Our Elements (RP)

"I run so I can stay alive.I didn't know much about my element then,now I run because I couldn't do anything against that man since he had our weapon.It's unique because it was made of us Technos,not only does it take your element in exchange but the weakness it gives you.We are a very weak element when it comes to physical strength and if choose so this weapon would change that for someone who does not want to be. At first the weapon could not do what it did to your sand,but as time went by I watched multiple people all with different elements wield it and come after me.Each would fall and it'd be past down to the next hunter,and every time the weapon takes an element it grows immune to it....Therefore it can eat those elements it's immune too.The man wields it simply because he was the next hunter who didn't like his element....He's not evil trust me,just irritated since he's gone for about a year chasing me so far maybe longer. And people he doesn't want to harm get in him way,I've seen it happen a lot...."Link got used to explaining now and was okay with it.It was a lot to tell but he hoped he made it all clear.
"Akala Declamein. I'm a fire elementalistist from the snow villages." Aka said, looking up from the dark shade under his hair," Specialty is high-temperature flames and can change the temperature of other things. Like a puddle to boiling water." He said, holding back some information. Akala didn't explain why he had come from the north and learn fire magic. He liked to keep that informatuon classified. He barely knew these people. No use spilling out everything.

(Listening to Blowsight. AMAZINGEST MUSIC EVAR!)
Ailani stomped through the forest angrily as Vanessa tripped on the heels of her feet.

"When are we gonna stop?" Vanessa asked.

Ailani rolled her eyes and harrumphed, ignoring her question. The two girls continued walking, Ailani swiflty moving while Vanessa stumbled behind her. Suddenly, Vanessa tripped up over a rock and fell face down into the grass. Ailani stopped when she heard the young girl cry out in suprise. She turned around to Vanessa sitting on the ground.

"Could you please get up?" Ailani asked impatiently. Vanessas stared at her for a long time before crossing her arms and turning her head stubbornly.

"No. I want to rest."

Ailani glared at her younger sister.

"Vanessa, for the last time. We are not taking a break until we find out where we are. I suggest you get up because I'm leaving. With or without you."

Vanessa stared of into space her indez finger resting on her chin, before deciding that following Ailani was the best idea and proceeded to get up. The girls trenched on looking for a sign of something to tell them where they were.

"Why couldn't I have been able to control Earth." Ailani thought to herself.
"It is very nice to meet you people, I guess I will stop pelting you with questions but proposals. If this man is giving you trouble I can try and stop him from chasing you. My sand isn't just a whip or ball attack, no, I compress as much sand as possible into a shuriken or kunia, usually two. I throw them in a strait line, single file. Once the first is close to him I 'blow' it up creating a cloud of sand, then the second penetrates the cloud and I either strike them with it or explode it even closer to the body. An almost flawless technique, plus I have many other 'abilities'."
"Well yea,I'm sure you do."Link said as he sat up,leaning back on his arms."My only goal with him was to get the weapon back,if he continues to chase me I don't really care...I'm such it'll be strange to me if they stop,and it'll be pretty boring without them."He chuckled."So I have no need to get rid of that man or any other who chase me,even if they chase me to the end of the earth."Link wouldn't have anything to do if he wasn't running,and he'd most likely get stuck somewhere and die of boredom.
"And I thought I was dull." These people weren't the excitement I needed to try out my powers, they are just a couple of people being chased by a bad case of boredom. "Well it is nice to meet you but I guess I'll just send you off to your 'running, there is nothing truly happening that I believe you need my assistance with. If you want I will just escort you back out of the dessert so you may continue your running." Nicko stood up, ready to do whatever they must need.
Oh no!"Link jumped up."I am not doing that again!."There was no way he'd go back up i the air like that,he'd rather walk any day then do that again.He sighed and then thought about something,"Actually...There may be something i need your help with."He smiled,he had thought about something he had forgotten for a second there and he couldn't do it without this sandman's help.
Aster was leaning against a tree whilst the others did their work on Allen. However, he was monitoring the astral plane, where thoughts are projected like billboards. Suddenly, he heard that someone wanted to test out new powers, and it sucked that the man with the scythe didn't have an element. So, he decided to go over there and have a friendly bought. God knows Aster could use one; he was getting board. Without a word of goodbye to the brothers, he teleported himself to the desert. Looking at the boy in question, he said, "Hey! I heard you needed someone to test your powers out on, and these two are a little boring." Smiling he held out a hand to the mysterious boy. "So, what do you say. Friendly fight?"
Akala scoffed," Well hello again, guy that didn't do anything when I was dying," he said rather coldly. Aka crossed his arms in a rather annoyed way. "Nice to know YOUR butt is still fine," Aka grumbled.

