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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Noah wasn't much of a fighter, he preferred peace above all yet here he was talking about a future battle and the possibility of getting aid from the Russians. He looked to Rosalie then to Annais. "You two shouldn't get mixed up in all of this..besides, Ezekial wouldn't be too fond of the idea." He responds to Rosalie knowing that she means well. "I have only heard some information." He admits just as his mother enters once again. "The Russian Rogues? Are we to go to war?" She was looking from her son to the two strangers. "Those are fierce fighters you are talking about..it would be a waste not to accept such a proposal when dealing with something like this. Ghouls are no fun." Her motherly instincts draw her to Chyanne and a worried expression, much like Noah's, makes an appearance. "I'm afraid she won't be allowed to stay. Not after what she told that ghoul." It's obvious how upset the mother is at having to say such a thing but Noah doesn't object. "She's right..."

Chyanne gives a sigh already having known that she wouldn't be allowed to stay. "Okay.." She answered quietly and Noah gives a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry..."

At Annais's speaking up, Noah listens. "Your friend is right...people will grow suspicious over time."

((Going into town, may take a while to reply))
Rosalie snarled. "My father and mama are the leaders of the Russian Rogues. What if we make the information seem false? I may hate the packs, but I won't let one fall. We have killed ghouls before. We aren't afraid of dying," she barked, eyes angry. "Anna... trust me. If I'm going to die because of my stupid cancer, I'm going to go down with good done. Anna, you are practically my sister. You were there when I first had it. Please... I know your feelings for the packs. You know mine. But you should know that I'll do anything to keep them sand. Alpha Noah, let me help. I give you my word that no harm shall come to this pack. As much as my parents hate me and other packs, we will always protect you from the ghouls."
Annais opened her mouth to object again but coming to a resolve, she pursed her lips together once more and looked to Noah for an answer. He seemed about ready to break seeing as though his mother and Rosa were really doing a number on him. At this point, she couldn't prevent her from doing anything rash since her mind was already made up, she just hoped she knew what she was doing. As much as she admired and cared for the Romanov's, Rosa came first, and though she wouldn't say it -if a war did break out- she'd have a tough time rooting for either side. One thing was for sure though: the ghoul was their main enemy at the moment. "If you say so." She muttered quietly, crossing her arms over her chest before flickering her gaze over toward Chyanne. What'll become of her in all of this?
Noah gave an exasperated sigh but does not argue with either females. He does look to Rosa and Anna as they talk but stays out of it until they've calmed. His eyes go to Rosa. "Rosalie, we accept." His voice doesn't give away much emotion and looking to his mother he frowns. "You'll be the one to talk to Zeke...as for you both, you guys should leave for now. My pack is on edge as it is with all the murders recently. I'll seek you out if need be." He spoke sternly to them not leaving any room for anymore discussion. His sterness dissolves however as Chyanne is brought back up.

Her shaking form causes him heartache but he can't undo what she had done. "She'll have to leave the territory..." In the corner of his eye his mother stands nodding slowly. "Besides, I don't have all the materials needed to heal those fractures..." She looks sadly toward the young woman then to Noah. "You'll need to have someone take her to the hospital, she'll have a better chance there."
Rosalie looked at Anna. "Thank you my friend..." She then turns to the Alpha. "I have materials in my car. And Alpha, would you mind having a private word with me?" she said, her voice calm. She needed to talk about the she wolf. She wanted to take her into her care. "I will speak with my parents ASAP. We have little over a hundred members. We week protect this pack," she said
Annais nodded slowly as she forced a small smile. She couldn't pretend like she was happy with this proposal, but then again she wasn't her mother and it seemed like her heart was in the right place. That being said, she tossed her worries to the very back of her conscience and took a seat as Rosa demanded a conference with the Alpha after offering to help the injured shewolf. Clearing her throat, Annais perked up on her seat and anxiously linked her hands together. She knew Rosa wasn't going to like what she had to say. "Um, Rhett could drive her to the hospital. If he figures this'll help speed up the process of, well... this, then I'm sure he'll be willing to offer a hand." Her emerald green eyes launched expectently toward Chyanne before switching between the other three.
Rosalie's eyes grew hard and cold but she sighed. "As much as I despise that man, I want you to do that. She needs medical assistance immediately. Will you go with him? I don't her alone with him," she said, venom in her voice when she says him.
Annais had a feeling that the tensions between Rosa and Everett would never die down, but it was understandable considering their differences. She was just glad that under their circumstances, Rosa hadn't questioned her on how she even came to know him. Gnawing lightly on her bottom lip, Annais gave her a quick nod before looking back at Chyanne with a shrug. Guess she'll be coming with us. "You okay with that? I promise, he won't bite." A small joke, but she was overstating a bit under false pretense. He may not bite, but he could do other things... things far worse than a measly bite. Fortunately with Anna's say, Chyanne had guaranteed protection. "Can you stand, or would you like me to carry you?" She offered, looking the girl over once. She seemed rested enough, but with her eyes as droopy as they were, she might've been out of energy.
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The alpha folded his arms as they began to speak of sending Chyanne off with some guy and listening it seems that at least one of the girls trusted the man. "Ok...as long as you go, as well." Noah sighed again then looked back to Rosalie and nods his head. "We can speak whenever you'd like." His gaze shifted back toward Chyanne just as her head rised and a slight expression of defiance was shown as Annais had asked if she were to be carried.

