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Fantasy Outsiders

Diann sat down at one of the chairs, watching the exchange between Una and her... Grandfather? I think that's what she said earlier, she thought. She took a cookie and nibbled on it. She nodded.

"It's no problem," she replied.
Russell smiled and closed his eyes. "Before i know, i would like to ask you to try to forget anything you dont want me to see.. and i may only look at demon related things. Sound alright?"

The elderly had telepathy and the ability to phase through things though he doesnt fight.

Una held up a finger. "Means hes gonna look for a couple lil monsters weve been chasing. See we just moved in and didnt think they could be found here but after today, who knows?" She looked over both with a grin. "Oh. And i saw you two at thw school.. so we will be going together?"
I grabbed one of the cookies, eating it. I thought about what he said. About hunters and demons... I only know that I have to help get rid of them...
Diann frowned. "What if the thing I don't want you to see is demon-related?" She asked. She pictured her parents and sister and bit into her cookie hard enough to clack her teeth together. She turned to Una.

"And no, I'm not going to that school. I'm too old," she said with a grin.
"Ahh.. if they are related then i see the demons attack but the people are featureless. Do i have your permission?" He asked, sipping his drink.

Una looked at her with awe and then asked in a too serious tone "should i treat you as my superior?"
"I don't go to school... I'm homeschooled..." I scratched my cheek, looking at them. "I get a bit of help from my friends... I mostly learned about what being a hunter is about..."
"If that's what happens, then yes, you have my permission," she replied. When she heard what Una said, she laughed.

"No, please don't. I'm only nineteen, so I'm only, like, two years older than the oldest students." She smiled. "I've been doing online learning, you could say."
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Una clasped her hands together and grinned. "Alrighty! Do your thing gramps."

"Indeed child."

His greyish slivers shut and he touched his hands to his head. Within a matter of seconds they opened again.

"It seems both of you have encountered one powerful demon.. inwhich its level of activity reached complex thought process.. so they acted on more organized malicious intent usually shown in possession or targeting specific persons. Sound right?"
Diann looked away and shut her eyes, refusing to let out tears. It was always hard, being reminded of it by nightmares and old friends of family that gave sympathetic glances. "Yeah, pretty much," she replied, opening her eyes.
Russell nodded solemnly. "I saw nobody. Only the demons miss.. be at rest your pain may remain your own." He said slowly and with great care. "I appreciate your arrival dispite your.." he glanced at una and she grinned and waved, "unconventional invitation." He said, a smile slowly lifting his cheeks.

"I would like you to know that me, Una, and my students and men are at your disposal should either of you ever find trouble."
Diann smiled slightly at his words, but was confused by the last thing he said. I don't like being confused, she thought to herself.

"Your students and... men?" She questioned. "I appreciate the offer, but could you explain who your students and men are?"
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Russell sighed deeply ignoring Unas stare.

"Come on... i trust them! Also, your guys are pretty cool!"

The elderly man sighed and nodded solemnly.

"What i say doesnt leave this room for the safety of my own students, understood?"
Diann realized that it was a serious topic that they were about to converse about. She nodded.

"Okay, it's... understood," she replied slowly, not really knowing how to respond.
"The Kings Men. I am a teacher, of many, and a member. Una is a low ranked member. Tjey are a group of hunters who protect against larger threats and take jobs that specify as greater and more intelligent demons. Solo jobs are given for taking out small demons. Otherwise we work in a large group.

At the moment my men are.. overseas or rather Una and i are. However as events are turning, this is becoming a hotspot. A larger threat." 
(Going to bed)
"A small demon can range from the size of a grown man to a mouse. What makes it small is infrequent occurances and inability to hold complex thoughts."
"Hey.. still in the land of the living, Kim?" Una asked, tented to poke the girl in the forehead. She has heard/dozed off through this speech a million times before so she wasn't really listening at all.

"Making any sense yet?"
I snap out of my thoughts, looking up. "Oh... Um... I was just thinking about one certain demon... None of the demons I fought is the one..." I shrugged, looking at them all.
Kira waited hours for Gigi and her daughter to come home. They didn't.

I've heard stories of humans being used as bait for hunters.. Is this the case? Or are they just goods to be traded in demon eyes.

Kira was kind of close to being corrupt, sometimes when she was mad she made terrible images enter someone's mind, so would it make much of a difference if she just went completely corrupt?

What are you thinking! There's still a chance you can become pure.

Kira sighed and grabbed a water bottle, a couple knives, and some snacks and put them in a bag. Then she went outside.

The air is still, I can tell something's happening.

As Kira through to the woods she thought about how she was going to deal with her situation.
Russell turned his gaze to Kim and nodded at her.

"Your demon will be found as well if all goes according to my plans. For now, you two should head home and get some sleep. Remember this address in case you ever run into trouble. At this age I cant fight demons.. only send ghosts to a better place, but Una will serve you if needed."

"Yes! Im useful!" Una cheered, only to receive another smack.
"Ah well... Thank you..." I scratched my cheek. I don't think I have ever cooperate with the other hunters... Always off on my own. I look at the old man then at Una.
Diann nodded. "Okay. Thank you," she said to the old man. She got up from the chair she was sitting on, wiped off a few cookie crumbs from her lap, then quickly stretched. "It's been nice meeting you two, but I agree that I should be getting home now." She unintentionally let out a yawn, which she covered with her hand.
Russell rose a brow and smiled. "Alright... Feel free to come by any time.. and Please call be Russell. Please be safe."

Una heard the yawn and blue eyes widened. "Your home isn't too far, is it?"

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