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Fantasy Outsiders

Milo A Beilschmidt

We all need a little boost from our inspirations.
Outsiders... That's who we are... At least that's what the humans call us. But, we call ourselves... Hunters. We're different than them. We are called that because of our abilities and how we survive more than humans. Some are born like that. Some don't. It's how it is. There's just a 15% chance of hunters being born to this world of ours. We, hunters, hunt for the evil. The humans can't see them, but we can. We use our powers to defeat the bad. There are ghosts, demons, ghouls, etc. Even though we're hunters or outsiders... We still live as humans. We go to school... We go to work. We can have a family. We have friends.

Hunters hunt in groups, but not all of them though. Some of them sometimes hunt alone. It doesn't matter which is easier to hunt. Hunt alone or not, the evil will still come. Big or small. Hunters won't be trained by experts. Hunters... learned how to hunt. They have to communicate with their powers and learn how to control them on their own. They have to start young. Maybe 4 or 5. If they didn't, they wouldn't be a hunter or a human. They will be no one. Hunters who don't control their powers will usually be in the dark side.











[You can roleplay as them]Family:

I managed to make an entrance into the school. I always come here. It is summer break and I can do what ever I want. I am away from home from my friends who lives around the neighborhood and I am at this huge school, just so I can head to their roofs. The place is, of course, filled with the guards. Even some teachers and students are here. I went up the stairs, finding myself up at the roof. I sighed in relief, pulling out my manga book. I put my headphones on, turning the volume up and listened to some anime music. I went to sit at the edge of the roof and opened my manga. I'm currently reading Doubt. It's an interesting manga. With all the rabbits and the wolf in disguise. It's also a game... It's like our world... Only it's filled with demons and such. I sighed, shook my head and read the manga.

I hummed to my self and frowned as I read, being addicted to the manga when I should be also paying attention to my surroundings, but it's unfortunate for me since I didn't hear or notice a wolf like demon just sneaking up on me
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It's a nice day out, Diann thought. She twisted her bracelet multiple times around her wrist, mindlessly looking around. Rays of sun beat against the top of her head as she walked down the street. She hummed a song to herself, wondering what to do.
I did somehow noticed a strange presence just behind me. I turned my head, just to see what or who it was. I raised my eyebrow noticing that there's no one behind me. I sighed as I went back to my manga, just minding my own business. I figured maybe there is something behind me so I stayed quiet, reading.
Eventually, Diann came across the local school. She scowled slightly; she used to go there but dropped out when her family died. Now, she just educates herself with books and educational computer games. She stopped in front of the entrance, remembering when she used to be in the middle school section. She turned to leave, but noticed a purple-haired girl on the roof.
I hummed silently. I lower the volume of my music, slowly hearing the growls. I sighed, leaning back, looking down at the last page of the manga. The growl got louder, the demon is getting closer. I could feel its evil presence. I finished the last bit of the page, closing the book. "This is a good manga... Glad I didn't get interrupted..." I glanced back with a small smile, seeing the demon wolf behind it. It slowly increases its size.
Diann looked at the girl, noticing a faint shadowy figure. She wondered whether or not to interfere. Surely, the girl could handle herself... But she'd have to be a hunter. She conflicted with her emotions for a good ten seconds, before deciding to stay back and watch until if she needed help.
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I stood, setting my manga book aside as I look at the wolf. I cracked my knuckles, standing, waiting for the right moment. The wolf finally stopped at its full size. It's about... Maybe 7 feet-ish...? It lowered its head, ready to pounce. I made eye contact with the wolf and it didn't seem to like it. I grinned. "Come on~" The wolf charged and it's aura surrounding me. It stopped, snapping its jaw at me. It lifted me up. I smirked, struggling to be free. The wolf just tightening it's grip on me.
Diann watched from her not-so-great view from below. She wanted to know if everything was alright, as she couldn't see much. She heard a rustle from above, and looked up to see a squirrel about ten feet about. She used her power to be able to understand animals, then called out to it and asked if it could see what was going on up on the roof. After getting an affirmative answer, it explained that the girl was being lifted by something it couldn't see. Diann nodded, said "thanks", then went towards the building. All I'm going to do is try to help if she needs it, and then leave.
Knowing that struggling is pointless, I will just have to do it. I concentrate on lighting myself up in flames, which is a pretty easy thing to do. Since I have been practicing to control my powers. The flames of course does not burn me, but if I mess it up, I would hurt myself. "Get off, dog!" I tried to open its jaw.
Entering the empty school, Diann looked around, examining the changes made. Hm, so they've installed better lighting and replaced the lockers. She quickly found the stairwell, and, taking two stair steps at a time, quickly made it to the roof. Opening the landing door, she found the girl being held by a seven-foot tall wolf-like creature. As she stepped forward, the girl started to burst into flames. She looked like she needed help getting its jaw open, so Diann made an animalistic sound that meant she was challenging the thing, turning its attention to her.
I stopped struggling, looking back, seeing someone standing there. I blinked, trying to see who is was, but I couldn't. The flames increased and the fire spread all over the wolf as well as I.
Diann watched as the flames consumed the wolf-thing watching her. It howled with pain, and when it returned its gaze to the girl it had been holding, the flames burned it one last time before it collapsed. Smoke emitted from where it once was. Diann sent a nod of acknowledgment to the girl then turned to leave.
It opened its mouth and dropped me. I landed on the ground, and just lay there. The wolf dropped to the ground. I looked up, about to say something to the person.
Kira sat on the bench in the back of the school reading. Birds were chirping their high pitched song, leaves were rustling, the sky was a nice, peaceful blue. Kira forced herself to stop reading, it was getting dark. Gigi would start to worry. She sighed and packed her books up, then stood up and started to walk towards the main entrance to school grounds.
Diann noticed it was getting dark. Before she left the roof area she looked back at the girl she helped. She looked like she had something to say, as she was looking at her. She raised an eyebrow as if to say, "Yes, what is it?"
Kira arrived at the front of the school. She took one last long look at the building to search her mind to remember if she forgot anything, suddenly she stopped.