"I'm fine." She spoke quietly showing a small smile to the girl and very slowly she slides from the table giving a moan of pain. "We should get going..if that's alright." Her dull blue eyes look tired but show a kind of adrenaline which is most likely from wanting to get away. No one would want her around after the act of betrayal she had committed.
Rosalie nodded. "I would like to speak to you now if you don't mind," she said. She had an aura of dominance and calm about her. "Is there a place where we can speak in private?"
Noah could tell that she was meaning business and this interests him. It wasn't often that he found himself negotiating with a rogue and allowing this sort of assertiveness from anyone besides his brother and Chyanne at times. "Fine. This way." Walking to the door, he pauses to throw Chyanne a final look of care before leaving through the door with Rosalie following. He takes her out into the woods further back and out of anyone's ear shot.
Annais nodded once more at the alpha's approval before rising from her seat. It didn't seem like Noah knew about Everett's background yet, which was a relief in its own, and it didn't seem like Chyanne would stoop so low to expose him. She was thankful enough for that. Figuring they'd just meet back at Rosa's -without having actually discussed the arrangement yet- Annais turned on her heel as Chyanne slid off the table and hesitantly reached out to steady her. She said she was alright, but her legs didn't seem to agree. At the very least, Annais opted on keeping a close distance in case she lost balance again. "Alrighty then, follow me." Annais huffed with a weak grin before releasing her and heading for the door as Rosa pulled Noah aside. Annais tried to match Chyanne's pace as they stepped out of the door, making their way down the stairs of the infirmary and out toward the cars.

Meanwhile, Everett glared in both frustration and restlessness with the mischievous girl. It always seemed like whenever he wasn't around, Annais was plotting some kind of plan to get him into some deep shit. And if he didn't know any better, he'd believe it wholeheartedly. Tucking his mobile phone back into his back pocket when he kicked himself off the hood of his car, Rhett stepped forward with arms crossed in a tight knot over his chest.
"Tell me why I'm not surprised." Rhett exhaled deeply, a waft of tabacco mixing in with the air around him. Annais' brow shot up at his patronising tone and the misleading smirk plastered on his face. As if he could honestly blame her for wanting to do something nice. "Look, she needs help and since you practically saved her -along with us- I figured you should finish what you started. " Rhett scoffed, all amusement wiped from his expression at Annais' ridiculous claim.

"What kind of fucked up logic is that?" He exclaimed, clearly disgusted by the thought of anyone ever mistaking his duty to keep her out of harms way as kindness toward this kind. His father's orders were as clear as day: keep Annais out of trouble at any cost. And they both knew the consequences of defying his orders. Annais rolled her eyes as she trailed around him and helped Chyanne into the back of the car. "Come on, Rhett. Just this once don't be an asshole, she's in a lot of pain. You can lecture me later." She didn't look the least bit sorry and he didn't look the least bit convinced, but he'd been out all day and he needed his sleep for the interrogation the next day. He really didn't have the time to argue so he settled for a death glare and retreated for the driver's seat. "Where to?" Rhett sighed, rubbing his temples as he started up the car, narrowing his eyes as he examined the shewolf in the backseat. "The Blue Moon Hospital. The Starlight bypass construction site is blocking the local hospital route." She explained before turning back toward Chyanne as she clicked her seat belt. "How you holding in, hun?" Annais asked as if she were comforting a child.
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Rosalie follows the Alpha. "Alpha, I wanted to talk to you about Chyanne. If our would ease you, I'll take care of her. I love in peace inside Blue Moon territory. I can move here too war you if you wish. I can see that you care for the girl. You can visit at times to," she said once they were out of earshot.
The blonde makes no sounds other than quiet groans every once in a while. Her head still throbbing from the previous blow, she still tries to move as quickly as possible not wishing to stay any longer than necessary. The woods in which she had called home for all of her life slowly go past them as they walk back to where they had arrived. "You really don't have to do this.." Her voice continues to be soft. Eyes looking forward to see where she is going, only a slight amount of her weight is put onto her new acquaintance.

Never had she come into contact with such selfless individuals. 'She shouldn't be here..this hunter, why am I trusting them?' The question eats at her conscious but once to the car she throws it aside needing to listen to the man as he speaks. His reaction was not at all surprising to the girl and she believes that she would act the same exact way and would be quick to decline their help was it not for the continuous aching found in her mid to lower back. Practically everything was hurting but it would be a waste of time or energy to complain and boo-hoo over such nonsense. It didn't take her long to see the bond between the two, like brother and sister, the same bond she, Noah and Ezekial had shared.

