Out of Character Chat

Randomness aside, here’s a more appropriate question for everyone:

Would you want to incorporate the type triangle from the games?

For those that don’t know, digimon have three types. They can be either data type, vaccine, or virus. Virus destroys data, vaccine wipes out virus, and data beats vaccine. If you attack the type you’re weak to you’re not gonna do a lot of damage.

There’s also elemental affinity, but I feel that’s a little more intinuitive at least.
They could be good in terms of giving people their own moments to shine, where they can deal a critical blow. Or you know, someone comes up against a bad guy that deals extra damage to them and that's like an interesting challenge to overcome.

On the other hand, most of these elemental systems are designed for scenarios where you have access to multiple elements, so you are kind of making choices between them. In an rp setting like this, I think most of the time each player will only have access to one attribute right? So it's not really a tactical choice any particular person makes, they either have the advantage or they don't.

Maybe that would help foster teamwork though.
I remember those types. They mentioned them vaguely in the English version of Adventure.

I think they'd be kinda cool, but I like the idea of most Digimon being effective against most Digimon. (Cuz you know. Gotta differentiate from dat Pokemon.)
So looking like a no to the attribute triangle.

Now cards.... I know you guys were kinda divided on it. Truth be told, I can’t think of a way to implement them without creating a stat system of some kind. Any thoughts from you guys?
maybe on option is to go for like a tags system?

so like everything has properties like "armored" or "long range" or "flying" and then cards can add extra properties on to your digimon temporarily.
If you gave me a nice detailed explanation I could probably handle cards.

But I'm also kinda stupid on that stuff so we'd need to be reallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy specific so I wouldn't screw anything up.

(Not much of an input, but figured I'd say it.)
Given the wiki is completely useless in explaining the cards, we’d have to completely build the mechanics from the ground up.

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