wrote her number on it and handed it to him. "Your pack has my loyalty and trust. Contact me any time. I will come to your aid instantly. We are now allies."

Rosalie looked at him seriously. "Do your worry that my sickness will affect Chyanne? I will take care of her. I will do it to my best abilities," she said
Taking note of how she thoroughly scanned him, as if trying to process some sort of complex problem in her mind, Rhett knitted his brows together out of instinct. He hated it when people gave him such baffled looks; a negative claim or impression usually followed, and he certainly wasn't in the mood for arguments right then. But at her seemingly innocent question, his face softened just slightly. Rhett wasn't one for small talk, but whenever his family was brought up, he became quite ghe motor mouth. But seeing as though he was in the presence of the 'enemy', he made sure to keep his answers as vague and concise as possible.

Pocketing his hands, he tilted his head toward the
family emblem on his black tee and nodded once. "Probably not a good idea for me to be advertising my Clan right now... but yes. I am." He admitted with an expression a notch less stern. "As for Anna--" Rhett paused momentarily as Annais' impatient frame flashed by their door [she's probably in search of a doctor]. He never really talked about their situation with anyone else before, so it kind of felt strange addressing her as if she weren't part of the family. Obviously she wasn't and their relation would seem a bit unorthodox to some, but he'd always seen her as a sister in a way.

Clearing his throat as he returned his attention back to Chyanne, Rhett ran a hand through his dark locks.
"We took her and her brother in after an outing-gone-wrong left her parents dead." He explained, his tone expressing that it wasn't something he was proud of. They were very civilized and gentle hearted beings; they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. "They were just pups then. We aren't completely heartless." Rhett answered before she could ask 'why?'. He decided that he should probably leave out the part where they used her for information about the packs back in St. Petersburg, What the shewolf didn't know couldn't hurt her.
Never had Noah thought that things would come out this way. 'This is good..' He tells himself in silence while processing everything one more time. "Yes, allies." He takes the scrap of paper with her number on it and smiles softly. Everything fit snugly in place, his pack would fight along-side the Russian Rogues if battle was called on and they wouldn't regret a single moment.

Her serious expression brings his smile down to a blank face as he listens to her words. "I think Chyanne would be helpful to you and vice versa, she can be childish at times but is also obedient and will help you as much as possible."
Rosalie looked at him. "I would greatly appreciate her help. Alpha Noah, do you mind if I seek succor here for tonight? The ghoul will be wandering around for us. Please," she said, looking down and starting sty the number. She might use this in the future...
The way his face softened at her question causes her to inwardly wonder but she doesn't speak upon the interesting behavior and instead of looking at him as he talks her eyes glance toward the cardboard cup he had brought only minutes ago. Hesitantly, she reaches for the cup and holds it close. She had learned through past experiences that hunters were not to be trusted nor interacted with. By being in this very room she was breaking both of those rules.

Sipping at the drink then looking up to see Rhett's emblem, Chy swallows. The warm liquid goes down her throat easily and her stomach rumbles unpleasantly. Her eyes flick to the
open doorway to see Annais running past. Smiling out of amusement, Chyanne returns her gaze to the hunter. "So an accident of sorts..." She lowers her head in a respectful kind of way and sighs. "Just wolf pups." She comments but smiles. 'Not heartless, huh..?' Drinking a bit more of the coffee before turning and carefully setting it back onto the side table.

'He seems ok...she does too.' Moving until her legs are hanging off the bed, she looks down at the floor. Sliding further until she can touch the floor she shivers. It was cold as expected but she was getting tired of laying around. "You think they'll let me go for a walk? I've seen patients do it but..." She looks at the IV machine and frowns. When she looks away from the thing her eyes stare determinedly at the door. She was tired but even more so of sitting down.

"No, of course not...I haven't had much experience with ghouls but my mother has and I will do what I can do repay you for rescuing Chyanne." He looks back toward the pack house, mostly everyone was inside now and the lights inside are nearly all off. "You can stay in my room, I'll have to explain to the pack in the morning what all is going on and I don't want them getting the wrong impression if they wake up to a rogue sleeping on the couch."
Watching absent-mindedly as she reached out for one of the cups of coffee, Rhett gave her a quick shrug at her echoed words. He wasn't sure about whether or not she believed him, but it was the truth nonetheless. Annais was too young to remember, but the scene was all too vivid and memorable for him to forget. It was his first witnessed outing and he was anticipating some blood shed... just not as much as he'd seen. Perking up a bit in his seat as Chyanne's voice cut in through his reverie, Rhett's tense muscles relaxed at the sudden but overdue change of subject.

Looking up at the -now standing- shewolf as she took hold of the IV machine's metallic pole and shivered, he threw a hand behind his neck and lightly rubbed it, shrugging once again.
He honestly didn't recommend that she walk around in her condition, but what more damage could it do? They were already at the hospital. "I guess. They didn't exactly give us instructions on what you can and can't do." Rhett replied apathetically. She seemed like she could qalk quite a distance for now, and staying put would probably give her leg cramps. "Would you like me to tag along as your crutch or is this a thing you wanna do on your own?" He asked, emphasizing his indifferent tone as he stood and retrieved his jacket in case she insisted he follow her out.
"I don't need a babysitter." Her voice is deeper than before and she gives a shake of her head. "Sorry, I'm fine to go on my own." Flashing him a smile before taking her first couple steps, her legs prove to be weakened from everything she had done throughout the day. "I'm real grateful for the help." With that she moves forward again while pulling the IV along.