Who's on the roof?

Kira squinted against the setting sun desperately trying to get a good look at them.

Oh, those girls.

Kira sighed and wondered if she should remind them of the school rules. Yet they were hunters.

Probably a hunting project. No, more like hopefully, you never know with those kind of people.
I blinked, "Um..." I stood, brushing the dirt off me. "Hi..." I looked up at her. I suddenly remembered, I look back, seeing that my manga is gone. 'Well great...' I thought.
Una had been exploring the town all day. For the first time, she wasnt looking for signs of demon action or researching the history of the town. No.. today she was as close to normal as she could get.

The white haired girl peeked at the map Russell grabbdd for her from a gift shop. Curiously, she looked up at see the school inwhich she would begin attending. She saw people on the roof?! How the... there was one girl who seemed to be watching as well..

School was out, right? She couldnt be mistaken so why were there so many people?
Diann looked slightly down at the girl in front of her. "Hi," she said slowly. She flipped her hair out of her face, something she realized she'd been doing recently. She watched as the girl looked behind her. What's she looking for? Ah, whatever. She can find it hersel- "What are you looking for? Do you want help?" The words were out of her mouth before she could realize it. Diann mentally hit herself. Why do I always ask questions like that?, she asked herself. Because you're a hypocrite that invades peoples' space even when you hate yours being invaded. We thought we loved solitude, she answered to herself. She stopped talking to herself as she knew that when she did, she either murmured the words she thought or made weird facial expressions.
"Ah... Well... It's my manga book... Stupid demon must of knocked it over." I sighed, "It has a rabbit that is hung as the front cover and the title is called Doubt." I walked around the roof.
Kira noticed another girl came onto school grounds.

That looks like the new hunters the others were talking about. Hopefully all this power in one place won't attract demons.

Kira sighed and turned her attention to the girls back on the roof. They seemed to be talking.


Kira turned her back and started walking towards the entrance to the school which was by the new girl.
Diann went to the edge of the roof, looking down. We're too far up for anything small to be recognizable, she thought. However, she could see two people down near the entrance of the school. She moved her pink fringe out of her face as it fell. She then realized what she was doing. She turned to the girl. "We- you can go look down there. I... have to go," she explained quickly. Diann wanted to get out of the area as soon as possible.
I blinked, "Okay..." I say looking at her. "See you... Then..." I sighed, looking away. I was actually thinking of something but I guess... Not right now... I searched all over the place and then start walking over to the edge. I wonder if jumping off the roof would help get me down there quicker. It's an insane idea but I did it once... Back at home. It didn't end well. I glanced back to look at the miss.
Kira stopped walking when she was right next to the new girl.

Should I talk to her? Yes.

"If I were you I'd try to stay away from those two. They're trouble makers."

Kira started walking down the sidewalk and towards her home.
Diann played with her bracelet, feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of the girl - whose name she didn't ask - and walked back to the door that opened to the roof landing. She glanced back at the girl one last time, before saying "I'm Diann." Afterwards, she opened the door and practically sprinted down the stairs and outside.

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