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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

Once they were far enough away from the room that no one else could hear them, Tsubaki let out a soft sigh. "We all have different reasons for why we hurt ourselves. If I tell you mine, are you willing to tell me yours and how long it's been happening?" she said in a soft tone.
"When my father died...I was devastated and I blamed myself for it. I sliced my arms and legs with a box cutter, thinking if I did it enough times, it would make him come back. I actually passed out from blood loss quite a few times" Tsubaki admitted, tears forming in her eyes.
Clem hesitated for a moment "Well...We saw a note his mum left him and it said something about a condition so we went to kyoya and found his medical records, found he borrowed a razor from haruhi and we put two and two together and caught him just after." she said sadly "now i'm worried for him. I know his pain...I was depressed for a while, attempted to off myself once but after seeing the fear and horror in my moms eyes as I lost concousness and she got me down, I knew that I was only hurting those I held dear to me. Stayed in the hospital, you probably know the Gist" she said, gestureing to a faint rope scar on her throat . "while It may not be the same, I understand" she added.
The twins shared a look, and went silent.

"I just... all through middle school I was an outcast, everyone hated me. Not to mention it felt like my family was against me, I'm not sure when I started, one day I just did it... and... I felt better... it became a habit. Whenever the slightest thing went wrong... I knew I was unstable and eventually it got to a point where my mom found out. She didnt do much... she took me to a therapist... only once... and not to mention that my brother has no idea and is constantly bashing on me... " by now tears were streaming down his face, "I... i just I feel so.. so useless, and stupid, crying over some stupid shit my little brother said, or some comment someone said not even meaning anything by it! I... i... i..i.." he started sobbing, hugging himself tightly
Tsubaki hugged Shane tightly. "You're not alone anymore. You have all of us, and we're here to help you. I know that you're hurting and that this feels like an escape, but it doesn't help. It may feel good at the time, but every time you cut yourself, you hurt those who care about you as well" she said as she rubbed his back gently. "I know that I can't just stop you with this one conversation, but please, take what I say to heart" she pleaded.
Tsubaki held Shane close, still rubbing soothing circles on his back. "Let it all out. You don't have to bottle it up anymore" she said softly.
Shane nodded, "i..i would ask you n..not to tell anyone but... i..it's too late for that"

Hikaru got up and started to put Uno away, as Kaoru curled into his blanket more.
"I won't tell them your reason. That can stay between us. No one else knows about my cutting either...not even Haruhi, and we were friends during that time" Tsubaki admitted.
Shane walked back into the room, seemingly less tense then he was before. Kaoru looked up at the two, as did Hikaru... from the closet

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