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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

During his nap, Borris suddenly begins to move his arms slowly and loudly mumbles to himself.
Rosalie follows quickly, darting to the she wolf's side. "This way. I'll return you to your pack tomorrow. First, you need succor and medical treatment. No arguments," she said, picking the girl up and running back to her truck.
Adian smiled and replied,"We can go shopping for more things if you want." He was holding her hand and staring at her in adoration.
Serenity shook her head. "I don't need anything else. I have all I need right here," she said, smiling at him with love in her eyes. "Well... I might need rosin for my bow. But that can wait. I have all I ever wanted right here."
After a few moments, Borris suddenly awakes and begins to look around the cabin. Noticing that the trapdoor was opened, Borris grabs his rifle and runs outside, hoping to find thee onesmwho broke into his cabin.
He chuckled and nodded,"I'll always be yours, baby." He kissed her hand. The word had spread throughout the pack that the Luna had been found.
Rhett didn't bother with the way the shewolf glared at him, instead, he continued to observe the Ghoul while Rosa helped her out of the cellar. He remembered reading about this ancient kind long ago, but he never thought he'd ever meet one in his lifetime. They were recluse creatures only ever coming out of their seclusion in order to refill on life force. But what he found strange about this particular case was that... he didn't bother eating this shewolf. It seemed as if he were torturing her. But why?

Jolting back a bit as the Ghoul began to stir and mumble, Rhett quickly turned on his heel to find the other two already making their escape. On his way out, he closed up the trap door and moved the rug back on top of it like it was before. Pressing a button on the leather strap he used to hold the sensory blocks, Rhett leaped out of the window while the metallic orbs rolled out as well, eventually reattaching themselves to the strap.
"Alright, let's head out." He called out quietly, the order was more toward Annais than anyone else. And like a child, she slapped her hands against her thighs and followed after him. "We're going to have a serious talk when we get back." He added, his eyes as icy as ever. Clearly, he was angry. "But--" "No buts." And with that, they hurriedly retreated toward the cars.

(Sorry about the trap door thing, you posted before I could see. Ignore it, I can't delete it for some reason...
:/ @Barbas )
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The wolf squirmed as she was picked up yet soon found herself out of energy. It was no wonder with the amount of pain those few hits with a crowbar had caused. She were mostly worried over the ghoul coming after them though seeing as the hunter was amongst them, though not calming for her, she's sure that he would be taken care of if deciding to persue.

It was all good seeing as she would be taken to safety and get the medical attention needed although one thing bursted into mind causing her to begin wiggling desperately to get out of the arms. "My pack, all of them are in danger!" She was gasping at the injuries she had been so graciously given upon her back. "Let me go!" She was crying again now. Oh how she hated the damn things that fall from her eyes in times of saddness. Everything in her was screaming to go but her body starts shutting itself down. Too weak to handle much more.
"Good. I'm so glad you're happy now Serenity. It terrified me when you stayed in your room all the time." He smiles a bit bashfully.
After searching for some time, Borris enters his truck and begins to drive around the area.
Serenity smiled. "I'm sorry about that. I am not a people person. But I'll get used to it. I'm sure I will," she said. "I'm happy your happy. And is there a another reason fur you want time be in the same room as me? Is it because of what happened earlier today..?" A faint blush crossed get cheeks as be kissed her hand.

Rosalie hopped into her truck, placing the she wolf down on the bench seat carefully. She watched the hunter and her friend carefully. Ready to kill the hunter without him noticing. Ready to save a friend.
Kate walked in her wolf form through the BlueMoon forest, sniffing around curiously. She had traveled many days and this was the first pack territory she had come across. She lifted her head and continued walking through the woods. Along her walk she dug up a few new herbs she hadn't seen before and carried them in her jaws. Her tail wagged happily as she trotted through the forest, nobody had bothered her yet.
Even as she were sat down into the truck, Chyanne gives a displeased groan. The tears were only growing and though it would make things easier she doesn't shift. Her mind a chaotic place and heart pounding in her throat. "Please, my pack...they can get me medical attention. I have to make sure that they're warned.." Energy ebbing away, the she-wolf eventually goes under. Curling up as tight as her wounded back allows, nothing is on her mind heavier than the idea of her pack being taken down by the torturous ghoul. 'I'll kill him..' She growled in her sleeping state of mind but does nothing more. Hopefully these people would listen to what little she had said and get her home. Of course she wouldn't be able to stay after this stunt. Ezekial would not be pleased.
Rosalie heard the girl's plea and sighed. She races to the territory that this she wolf belongs too. Not minding the fact that she was a rogue, she raced through pack land and up to the girl's pack house. She grabs the girl as she runs to the building. She won't let her die or stay hurt.

