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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Her eyebrows shot up in a mocking manner as Rosalie went on about how she could handle her drink. There was no doubt about it, but because of her condition, Annais wanted to make sure she didn't get ahead of herself. It was strange. Up until now, Annais was always the type to push people into doing outrageous things and partying until the sun came up. When did I become a mother? Groaning at the thought, she rolled her eyes. "Nah, that's about it. Who knows? Maybe we'll find a group of unsuspecting guys?" With our luck, hopefully.
Rosalie shrugged. "Eh, you know me. But maybe I'll go against my own rules tonight. Get in," she said, starting the truck.
Annais hopped into the passenger's seat and brushed away the piles or paper and trash in the process. "I'm not even going to say anything about this. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut." She smirked tauntingly as she slipped on her seat belt.
Rosalie flipped her off. "This'd papers are hospital did and the trash is some dudes. I broke up when him a weak or two ago," she said, backing out of the parking lot.
Despite the continuous ache of protest, Chyanne stands up and looks around her. The guy had locked the door, yes, but if she could atleast break free from the chains it could help the possibility for her escape. Backing up until her tail touches the wall, she charges away trying to break free and though it doesn't break from the wall she does hear it loosen. 'That bastard...' She lowers her pounding head and thinks. 'I could howl...' She decides and throwing her head back she gives it her all, an ear tingling cry being breathed out into the air.

After a few minutes of taking a nap in a chair in his cabin, Borris is disturbed by a loud howl. Annoyed that he was awakened from his nap Borris makes his way to the trapdoor leading to the cellar and bangs his foot on it a few times before returning to his chair to take a nap.
The loud banging against the cellar door causes her to scowl. "Damn you!" She yowls before leaping away from the chain again and again, eventually getting it to loosen even more in the wall. 'Got it!' Tugging a bit at the chain collar it's about thirty minutes til the thing is loose enough to remove from the wall. Smirking weakly, she shifts and, now human, catches the heavy metal to ease it to the ground. She feels the now warm metal against her already sore and slightly bruised throat but can't rest long.

