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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

They finally reached the twins's house, knocking on the door, looking to shane "are you alright? You look upset" clem asked with concern
Clem smiled "hello mam, I was here to see the Hitachiin twins and tsubaki, are they here?" Clem asked politely
"thank you" she said and followed the directions given, finding the room, opening it carefully "hey, I figured we would drop by. Shane was kinda having a rough time earlier" she explained with a kind smile. "Tamaki is with Kyoya"
Clem Gave a sympathetic look to shane "Tamaki and I caught him cutting himself" she explained, taking a seat on the floor off to the side.
Tsubaki gave Shane a sympathetic look. She had cut herself before and she still has scars. It was something she never told anyone. "Shane...can I talk to you in private?" she requested.

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