((@SweetCat2319 , it's your turn. So.... tag))
Aidan smiled,"I would have wanted you in my room anyways. But Yes that's definitely a plus." He kissed her cheek then her nose then her mouth.

//sorry homework//
((It's okay doll.))

Serenity blushed when he kissed her cheek and nose. She grinned as they kissed. She pulled back. "Maybe we can get started so that way we don't have to worry later on," she said. "And it is a plus... all that relaxing with your Luna..."
The she-wolf continued walking through Bluemoon territory and sniffed around, pack scent getting stronger by the step.
Noting the caving look on Rosalie's face as the shewolf pleaded with her to return her to her pack, Annais knew this couldn't go well. Not only was she risking trespassing on foreign lands but she was also carrying an injured member of the other pack. Her being a rogue sure as hell wasn't going to help. Before Everett could drag her away, Annais slipped out of his grip and hopped into the truck beside the panting shewolf just before they drove off. "Whoo! Close one." She muttered, and as they drove away, she caught on to Everett's shouts of frustrated not-so nice choice words. But her insistence to stay with Rosalie and the other girl wasn't going to hold him back.

Watching through the rear view mirror, Annais groaned as Rhett hopped into his own car and followed suit. Rolling her eyes, she sighed.
"Shit... Of course." After a few minutes of racing through the nearly vacant highway, they made it to the Starlight pack territory. When was the last time she'd been here? An eternity it seemed. Paying no mind to the headlights blinding her from the side view mirror, Annais ran a hand through her hair, tucking a strand of curls behind her ear as Rosa set the car to park and helped the girl out. Hell if she was going to leave her alone with this girl.

"Don't think you'll get away with this so easily."
Everett sounded behind her as he took hold of her shoulder. His tone felt much softer this time, though his polychrome eyes held a stern glare. She knew he was upset, but he'd never do or say anything to change her mind and he knew that, so he opted on staying around for her sake if not for anyone else. Annais managed a small smile in appreciation for his understanding on the matter. "I know." she snorted with a playful eye roll before turning on her heel toward the pack house. "So you gonna come in and make sure she's alright, Rhett? " She asked jokingly, knowing what his answer was going to be. Raising a brow as his eyes flickered to the nearly unconscious shewolf, Rhett hesitantly shook his head. "Nah, I think I'll wait here. Take more than 30 minutes and I'll storm in with back up." He replied just as tauntingly as they parted ways for the time being.
Chyanne's whirl wind of a mind only worsens with the amount of straining it takes for her to refuse sleep. It was at least twice that her eyes had closed and all will had drained from her body. She was hardly aware of anything happening around her though could still sense the two girls on either side of her. This is thought of as both reassuring and alarming. All sorts of dreadful ideas were swarming her brain and yet she doesn't react, something telling her that the two wouldn't be a threat to herself or her pack.

She could feel the truck as it was stopped then put into park and a moment later the driver's door opened giving the she-wolf a good whiff of the Starlight Pack's scent. As she's helped out and carried into pack territory she begins to fear for the two girls who had rescued her. "B-e careful.." She whispers a warning knowing how eager Ezekial would be to take on a couple rogues. With that constantly eating away at her nerves, Chyanne closes her eyes again only to open them once making it to the pack house.

Multiple people stand around outside, among them is Ezekial. He was first to move toward them in an aggressive manner, "who the hell are you?" His eyes darted threateningly from Rosalie to Annais though quickly skimmed over Chyanne and growled. "What happened?!" His eyes flared in anger and he would have lunged at one of the girls had a commanding voice not echoed from behind. "Who are you both?" It rang not in aggression but confusion. Noah stepped around his brother and looked over the three. "Chyanne." His voice changed to pure concern and turning in an instant the medic was immediately summoned. "This way!" Noah ordered no longer focused on who the strangers were but who it was they were returning.
Rosalie walked with the wolf in her arms. She promised herself to stay away from the packs but here she is helping them. She looked behind her to see if Anna was following.

"Alpha, she was captured by a ghoul. I believe the pack is in danger. My name is Rosalie Waters. I only come to help," she said, her aura of calm staying. "I believe she has shattered ribs and a fracture. I might be able to help. But I will only do so of you allow me to."

