Out of Character Chat

Unfortunately this is the basics of how my brain works

Multiple posts in one week= "Oh no, I need to respond."
More posts in a span of a couple days= "ACK STUPID SCHOOL I REALLY NEED TO REPLY"
Sees the total posts in the week span= " ;-; I'm so behind"

You're not as behind as you think you are (at least compared to some others).

Just jump in whenever you feel inspired. If it helps, I generally respond to the most recent post, but if there's a comment another character made that inspires a Skylie response then go for it.

Course school comes first. Thanks for informing me of your current predicament. I'll wait for you :blowkiss:
Sorry I ended up getting sick again and I'm busy this weekend, but I'll finally respond next week. B>

KageYuuki KageYuuki I was wondering if we should do like a roll call or something. For one I didn't realize Rin got the Hope Crest (though I think it's a cool fit). Personally I'd like to know who is still interested in the RP...
He didn't originally. But then someone dropped out and he was given crest of hope and spirit of fire. Dunno what relevance this will have in the plot tho. I don't even know what the plot is^^;
He didn't originally. But then someone dropped out and he was given crest of hope and spirit of fire. Dunno what relevance this will have in the plot tho. I don't even know what the plot is^^;

Nice. Idk if anyone has the Spirit of Apollo but if Rin had it then he would match Darya (Artemis). That could be pretty cool.

As far as plot goes I think all we know is that eventually we'll end up on the mainland and have to go searching for Crests. And then all the players are supposed to run their own arcs at some point.
For now we are just struggling to get up the mountain. xD
I can give a list of who has What whenever I get home from the vet. In the meanwhile... the plot is really really vague. And it’s kind of intentional. I want this to be a story everyone contributes to. Like everyone getting different spirits and there being more tamers than crests because of a failed attempt at recreating the legends came from you guys.

So if you ever have any ideas, don’t hesitate to suggest them
Nice. Idk if anyone has the Spirit of Apollo but if Rin had it then he would match Darya (Artemis). That could be pretty cool.

As far as plot goes I think all we know is that eventually we'll end up on the mainland and have to go searching for Crests. And then all the players are supposed to run their own arcs at some point.
For now we are just struggling to get up the mountain. xD

Tbh, I don't remember much about Digimon season 1 except that a bunch of kids traveled around with digimon exploring the Digital World. T'was too long ago for me. As for the Spirits, my knowledge is limited to Digimon Frontier. The 10 legendary warriors...so I wasn't even aware there were more than them. Though Spirit of Apollo does sound cool^^ It'll depend on the gm or if whoever has the Spirit of Apollo wants to switch or not. I'm fine either way.

Though I am curious as to why Spirit Digivolution is used instead of the many other ones. Armor Digivolution, DNA Digivolution, Biomerge, etc. The only reason I could imagine is plot purposes.

Running our own arc seems like it could be entertaining. And difficult. Would the arcs be related to the individual crests (some players didn't get crests), or whatever we feel like doing? Do the all characters split up to do their own thing (like a time-skip arc) or is it one player runs one arc for the group, then switches off to another player so as to evenly divide the burden of arc-running?

Rin is ahead of all you slackers .

I can give a list of who has What whenever I get home from the vet. In the meanwhile... the plot is really really vague. And it’s kind of intentional. I want this to be a story everyone contributes to. Like everyone getting different spirits and there being more tamers than crests because of a failed attempt at recreating the legends came from you guys.

So if you ever have any ideas, don’t hesitate to suggest them

My only ideas atm are how to get Gummymon --> Terriermon and how to get Rin to character develop into the group when he's so stubborn. Figured something exciting would happen at the top of Infinity Mountain. But if no one drops a big bad digimon in front of him, I'll have to do it...at least before they leave File Island.

lol. Failed attempt at re-creating legends? The question then is who. And why.

I don't have any solid ideas at the moment, but one think I'd like to see is tamers battling other tamers. I always thought the idea of digimon battling each other for data to digivolve or get stronger is pretty cool. Crests allow for certain special characters to digivolve their digimon to higher lvls via friendship, etc. But what about the tamers brought to the Digital world without crests? How will they survive w/o getting their digimon pass rookie?

What if the all other tamers brought to the digital world (not our characters of course), like Keiran, believe it's all a game. Or some evil entity at the top of Infinity Mountain told them it was all a game...and that the only way to get out was to win. To have their digimon grow stronger via killing other digimon and absorbing their data to increase their chance of survival in the game. Perhaps there will be fights for crests (making certain characters targets). Perhaps a prize could be an armor digi-egg or something. I dunno. But I think it would be cool to have some evil ( or not so nice) npc tamers as well...since it was repeatedly emphasized that there were many, many humans brought from all over the world to Digital World, and realistically, not all humans are going to be friendly (like maybe a serial killer got chosen to be a tamer...and he's hunting other tamers =P).

