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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

Tamaki shook himself out of the shocked state he was once in, and went to his bathroom to confiscate the razor. Shane put his head down, and started sobbing, "i..I'm sorry... i..I just..."
(Angst and humor at the same time...love it)

Tsubaki looked back at Kaoru. "Y- you wanna play with us?" she asked with a nervous chuckle.
(Angst and humor is my aesthetic)

Kaoru smiled, "sure, why not"

Shane sobbed quietly, clinging onto Clem for dear life
Hikaru came put with Uno, smiling devilishly. An identical smile appeared on Kaoru's face.

Shane nodded, not letting go.
Tsubaki sweatdropped as she saw the cards. "Shit...this is literally all luck based" she groaned, knowing that she was probably going to lose.
"Exactly" Hikaru said, that devilish grin still on his face

Shane let himself be dragged, Tamaki had split apart from the two, after Kyoya had drug him off
The twins smirked, and looked down at their cards.

Haruhi nodded, "last I saw they were going back to the twins' house"
Shane stayed silent, crossing his arms. "No problem..." she stayed silent, she was unnerved by the comepletely different aura Shane was giving off.

The twins snickered, sharing a glance.
"Should I just throw in the towel before we even start? Or do I have a chance at surviving the onslaught?" Tsubaki asked with a sigh.

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