Chyanne's eyes close once into the
car and a relieved sigh passes silently from her lips. These people, this hunter was actually giving his own time away to assist in her recovery which was mind blowing all in itself. She says nothing until being spoken to by Annais in which she smiles weakly. "Yes, I'm fine." Her head rests on the back of the seat though her eyes stay open enough to see the hunter observing her from the driver's seat.

Listening, Noah takes note of her sincerity and keeps his attention on her. He stays quiet for a while, waiting to figure out what he should do. It was no question that this rogue is truthful but he can't be too certain. "Ok...Chyanne can stay with you, only if she agrees though." His stature changes, he stands up taller and looks more like the alpha he is. "I have to be sure of one thing however, I am in charge of this territory and if you plan to bring in your family they will not step foot into my territory without an invitation and my consent." He needed to make sure that she undersstood their 'partnership' and if not he needed to make it clear as soon as possible (aka now).
(I'm assuming it's nearing early morning since the scene has been drawn out for so long)

[At the hospital]

Staring dreamily out the window, Annais tapped her fingernails along the lining of her armrest while she drowned out the sounds of the bustling hallway traffic. Apparently, there was a high school riot down at the Blue Moon recreation center a few hours prior to their visit. Some punk kids decided to settle their gang related differences at the high school basketball game and ended up sparking a minor turf war. Or... at least, that's what they said. Annais was brought back to reality by the sudden knock at the door.

Snapping her head over her shoulder, she found Rhett standing there with a cardboard cup carrier holding three cups of coffee, a chocolate bar, and a small bag of beef jerky.
"Ugh, finally! What took you so long?" Annais huffed as she sprung from her seat and snatched the bag of jerky from his hand before hurriedly opening it and stuffing her face. Have some decency. Releasing an exasperated sigh, Everett shook his head before setting the cup holder down on the table beside Chyanne's bed. "Well, excuse me if the line was impenetrable. People really love their coffee." Annais rose a brow mockingly before setting her bag down and walking toward the door.

"You have a badge for a reason, derp!" She muttered quickly before stepping out in search of the doctors. "Don't waste your time, the ER's packed tonight. We'll be lucky if we leave before sunrise." He called out, though she only managed to catch on to a few words. Letting her roam around for now, Rhett turned around to the other shewolf, an awkward silence engulfing the room. He never thought he'd be in a situation like this, let alone out this late without checking in with Dane. Speaking of which, what was he going to tell him? Oh, I was late because I went on an unexpected rescue mission and helped the kidnapee to the hospital to get checked out. And did I mention... she's a Werewolf? Yeah, Dane would understand.

Mentally rolling his eyes, Rhett took a seat across from the girl and gestured toward the coffee, figuring the silence was better short-lived.
"The doctor said you needed something to boost your energy, so I got you coffee. If you don't drink coffee, then there's chocolate." He shrugged, lightly rubbing the stubble on his chin as he averted his gaze toward the empty seat where Annais should've been. "She probably went out on a smoke break." He didn't know why he felt the need to state that. Maybe it was to start a conversation? Maybe it was to assure her that she wasn't abandoned? Or maybe it was because he hated silence? Either way, what's done was done.
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Rosalie nodded, noticing his dominance kicking in. As much as she acts like the puny she wolf everyone thinks her to be, she is not. "I will take good care of her. But you must understand that I will die soon. Cancer is not popular in a wolf. I was one of the few unlucky ones. If I am lucky, the doctors will find its origins. But until my day comes, I promise to look after Chyanne," she said, head high and meets him straight in the eyes.

"Alpha Noah of Starlight pack, you have my word that the Russian Rogues will only enter your pack lands with your permission and invitation. If not... you can decide our fate," she said, her face serious. "And my word for protecting young Chyanne."
Aidan nodded and smiled back at his mate. He stood up and started back down the hall, all the wolves bowed their heads respectfully to him and Serenity.
Serenity walked a bit behind him, keeping her head high but cautiously looking around. "Why are they boosting their heads...?"
Serenity bit hey lip and walked Indy get room, rushing to her music stand. She swore loudly, eyes filled with sadness.
"What is it?" He asked in surprise and worry. He stood behind her to see what would make her sad.
She held up the destroyed music sites. They were ripped and had a terrible smell to them. "They did it again," she said. She sighed. "Not the first time they did this. But I've been working: this piece for months..."
His eyes flashed and he took the pages from her, then took her hand,"They will pay. And don't say no, this is no way to treat another pack member, let alone their Luna..." His eyes were shifting to a then sharp blue they are when he's a wolf.
Serenity wrapped her arms around his waist. "Calm, mo ghrá. They will pay eventually. But for now, let's just get my stupid and go to our room," she said, pressing a kiss on his neck.
"But I want to prove a point! They can't do that!" He had relaxed and calmed down in her arms but he was still upset.

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