Course, this would change the tone of the story from friendly digimon adventure to dark battle survival, wherein the various tamers brought to the digital world (excluding crest-bearers) are the very cause of the world's destruction (i.e. inciting their digimon to attack villages of peaceful digimon to strengthen their own ), so I'm not sure if the players who signed up for a more light-hearted tale would enjoy my flavor for darker stories. Naturally the ultimate enemy would be the one who started this chaos ^_^

This is what happens when people ask me for ideas.
Dark Trainer sounds hella
Who knows, maybe you could use that for your story arc?

From my understanding it seems like Kage wants us to step up sort of as GMs in a way, running the plot. So we have a ton of flexibility. My idea, for example, revolves around horror and splitting the party up into small groups. Perhaps with a Crest as the final goal, but it really depends on what happens before then. I think someone also mentioned like a labyrinth, something to do with our characters becoming celebrities, and a sort of guerilla warfare type thing. So yea lots of different stuff.

That's one of the reasons it would be cool to see who's still in is so we can get an update on if anyone present currently doesn't have a Crest. Though I guess it doesn't really matter. That whole "they messed up on recreating the old legends" bit came from a conversation before the RP re-opened, I believe. Where we were theorizing how it might account for certain people not getting Crests, or weird spirit combinations being used, ect. But maybe Kage remembers it better.
I think she had to include the Olympians because there simply weren't enough Spirits for all the players, and they had the most similar evolution pattern?

One thing that was discussed, not sure if she's still planning it, is to have a big battle where certain character (maybe even multiple at this point) are killed off due to having dropped the RP after already establishing themselves through a lot of posts. So I'm pretty sure that something is gonna go down on Infinity Mountain. xD

ahead alone and defenseless

One thing I would like to see is everyone going back to the human world at one point. I think that would be so much fun.
Since I have extensive obsession with rewatching Digimon, here's my run-down of each season:

A bunch of kids are transported to a strange world with strange creatures and find out they're tasked with saving it. Oof. Along the way, they encounter evil Digimon and problems with each other (mostly the Goggle Boy, Tai/Taichi, and the Edgy One, Matt/Yamato). Through it all, they learn something about themselves and come back having grown up in the 0.5 seconds they were gone in the real world. Double oof.
The Digital World is in trouble once again, so two of the previous "Digidestined" and a new squad come to save the day. Like before, they learn valuable life lessons and form bonds that are unbreakable. The last Digidestined to join the squad is a former bad guy, which also provides for some interesting interactions with characters. (Previous squad plays a small role, and the Goggle Boy is now Davis/Daisuke with his main yelling target being Matt's bro, T.K./Takeru. Usually over Kari/Hikari.) Oh, yeah, and there are hundreds of other Digidestined all over the world. Oof.
Digimon is just a card game...right? HA! YOU THOUGHT! Nope, they're real, and for some reason, they love appearing in the real world. Unfortunately, some only battle these Digimon to take their data or to just get rid of them in general. After settling this dispute (Main Players are Takato and Henry/Jen against Rika/Ruki, who is the Edgelord of All Edgelords), they realize that a rogue computer program is trying to actually destroy the Digital World--and it soon goes after the real world. So that's kinda wacky. Oh, yeah, and by the way... The kids were able to fuse with the Digimon and Digivolve with them. Good luck with that. OOF.
Not that all the kids are Edgelords, but they all receive the spirits of the Ten Legendary Warriors, Digimon who once saved the Digital World from the evil Lucemon. The kids travel around, arguing and trying not to kill Koji/Kouji (Resident Edgelord King)...well, actually, that's mostly just Goggle Boy Takuya. They start to form a bond of trust as they gain more spirits (Human and Beast spirits. Go Google it.) and save the Digital World from utter destruction. Oh, yeah, and the last one to join them was also a former bad guy, but technically he didn't know what he was doing, soooooooooooo.... (OOF)
That's really all you need to know. :P (OOF)
Just in case someone wanted some Genork Digimon knowledge....it's amazing, I know.

Though I am curious as to why Spirit Digivolution is used instead of the many other ones.
BeCaUsE iT wAs EpIc
Real answer: They probably wanted to try something new that they hadn't before, like they did in Tamers with the Fusion Digivolution (I'm pretty sure that was the official term).

I personally am looking forward to Skylie inheriting the Spirit of Light because Koji is the Edgelord King.
I forget which Crest she had.