(woot. Bye, be on tmorrow)
Link glared at the other Techno,he really hated this guy and his popping up where ever he wanted whenever he wanted.it was very annoying and he really wanted it to stop,he could since he had the scythe now but he knew if he did so he'd loss his element which he didn't want. So he had to put up with this crap again,"Great...."He sighed as he leaned on the scythe looking over at Aster.

( xD )
(Well the group of people are still in the woods stuck,There are 4 in the desert now talking,two maybe three still in town also that man is there too stuck in glass ^^)
"I see, finally a fighter in this world. Yes I'll take up your offer on this 'friendly fight'" Nicko looked this man in the eyes, put his arms around his torso, and ripped off his jacket which had faded into sand. After he had torn of his coat he coated himself in a layer of sand, protecting his body. "Oh your move boy, try not to get sand in your shorts."Nicko posed his hands, ready to strike at the movement of a fly.
Aster got annoyed quite quickly. How dare this guy call him a boy. He should no better than to mess with full fledged Technomancers. There is a reason Technomancers were weaker physically; they're element was the strongest of them all. And, over many years of conditioning and training, Aster had become quite the powerhouse in the physical department as well. He decided to wait for the "Sandman" to make the first move. The fight would be quicker that way.
I looked this man in the eyes and then attacked. I took the sand under his feet and entangled him into place. Then putting his hands together he forms two kunai in his hand. Then with the swiftness of a sand storm, he threw them at the opposed. "Kunai of the sand!"
Aster almost yawned. 'Boring.' he thought. He shifted his weight... and the sand pile had moved. Aster's feet were still entangled in place. However, in a blink of the opponent's eye, Aster had moved the entire sand pile so that the kunai missed their mark completely. He smirked as if to taunt the "Sandman."
He gasped at the sight, what is with people today!? I haven't hit my sand at all. "You aren't a normal one aren't you, I don't wish to go all out so don't make me." I had to engulf the man in sand just to regain some of my sanity. I began to take all the sand I could around me from the desert and made them into shurikens. I was ready for him to break out and pelt him with shurikens, probably knowing they'd miss but I had to figure this guy out.
Suddenly, Aster's sight was robbed of him. 'How petty. I thought he'd be a little stronger. There hasn't been much opposition to my abilities lately, and this one isn't turning out to be much different. Regardless, this is at least a little amusing. So, I'll continue for a little longer.' he thought with a smirk. With that, Aster simply stepped through the sand, as if it didn't exist. The "Sandman" had sand shuriken ready, but Aster bent the gravity around the "Sandman". Now, if the opponent launched his sand shuriken, they would arc back to him in a deadly volley. The "Sandman" would be none the wiser about the true extent of Aster's powers, probably not even able to deduce how Aster had redirected his weapons. Aster stood there, his three-piece suit, tie, and fedora perfectly placed and spotlessly clean, even in the sand. It was a lure to taunt the man, and it was probably damn annoying to the "Sandman" too.
(It is quite simple, my friend. Ember Bare's sign up thread clearly dictated that a Technomancer could control time and space. It seems that Link's abilities manifested as actual technological things, but as stated in Aster's character sheet, he has worked nonstop for years to completely perfect his powers. His powers have developed to the point where he actually controls space, hence his lack of opposition. He can, for that reason, teleport, control gravity in areas, etc. However, the scythe man was a good opponent since it took away his element. Aster still hasn't fully mastered the ability to control the time aspect, so he doesn't use it in battle... but he will, eventually. And that is what ya missed on "Our Elements". :laugh: )

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