She's met ghouls before. Killed a few. She's swarm the damage that they hold. She only wants to help.
Watching from a distance, Everett's nerves shook violently on edge as a cluster of wolves formed around the three. Now, knowing Annais she could handle her own with a collect air, but taking on more than a few opponents would be hard, if not, impossible. At this point, it was hard to tell who the alpha was, but seeing how restraint they were at the sight of their trespassers, he figured he had a good hold on them [whoever he may be]. However, that didn't rest his concerns as he trailed his hand toward his gun and leaned against the bonnet of his car while observing the scene.

Annais strolled up cautiously beside Rosalie but beared no intention of cowering as the group approached them. If need be, she'd fight them off to the best of her ability, but hopefully it wouldn't come down to that. Standing firmly in place as one of the wolves barked at them for their names, Annais looked to Rosalie only to have the alpha interject before they could react. The worry on his face was well noted and it didn't seem like he took them as a threat, but you could never be too sure. Biting the inside of her cheek as Rosa explained their situation, Annais simply nodded before looking back at Rhett, knowing he wouldn't condone her giving out her own personal information. All he needed to know was that they were rogues and their shewolf was alright... for the most part.
"I'll help as well, if there's anything we can do, that is." She offered soft spokenly. Annais wasn’t normally one to help, but she wasn't a sadist. Seeing the girl in pain brought a more... sympathetic side out of her, if you will. Not to mention, Rosa's willingness was a bit of an influence.
Noah lead Rosalie and Annais swiftly away from the pack house. A seperate building, not nearly as big is stationed a couple yards off. Ezekial followed just behind them both keeping a close eye on them. His trust in strange wolves was nealry nonexistant and as they go he listens to Rosalie. "A ghoul? There hasn't been one of those around here in forever.." Noah agrees while opening the door to their 'clinic' and waits for everyone to enter. "The ghoul did this..?" The alpha motioned for Chyanne to be sat down onto an observation table just as an older woman walked in from the back. "What's all of this?"

"Mother, this is Rosalie Waters, she says Chyanne was attacked by a ghoul. She is in much pain." The woman's eyes softened with the explanation but she gives a worried look. "Our supplies have been low...I will try doing what I can." With that she left to go back where she had come. Noah takes a deep breath then allows himself to turn back to the girls. "I apologize for the sum-what rude greeting...I am Noah Alister, alpha of the Starlight Pack..I'm indebted to you both for returning our sister home." His face was friendlier than his brother's who snorted at Noah's welcoming. "And that is Ezekial, my brother." The 'my brother' bit comes out in an almost bitter tone but it is quickly over looked as Chyanne was beginning to stir.

"Noah.." Her voice cracked slightly and shifting, she sits up just barely, tears staining her face. "I-I'm so so sorry." Zeke watched and Noah was soon beside the girl running a hand through her hair gently. "The ghoul said he would attack all of the packs..he made me tell him who you were and how many wolves we have...please forgive me." No more tears come from her eyes despite the saddness in them. Ezekial only stares in disbelief. "You told him?!" He was shouting again. "Why would you do that to us?" Chyanne only looked helplessly at the beta too tired to speak. "Zeke..." Noah was trying hard not to get upset about this, after all one of his close friends had been badly injured by that thing so of course she would have eventually spoken. "No! She's a traitor and I'd be damned if she gets away with that treason!" His voice was only growing with the rage. "We're all in danger!" He snarled before storming out of the building, the rage following him.
Rosalie's eyes stiffened and she held the wounded she wolf closer to her. Muttering soothing words in Russian.

"Let me speak with him. I have killed ghouls along with avoided them. They only live to kill," Rosalie said. She sighed. "I might have to call the family. Tell me Alpha, how much do you know of the Russian Rogues?" she asks, hey time business like.

"Anna... go to Rhett. I got it here. Tell him I might have to bring the family in. Warn him," she said
Annais felt as if she'd just stepped into a very complicated soap opera, in a different language, set on a far off planet. You get the point; she was beyond confused, and on top of that, Rosa was taking this all on as her own responsiblity. What did she care what happened to this pack? They were nothing to her. They didn't exactly seem like they wanted much more of their help. And as if she needed to emphasize it... Rosa was sick. It's like she'd completely forgotten about who she was for a second. Don't get her wrong: Annais is a very empathetic person, but she didn't involve herself with others more than needed. At the mention of bringing 'the family' in, Anna's eyes widened a bit. This could not be good. Not only was she offering help, but she was involving more wolves into the situation. The Romanov’s were not going to like this. "Rosa! Are you crazy? What were you just complaining about before we got here? You know if you involve them, people are going to get suspicious." And by people, she obviously meant the Clan.

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