KageYuuki KageYuuki I don't know if I ever asked (and if I did, I forget), but where DID you get the Spirits of Apollo and Artemis? Were they somewhere other than Frontier?
One thing I would like to see is everyone going back to the human world at one point. I think that would be so much fun.

Oh yes. I think I'll enjoy writing Akane. Maybe Rin's father if a felt up to writing drama instead of relaxing trip back home.

alone and defenseless with attitude. Fortunately he's not alone. Nor will he ever be alone with Mochi at his side.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Thanks for the entertaining summary =)

Mm~Spirit of Light for Skylie? I can see it^^
Oh yes. I think I'll enjoy writing Akane. Maybe Rin's father if a felt up to writing drama instead of relaxing trip back home.

alone and defenseless with attitude. Fortunately he's not alone. Nor will he ever be alone with Mochi at his side.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Thanks for the entertaining summary =)

Mm~Spirit of Light for Skylie? I can see it^^

It's what I do. :)

Yes, that's going to be quite entertaining. (Skylie: WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE THE FREAKING SPIRIT OF LIGHT? WHO DECIDED THIS?) Doesn't tell her it was my fault

Back in the Real World
Okay, promised list of shit, sorry about not posting it last night, fell asleep. xD
Ravyn Cooper
Crest: Light
Spirit: Darkness
Human: Löwemon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Kaiser Leomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Raihimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Lily Palmer
Crest: Purity
Spirit: Wind
Human: Fairimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Shutumon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Ancient Irismon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Darya DeLucia
Crest: Sincerity
Spirit: Artemis
Human: Lekismon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Crescemon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Dianamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Rin Kuromoto
Crest: Hope
Spirit: Fire
Human: Agnimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Vritramon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Aldamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Jupiter Bourgeois
Crest: Friendship
Spirit: Water
Human: Ranamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Calamaramon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Ancient Mermaimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Arthur Poe
Crest: Knowledge
Spirit: Steel
Human: Mercuremon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Corrupted Beast: Sephirothmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Mistymon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Ancient Wisemon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Keiran Otonashi
Crest: Love
Spirit: Zeus
Human: Aegiomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Aegiochusmon: Holy - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Jupitermon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Amy Warren
Crest: Courage
Spirit: Athena
Human: Darcmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Minervamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Mervamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Skylie Lavigne
Crest: Kindness
Spirit: Light
Human: Wolfmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Garummon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Beowolfmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Though Spirit of Apollo does sound cool
I can easily change that~

Though I am curious as to why Spirit Digivolution is used instead of the many other ones. Armor Digivolution, DNA Digivolution, Biomerge, etc. The only reason I could imagine is plot purposes.
It was more I fucking loved spirit evolution and never saw DNA or Biomerge. Armor can always come into play should someone want~!

Running our own arc seems like it could be entertaining. And difficult. Would the arcs be related to the individual crests (some players didn't get crests), or whatever we feel like doing? Do the all characters split up to do their own thing (like a time-skip arc) or is it one player runs one arc for the group, then switches off to another player so as to evenly divide the burden of arc-running?
Arcs are kinda a do what you want thing like Pretz said. It can be related to a Crest or Spirit if you want, but doesn't have to be. I'm always around to lend a hand with it as well.

My only ideas atm are how to get Gummymon --> Terriermon and how to get Rin to character develop into the group when he's so stubborn. Figured something exciting would happen at the top of Infinity Mountain. But if no one drops a big bad digimon in front of him, I'll have to do it...at least before they leave File Island.
We'll have a Perfect level Digimon to fight once we actually reach Infinity Mountain. But there will be other encounters beforehand so Mochi isn't stuck as a blob for too much longer.

Failed attempt at re-creating legends? The question then is who. And why.
Who? You'll find out on the summit of the mountain. Why? The Digital World seems to be falling apart. As Patamon and Gomamon have brought up.

I don't have any solid ideas at the moment, but one think I'd like to see is tamers battling other tamers. I always thought the idea of digimon battling each other for data to digivolve or get stronger is pretty cool. Crests allow for certain special characters to digivolve their digimon to higher lvls via friendship, etc. But what about the tamers brought to the Digital world without crests? How will they survive w/o getting their digimon pass rookie?
You'll get to Champion without a Crest. Perfect and then Ultimate sans Crests? Haven't totally gotten a workaround pieced together just yet. But meeting and fighting other Tamers can easily be a thing~

Course, this would change the tone of the story from friendly digimon adventure to dark battle survival, wherein the various tamers brought to the digital world (excluding crest-bearers) are the very cause of the world's destruction (i.e. inciting their digimon to attack villages of peaceful digimon to strengthen their own ), so I'm not sure if the players who signed up for a more light-hearted tale would enjoy my flavor for darker stories. Naturally the ultimate enemy would be the one who started this chaos
Fucking love it. Might not be what started the problems, but definitely made things go to shit faster.