Making it to the doorway after a few more minutes, Chy takes a deep breath then pokes her head out to look. Hospitals were always busy places full of people and it wasn't in her interest to be stampeded upon. Her cautious
behavior doesn't end once she's at the elevator. In truth she wanted some fresh air and getting into the elevator she presses the button to go down and waits. Once reaching the ground level she exits the elevator and looks around. It was much busier around the counter and she can imagine why. 'Annais said there was some sort of fight in Blue Moon turf, they must be leaving to go home now...'

She weaves around all of the individuals trying not to get in the way until at last reaching her goal. The first step out the door is refreshing to say the least. Her lungs fill with the fresh early, early morning air. "Since when did you enjoy the outdoors over rest?" A hand reached out to her and rested on her shoulder causing her to jump. "Sorry." It was Ezekial, his dark eyes showed beneath his jacket's hood. "You shouldn't be out here, you know." Chyanne smiled at her 'brother' who only shook his head. "I only dropped by to remind you, don't expect Starlight Pack to accept you back." She stares at him with a look of hurt but looks away. "I know, believe me..."

((I'm sorry that I take forever, watching movies gets me distracted...))
Aidan chuckled and continued his ministrations. He pushed her down onto the bed and followed her down.
Raven wandered through the forest, drowsy from last night. Whatever happened then, she didn't know. She was just tired as always. Suddenly, the bushes began to shake beside her. Staring back at her was Vermillion, the Werewolf hunter. Personally, she didn't believe in werewolves, but decided to join him anyway. It was just to make him feel better.

They walked among many houses for what felt like forever, Vermillion telling of a sighting in the woods last night. There was a gold and black wolf out there, but that was all Raven could grasp without tuning out for long while.
[A while later]

After about another hour of waiting, the doctor who had previously checked out Chyanne had returned and gave them both the prescription for the pain killers and a complimentary icy-hot pack. Of course, she was going to need a higher dosage than the doctor prescribed, but she could always take it with some kind of liquor once they got back to his apartment. Oh! The apartment? Yeah, about that; Annais, being the selfless, caring, loving puppy that she was (heavy sarcasm implied) invited the shewolf to stay with them for the night.
What a saint!

After calling Ms. Waters while she was out hunting down a doctor, it would seem that she confirmed that Chyanne had nowhere to go. You'd think that rescuing and driving her to the hospital would be enough good deeds for one day, but no, he had to open his home to her for the night as well.
I'll be damned if I get any sleep tonight. The three arrived at the apartment complex after stopping by a Wallgreens, and the second the door was unlocked, Annais grabbed Chyanne by the wrist and pulled her in, rushing quickly for her bedroom.

Refraining from rolling his eyes, Rhett lazily followed them in as he expelled a deep sigh and released the key from the lock. He almost forgot how long it had been since she'd last had a friend over; it must've been tough on her all these years. Staying away from your own kind and having only your captors to socialize with. Of course, at this point she viewed them as family but still, it must feel great to have someone around. Rosalie excluded considering she couldn't exactly spend an entire day with her back in the day because of her condition (according to what he's been told).

Removing his jacket and kicking off his shoes, Rhett set his knapsack down before taking out his mobile phone and calling Dane to check in. He was probably asleep at this time, but the twins probably woke in the middle of the night anyhow; he'd answer eventually. Meanwhile, Anna had Chyanne to herself.
"You have no idea how great it feels to finally have another girl in the apartment!" She squealed, making sure to match the she wolf's pace to avoid loss of balance. All things aside, that bit of chaos they ran into earlier led to a good thing. Annais barely knew the girl but she somehow felt drawn to her.

The car ride home was a bit informational, and they had quite a few things in common, but most of all... she was a Werewolf!
"Well, aside from those occasional one night stands Rhett has over, but I never get to stop and chat with them before they're out the door." She feigned disgust before breaking out into a laugh. "Anyway, you'll be sleeping here for the night. I hope you like it!" Opening the door to her room, which sat at the end of the hall hidden behind the spiral staircase, Annais beamed brightly as she stepped aside. "Voila! Welcome to my not-so humble abode."
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( So should i skip Peters stuff cause i miss playing as Starrla ;-; and plans have ben put on hold)
Star Moon slowly awoke after a 10 minute nap and stretched quietly before grunting. Slowly standing up she looked around for a second before shifting to her human form to go for a little run. She kinda wanted to go unnoticed but if she was then she didn't really mind, she started off at a quick sprint and looked around a bit, she was still tired but a good run was a way to wake her up. Loving the feeling of wind through her hair .. in both forms she smiled and gave a small howl before giggling at herself.

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