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Fantasy Outsiders

Diann was always a light sleeper. She woke up immediately when she heard loud flapping noises and slight whooshing explosion sounds. She got up and looked outside, seeing faint lights maybe thirty meters away.
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Una sprinted up to the creature as it screeched in agony. The sound was piercing. The ground around it froze and split dangerously.

"Hey! One more time with feeling!" She all but sang with a giggy smile. She prepped to send another blast, no doubt needing to recharge afterwards. If she drained a demon, it would be like poison.

Her head shot towards the source of another being. "Another hunters around. Better speed this up, no?"
Diann flinched at a loud screeching sound. She went back inside and quickly changed into a different outfit. Slipping on her bracelets and worn-out boots, she jogged toward the commotion, seeing two girls, one of them the girl she met earlier - Kim, was it? -, and a bat-like creature surrounded by frosted ground. She scowled slightly. Frost should be in Winter! Not here, she thought angrily.
Una looked to the other girl and tiok one last shot, watching the thing drop then seem to fall apart and bits and pieces began to evaporate into the air.

As the flames increased the frost seemed to disappear and it was evident the thing was done.

"Ah! Bravo! To bad there was only an audience of... two to see it. Hello there by the way." She said to the girl who appeared
Diann's mouth pressed into a tight line.

"Hello," she replied curtly. "No offense, but could you guys be any louder? Some of us are trying to get what little sleep we can."

You're being too harsh, she said to herself. Be nice.
"Well, sorry, miss." I rub the back of my head looking at the girl. 'Oh wait... I know her...' I thought. What a surprise... "What a surprise... Seeing you again..." I grinned, the flames starts to burn my hand a little and I wave my hand harshly, trying to put it out, "Ow ow...!" I say looking at my hand.
"Ahh... but silent is no fun! Only gramps can criticize my elephant parade." She joked almost too kindly.

"Also.." she thrust a finger at the decaying demon. "His fault.. or hers. " she chuckled and placed a hand on a tree, panting lightly. Light gilled her fingertips and entered her as a couple leaves fell. "Recharged... so, you two have names?"
I look up from my hand, letting it limp down as I introduced myself, "My name is Kim Aiku. But you may call me Kim." I grinned.
Diann sent a half-smile at Kim. She nodded to the once-panting girl.

"Yeah, of course I have a name. I'm Diann Willow. Just Diann, though, please. Oh, and don't do that to every tree. They decompose faster and the animals don't like it."
"Need it.. and ill feed what ive taken once ive got excess." She said like it was obvious.

"Animal talker.. hm? So Diann and Kim. Nice to meet you. Whether you like it or not we may end up running into eachother again. Welp.." she waved a pale hand, ready to head out as soon as they get bored. Russell might want to meet them

"Either of you up for a desert esspresso?"
I shrugged, "Why not..." I was about to reach for my ipod when I realize I didn't bring it with me. I hang my head with disappointment. I mumbled to myself. "Aw... Should of brought it with me... Oh well..." I sighed, having my hands on my hips, looking up at the sky.
Diann turned her chin up for a few moments, scowling. Then she looked at the floor and murmured, "Whatever."

She looked up at the pale girl once again. She nodded, "Yeah, I talk to animals." Her next question confused her.

"A dessert what?" As Diann couldn't really do much with talking to animals and turning invisible (unless she had a weapon. Then she'd be terrifying... maybe), she didn't get many contracts and so she didn't have much money to buy food and clothes. At most, she'd get two contracts a week, and they were against weak demons or poltergeists. All she used her money for was to buy what she needed for the week and the occasional new outfit. She'd seen people have those drinks before at local shops and cafés, but she'd never had one (her parents wouldn't allow caffeine when she was younger). Fancy terms were not her thing. Plus, she mostly just stayed home.
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"Dessert Esspresso? An excuse to have strong caffeine at night?" She said, chuckling. She could tell. Diann must have found her irritating. She was loud, a literal life source leach to every little thing and seemed disgusted by her fancy terms. How pleasent.

Still, Una couldnt judge or drop her goofy persona. Even if its at the expense of a future... aquaintance, her persona couldnt break for the sake of her objective.

"Alright. Come or dont come. Gramps would wanna meet you two though."
Go on, go with them. You know how much you love other people, voices inside her head taunted. Feeling challenged, she thought, Whatever, and shut them out.

"I've never had caffeine," she admitted. "I'll go with you, I guess."
"Ahha! This might be interesting." She waved them over and started walking or.. nearly skipping.

"Thisll be cool. Grampas a hunter." She said quietly. "Oh.. and you need a name for me?" She asked, eyes bright.
"Well, we told you our names. It's only fair, right?" Diann asked, smirking. She followed her, jogging until she caught up and then kept pace with her.
"Hmm... is it?" She asked to herself. She obviously lacked social skills, despite being friendly. Being surrounded by mourning and terrified strangers or emotionally hard hunters, she wasnt used to this.

"Im una."

They arrived at the house and opened the door, yelling inside "old man! Get up, we have guests!"
If Diann was asked if she was shocked by what Una did, she'd probably say something sarcastic or witty, maybe something along the lines of "No, I'm totally not surprised at all," and then realize how bad she was at being sarcastic.

But she was slightly surprised. She was always told to respect her elders, and not yell at them unless needed. Nevertheless, she just stayed quiet and awkwardly hung around the entrance of the house.
A near seven foot man, long but strong build with dark tanned skin and pure white hair, grey brown eyes sterb, approached the three slowly, then smacked una in the back of the head.

"I could hear you from india kiddo.. now, you brought hunters i see. Ill make the drinks and would you like any sweets?" He asked the two, voice gruff and obviously never used for such ni e or polite things.
Diann came closer to the other two when the man walked in. She stifled a laugh when Una's head was smacked.

"Uh, sure," she replied to the man's question. She nodded, then lowered her head slightly. "Thank you," she murmured sincerely. She could tell he didn't do "polite," by the gruffness of his voice.
"Sweets?" I say, eyes widen, but shook my head, snapping out of it. "Ah, sure!" I put a smiled, looking at the man.
Una pouted, gesturing them to sit down.

"You coulda given me brain damage! One day you will old man!"

"Una. You and i both know that wouldnt change much."

He joked but really couldnt tell. Russell set the cups down at the table and sat down along with Una, along with cookies.

"Sorry for everything my grandchilds brought you through within this amount of time.. so please. Id like to know what you know about hunters and demons.. if you dont mind."

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