• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

@djinnamon once your characters get approved, maybe one of them could meet up with mine? Unless you have something else planned for them. I'm just not really sure how to jump in...
I guess, yeah, why not. But make sure to tag me if you bump into me. My notifications are somewhat buggy. Also if you need to see my character sheet, its the second one at page 67, Maria Victoria Clarke.
Hi I know really super random person here but I read the overview and of course the warning But is there a rouge group of superpower people fighting/hiding from the chips?
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]This chat is for any non roleplaying conversations, arguments, or questions.

I have a question is someone playing alucard? if so can you let me know who it is please because I would like to ask them something
[QUOTE="Vlad Dracul lV]I have a question is someone playing alucard? if so can you let me know who it is please because I would like to ask them something

I am using Alucard as an appearance.

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