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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

Tamaki quickly opened the door, rushing up the steps and into Shane's room, to see him exiting the bathroom with a heavy sweater on.

Hikaru glared more harshly, "I swear to fuck, I'm not kidding"
Hikaru set down the thimble, and continued glaring at the board as they played. Shuffling was heard behind Tsubaki, as a sleepy Kaoru sat up and mumbled, "...I cant tell you how many times I've got hit with the car piece..."
Clem rushes inside and hugs him tightly "I swear to god. If you had hurt yourself" she said, taking his arms and pulling up the sleeves
Tsubaki snorted at the image of an angry Hikaru throwing monopoly pieces across the room and pouting. "That sounds painful" she said.
Shane quickly pulled his arms away, "wh..what are you talking about?" He asked frantically

Kaoru giggled, "I still have bruises" Hikaru crossed his arms, "well that's what you get for winning"
Tamaki Told me you borrowed a razor, it was in that bag, and you were in your bathroom with the bag and now your wearing a sweater. what the hell am I supposed to think?!" she exclaims in tears "I was scared for your safety" she said, calming down
Tsubaki smirked as she bought hotels on almost all of her properties. "This is what I've been saving up for" she said victoriously.
As she pulled away she saw the fresh bandages "why?" was all she could manage to say, she was hurt, disgusted, horrified, and an array of other emotions "why would you hurt yourself? I don't know what I would do If you were to off yourself. Don't you have a brother?Think of him, and your family. I swear I will go to hell and back if it means you would live, grow up. Have a full life " Clem ranted, her face red with tears, anger, and sadness. "Tamaki, are you going to help? Look shane. I know we just met but I care about you, we all do. So don't do this to yourself , I've been there, and if it weren't for my family I would have died a long time ago." Clem ranted more

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