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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

Clem sighed in releif from the corner, giving him a faint smile, still remembering the time when she felt the way Shane did, and the look of horror, desperation, and anquish in her moms eyes as she lost concousness and her mum tried desperately to save her, just making it to the hospital in time.
Shane looked over at Clem and smiled softly.

Kaoru nodded, "yeah... is Shane?" He asked as Hikaru came up to them as well
"Well...yes and no. He's slightly better at the moment, but he still has a ways to go before he's completely back to normal" Tsubaki explained.
Tsubaki deadpanned at Hikaru. "Not the best comment of the day, but let's just try to brighten the mood a bit" she said with a sigh.
The maid came in the room just then. "Master Hitachiins. I've been informed to tell you that your guests need to leave."
The twins whined, and nodded, "tell mom we said-" they stuck their tongues out. The maid hesitantly nodded, and left. "Sorry guys..." Kaoru muttered
Clem nodded. "i'm gonna go home, I...Need a little space. kyoya has my number so just talk to him if you need me..." she said "Shane, don't do anything stupid while i'm gone" she said, getting up and leaving. Heading home without another word.
Shane sighed and stood, "I should get going too..." he started to leave, but stopped, "thanks again Tsubaki" and with that he left.

Kaoru bit his lip, knowing he shouldn't let Tsubaki go home "Uhm... you should stay with us. Like... a sleepover?"
Tsubaki nodded at Shane before turning to the twins. "I'd love to...but...do you think your mom can call my mom to tell her? I'm afraid to tell her myself" she asked hopefully.
Clem got home, giving a halfhearted greeting to her parents then went to her room, laying in bed silently. Not getting up for dinner or anything.
Kaoru nodded, "definitely" Hikaru called for the maid and told her to tell their mom to call Tsubaki's mom and blah blah blah
Hikaru blinked and hugged back, "it's no problem!" He smiled, a pink blush covering his face. Kaoru stayed silent, knowing just how important this was, he smiled like an idiot.
After a while Clem got hungry so she made instant ramen, ate and went back to bed, unable to sleep so she lied there, dark thoughts entering her mind.

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