Out of Character Chat

We've always been a slow bunch.

Like, couple weeks away from hitting the one year mark and just now leaving the Village holyfuckwhat'swrongwithus slow.

Meanwhile we're looking at windchills of -22 degrees Fahrenheit (That's about -30 degrees Celcius for the rest of the world) tonight and tomorrow so I'm just trying not to freeze to death. And I forgot to get groceries...


Slow but steady wins the race!
It's hard to believe I'm not far from my 1 year anniversary in this RP-- weird to think about how much has happened since then...

Yikes don't die. Though if you guys resolve to eating each other please remember to share allll the details. :darkwizardhat:
I escaped that dreaded East Coast just in time, fufu. Though where I lived it only really gets bad in like...late January.....then...snows until spring. :''')
I actually love the cold though. You learn to love it...after a few summers in a desert......with broken AC.......... shudders
Slow but steady wins the race!
It's hard to believe I'm not far from my 1 year anniversary in this RP-- weird to think about how much has happened since then...

Yikes don't die. Though if you guys resolve to eating each other please remember to share allll the details. :darkwizardhat:
I escaped that dreaded East Coast just in time, fufu. Though where I lived it only really gets bad in like...late January.....then...snows until spring. :''')
I actually love the cold though. You learn to love it...after a few summers in a desert......with broken AC.......... shudders
A year later and... what, only three members of the original cast left? :dead:

Just me and the dogs here lol. The pups have plenty of food and a warm fireplace to snuggle up to at least. I live in the Midwest so I've been in anywhere from 112F to -36F (44.4C to -37.7C) But I'm almost always cold so Winter and I don't really get along. lol
I personally hate the cold. Makes my entire job harder, especially working at night. T.T

At least this RP has stayed relatively on-progress since it's start. Beta Protocol went through two restructures around its one-year mark. It didn't really get stability 'til the Titans Initiative. So, kudos to staying on track. lol
I also hate the cold.

The cast will come and go, but steady progression must be made. Or, in my case, character development. Players will probably come back once some excitement happens and they're tagged u-u
KageYuuki KageYuuki Hey that's still pretty good that at least some people have stayed since the start. Plus despite all the comin and goin you've managed to keep the RP steady...so cheers to the anniversary, and congratz. ;>
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork You can call me - Ozzy :D Just not Ozymandias, I hate the prick :D

To all the others: I'm here, I was following the discussions and things going on during this brief hiatus and you can count on me to continue participating, despite the slow progression. I'm really excited to see where this goes and how the plot will evolve :)
Kimiwriter Kimiwriter
Decided to join Rin I see ^_^

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
If your character's still by the stream/river, then my character shall run into yours in my next post in this rp. If that's not the case, or you are adverse to an encounter for whatever reason, please let me know.
Erm, so I lost Rin's image and can't seem to find it again...probably cause I just grabbed one randomly from the internet based on his overall design...so I picked a new one for him. This is basically what Rin would look like once his blue dye and other stuffs washes off anyway =P
Erm, so I lost Rin's image and can't seem to find it again...probably cause I just grabbed one randomly from the internet based on his overall design...so I picked a new one for him. This is basically what Rin would look like once his blue dye and other stuffs washes off anyway =P

Except for the eyes. They're reddish-brown.
Huh. Did RPN eat it?
New one looks just as good for him tho. :3

Kinda nice to see the twins bonding. xD

Right? xD

I can't wait until they're ready to do this:
Twin Cyclone (Double Twister): A twin attack performed alongside Terriermon. Lopmon performs its "Lop Twister" attack at the same time that Terriermon performs his "Terrier Tornado"; causing both attacks to combine into a quite powerful wormhole-like cyclone, hence the name.
Those two don’t have a fused evolution do they? Like Gabumon and Agumon’s Omegamon? (That totally won’t happen down the line)
So I just realized that Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart had wrote a post interacting with Jupiter... :ghostxnx: (i've been a bit distracted lately)
sorry m9. Y_Y imma get started on that reply after classes!
So I just realized that Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart had wrote a post interacting with Jupiter... :ghostxnx: (i've been a bit distracted lately)
sorry m9. Y_Y imma get started on that reply after classes!

NP, seems we've all been there.
Now...looks like your post has given me or someone a chance.......but will they take it--? fufu

KageYuuki KageYuuki Are we allowed to respond or wait for more to throw out posts first? I feel like I have enough to build a post on but there's plenty who haven't posted yet. So I could go either way. B>
NP, seems we've all been there.
Now...looks like your post has given me or someone a chance.......but will they take it--? fufu

KageYuuki KageYuuki Are we allowed to respond or wait for more to throw out posts first? I feel like I have enough to build a post on but there's plenty who haven't posted yet. So I could go either way. B>
No, go ahead

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