Her nose assists in navigating through the dark and eventually she finds the trapdoor and begins to lightly push upward. As it doesn't budge her determination dies down a bit. "Hey, let me out of here!" She begins to scream praying that any nearby civilians would hear.
Annais rolled her eyes and swatted down Rosa's hand as they pulled out of the parking lot and carried on their way. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're still hung up on him." She teased, running a hand through her curly blonde locks. "That'd be the only reasonable explana--" Pausing mid-sentence at the siren of a howl rippling through the air, Annais snapped her head over toward Rosa. Someone was in trouble... and close by. "You're gonna do something, aren't you?"
Rosalie smirked at Anna. "I actually stole his truck two nights ago," she said before racing out to the park. "Yah, I am. There's a good pace to shift up ahead. Come on," she said, slamming on the brakes as she parks. She races out into the woods. Hoping that Anna is following her.
Gape-mouthed as Rosalie pulled the truck over, Annais panicked a bit when she dashed out of the car and barreled toward the forest. Not only did she leave the key in the ignition but she left the door open and the headlights still beaming. Tell me a cop wouldn't find this offputting. "Huh? W-wait for me!" However suspicious the scene looked, she couldn't just leave Rosa to it, not alone. Slipping out of the passenger's seat, she sprinted after her, completely oblivious to the figure that followed shortly behind.
Rosalie leapt forward, shifting. Her paws hit the ground and she stares at Anna. She barked once and circles the woman. She had the scent. Rosalie is a tracker of sorts. She ran ahead once more, nose to the ground. She let out a whine when she smelled the ghoul. She hated those things.
After catching up with Rosa, Annais fell to the ground and commenced her shift. But she wasn't even halfway through when she caught on to a very familiar voice, no more than a couple of feet behind. "Anna...?" She needn't turn around to know who it was. But when she did, she noticed that his icy gaze had since locked on Rosa. "Rhett, there's no time to explain. I'm sorry, but we're kinda trying to save someone's life here." And with that she took the lead, following the scent of Starlight blood. Taking it upon himself to make sure Anna wasn’t purposely trying to get herself killed, Everett followed after them as best he could.
Rosalie had growled when she saw the man. She takes off, following the scent tail and scuffed ground. Rosalie barked again and runs I'm another direction, the scent growing stronger.
To Chyanne everything was becoming darker. Her body was heavy and slowly slinking back down onto the floor she shifts back, the cold getting to her. "Damn you.." She repeats in a whisper and shivers. It all seemed to be a bit stupid, really. She was alone and she had given away information about her pack. 'I'm sorry...' Closing her eyes something funny gets her attention. The sound of nearing wolves, two of them form what she could hear from the vibrations. 'It has to be them!' Her body quickly gets back up and a continuing string of barks echo from her mouth. If they were looking for her she might as well try to help.
Rosalie let out an answering bark, shifting back and waiting for Anna. She had a strange urge that the ghoul was inside. She was scared but she wanted to save this wolf.
Having been expecting her alpha and beta to be the approaching individuals Chyanne feels a bit wary at the returned bark. 'Who are they..?' She thought in confusion, her fur bristling at the urge to free herself. Of course this would be impossible however so she waits.
The trail led the right up to an old beaten down cabin (I'm assuming). It looks like it hasn't been tended to in years, abandoned almost. Taking note of the rancid smell emiting from the inside of the cabin, Anna slowly circled the perimeter, keeping an eye out for boobytraps or an ambush. There were none... which was even more unsettling. But there was a suspicious looking shack held out back: probably where they hide the guns. Everett reared up beside her and took a peek through the window; the lighting was dim and the windows were coated with a thick layer of dust and soot which explains the murky view. However, despite the blur he was able to make out a strange figure inside. "Whatever we're dealing with, I can tell you for certain... it isn't human. We should probably mask our scent and footsteps." He hissed back at the two in a whisper. Anna gave an approving snort as Everett took the lead, pulling out a line of metallic orbs. These devices are often used by hunters to put up a sensory shields to efficiently stalk their pray. "You two, look for a way in."
Rosalie signed, I smell a ghoul and a she wolf. Anna, do you want me to run inside and see what I can find?
Anna flickered her gaze between Rosa and Rhett, but she was at a loss. The Ghoul seemed to be asleep, but one small trip up and they'll have more than one issue to deal with. Anna signed back, I'll be the look-out while you and the Deputy head inside. I'll call if anything seems off. Rhett didn't have a problem with it so he simply shrugged. "Fine by me."
Chyanne was starting to become anxious now, something that doesn't generally occur. Her eyes stay trained on the trap door despite the lacking of light and her ears stay perked up in an alert manor. 'Please, just get me out...'
Rosalie glared at the story before slowly slipping inside, contorting her body into the cracked window. She quickly sniffed out the trap door, frowning
Listening to anything she can, Chyanne lets out a quiet growl as one of the wolves she had sensed comes closer to her hiding space. "Down here." She whispers not sure how they had managed to get in without the ghoul knowing so.
Following after Rosalie, Rhett quietly and cautiously climbed through the window and began to strategically place the sensory blocks all around, eventually leading up to a fur rug, seemingly concealing a trap door of sorts. By the look on Ms. Waters' face, it seemed his guess rang true. Gesturing toward the rug, Rhett's eyes traveled toward the Ghoul sitting mere feets away from them, he seemed knocked out cold, but you could never be too sure. Subconsciously, his hand rode up toward the gun strapped to his side. "Go on..." he whispered to Rosalie, although there really was no need to be so quiet.
Rosalie unlocked it slowly, and opens it soundlessly too. Inside, she gazed at the she wolf. "All is well... we are here to rescue you," she said and pulled the girl out.
Chyanne showed no resistance as she was rescued from the cold pit below. Her eyes darting from the shewolf then to the man who she quickly realizes is a hunter. 'There's no time to be picky of who is saving you!' She thought then looked back to the shewolf. Nodding, Chy doesn't wait to run for the exit although she does this soundlessly. Her entire body was aching but it is all ignored as she reaches the window in which the other two had used. Jumping up and out, there's no stopping her from limping quickly away. This place was not where she wished to be for a second longer and no one could have blaimed her for the rapid retreat away.

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