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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

( Todo same aside from the fact i'm drinking Gin so part slightly tipsy, the rest dead inside, this was difficult to type lol)
Tsubaki sat down and separated the money and pieces. "Let's hope this doesn't end with one of us throwing the board out the window" she joked.
Hikaru smirked, "Tsubaki, you're playing a Hitachiin. I'm definitely gonna throw this thing out the window. And I might throw a chair too, depends" he said, shrugging.

Tamaki walked back in silently, for once
Tamaki sighed, "Apparently the only thing Haruhi is missing is... uhm... a razor"

Hikaru smirked, and grabbed the cat token, "I call the cat."
She fell silent "we need to find him. Now!" she said dragging Tamaki out with her "where did you see him last?" she asked, her 'mother friend' mode in overdrive.
"We both saw him at his house!" Tamaki said, running, his "dad mode" activating as well

Hikaru stayed silent, glaring at the board.
Tsubaki wanted to be a bit cocky about her progress. "It seems a bit stuffy in here. I must fan myself" she said dramatically as she made a fan out of the fake money. She smirked at Hikaru.
"he went to the bathroom with the bag !" she exclaims, pounding on the door of Shanes house as loud as she could, tears streaming down her face "Shane? Open the fucking door its clem she pleaded"

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