That whole "they messed up on recreating the old legends" bit came from a conversation before the RP re-opened, I believe. Where we were theorizing how it might account for certain people not getting Crests, or weird spirit combinations being used, ect. But maybe Kage remembers it better.
I think she had to include the Olympians because there simply weren't enough Spirits for all the players, and they had the most similar evolution pattern?
Atlannian's the one responsible for the suggestion IIRC. But yeah, I chose the Olympians because of how similar they seem.

One thing I would like to see is everyone going back to the human world at one point. I think that would be so much fun.
Definitely want to do that at some point. Which raises the question: should time between the worlds be synced? Or no? Either one could lead to some fun.

I don't know if I ever asked (and if I did, I forget), but where DID you get the Spirits of Apollo and Artemis? Were they somewhere other than Frontier?
Honestly? I just happened to stumble on them while looking through the wiki for ideas. xD They're from Xros Wars apparently.

Okay, I think I answered everything.
Okay, promised list of shit, sorry about not posting it last night, fell asleep. xD
Ravyn Cooper
Crest: Light
Spirit: Darkness
Human: Löwemon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Kaiser Leomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Raihimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Lily Palmer
Crest: Purity
Spirit: Wind
Human: Fairimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Shutumon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Ancient Irismon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Darya DeLucia
Crest: Sincerity
Spirit: Artemis
Human: Lekismon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Crescemon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Dianamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Rin Kuromoto
Crest: Hope
Spirit: Fire
Human: Agnimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Vritramon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Aldamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Jupiter Bourgeois
Crest: Friendship
Spirit: Water
Human: Ranamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Calamaramon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Ancient Mermaimon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Arthur Poe
Crest: Knowledge
Spirit: Steel
Human: Mercuremon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Corrupted Beast: Sephirothmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Mistymon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Ancient Wisemon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Keiran Otonashi
Crest: Love
Spirit: Zeus
Human: Aegiomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Aegiochusmon: Holy - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Jupitermon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Amy Warren
Crest: Courage
Spirit: Athena
Human: Darcmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Minervamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Mervamon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Skylie Lavigne
Crest: Kindness
Spirit: Light
Human: Wolfmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Beast: Garummon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Hybrid: Beowolfmon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

I can easily change that~

It was more I fucking loved spirit evolution and never saw DNA or Biomerge. Armor can always come into play should someone want~!

Arcs are kinda a do what you want thing like Pretz said. It can be related to a Crest or Spirit if you want, but doesn't have to be. I'm always around to lend a hand with it as well.

We'll have a Perfect level Digimon to fight once we actually reach Infinity Mountain. But there will be other encounters beforehand so Mochi isn't stuck as a blob for too much longer.

Who? You'll find out on the summit of the mountain. Why? The Digital World seems to be falling apart. As Patamon and Gomamon have brought up.

You'll get to Champion without a Crest. Perfect and then Ultimate sans Crests? Haven't totally gotten a workaround pieced together just yet. But meeting and fighting other Tamers can easily be a thing~

Fucking love it. Might not be what started the problems, but definitely made things go to shit faster.

Atlannian's the one responsible for the suggestion IIRC. But yeah, I chose the Olympians because of how similar they seem.

Definitely want to do that at some point. Which raises the question: should time between the worlds be synced? Or no? Either one could lead to some fun.

Honestly? I just happened to stumble on them while looking through the wiki for ideas. xD They're from Xros Wars apparently.

Okay, I think I answered everything.

Only Xros Wars would pull that shit
Can you tell I'm not fond of Xros Wars as a series XD
KageYuuki KageYuuki

DNA Digivolution = digimon fuse with other Digimon - like Agumon and Gobumon to become an Ultimate/Mega. It was introduced in both in season 1 and season 2, I believe.

Biomerge = digimon fuse with their Tamers to turn into Ultimate/Megas. It was introduced in Season 3 which is my favorite season^^

KageYuuki KageYuuki

DNA Digivolution = digimon fuse with other Digimon - like Agumon and Gobumon to become an Ultimate/Mega. It was introduced in both in season 1 and season 2, I believe.

Biomerge = digimon fuse with their Tamers to turn into Ultimate/Megas. It was introduced in Season 3 which is my favorite season^^

With Apollomon taking Agnimon’s place, we’ll actually have an opportunity for a dna evolution. Biomerge is definitely an option for our crestless guys

Edit: holy shit, autocorrect, why??
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