Our Elements (RP)

(( Space actually revolves around the size and momentum of an object. So, controlling it would allow you to re-size things as well as control how fast or slow the momentum of an object is, like a bullet, but in our case I guess it would be an arrow.

But I guess everyone has their own interpretation of it, and so it could result in different things. ))
(Wait, what arrow are you talking about? I'm confused. Also, since there is no reference, I'm a bit confused as to what you were saying about space.)
(( Since the role play takes place in medieval times, we don't have guns, so I was referring to bows, arrows, and crossbows. And there is no reference, just what I got from gathering information over time. But, like I said, it can be interpreted in different ways. ))
(Yes, I agree the interpretations are different. Personally, I took it to mean the ability to alter the space-time that Einstein referred to in his theories of general and special relativity. Those theories are also what I reference to get the power over the gravitational force as it is directly related to the deformations of space-time.)
(Btw Gab,its actually the opposite.Time and space is what they can normally do hence it saying they can control time and space,to be able to do the computer and bring the technology out is the next stage of being a Techno. ^^ )
(It's great that you guys will in for a science class but let's rp shall we? xD )

"You people are monsters! I believe one of these men here said something about this. Technowhazewhats? Whatever it may be I cannot find a flaw in your 'element' if you wish to call it. But strike me, let me feel the power of the Tech." That was a request I would most likely regret but I would never know without trying.
( xD haha)

Link watched the battle with slight irritation but it faded off to slight sadness when he was referred as a monster,there were flaw,three if you count how weak there physical strength is. There's one only other Technos can find and then there was a limit,every Techno had a limit of how much he could do and since Aster's been using quite a bit here and there he was reacting that limit fast.Link was keeping scan of it and watched it,he wondered what'd Aster do when his element didn't follow anymore.
I slowing became aggravated at my opponent. He just walked away from everything I did, same as that scythe man. There had to be a flaw in these people or else they'd be gods. I guess I'd try a more physical approach. I dashed at teh man with great speed then as I arrived at his face I jumped up a few twenty feet in the air with the sand. Then on my departure down I took the sand on my feet from the jump and made them into kunai. I pointed one at his chest and curled the other around my wrist.
Aka sat in the hot sand, legs crossed, and his chin rested on his folded hands. He liked the sand being hot. Akala sat patiently for the two to setle whatever they needed to do.
Aster decided to let the "Sandman" in on a little secret. "Hey! You! Just a heads up. We technomancers have a limit on how much we can use our powers in quick succession. Now, teleporting," he said as he teleported a few feet away, "expends little to no energy. Of course, my little gravity trick was bit taxing. Add onto that the fight with the scythe guy, and quite frankly, I don't have much left in the old techno-tank." Then, he smirked. "However, the reason that I haven't developed my powers as far as Link is because while he is a strong technomancer, he is physically very weak. Whereas I have trained myself for years. Observe." As the "Sandman" came down, Aster moved even faster than the "Sandman" had. He sidestepped the attack, used the "Sandman's momentum to drive him into the ground, crushed the sand kunai, and proceeded to kick the "Sandman" a few meters away. "You see, I am a formidable opponent not only due to my powerful abilities, but also due to my physical prowess."
Link glared at him when he mentioned his name,knowing he wasn't going to say anything nice. And he didn't,he sighed since he knew it was true though for him it was worth it. He uses in element a lot more then his physical strength and stamina he had so running was all he had and needed,but this fight was taking a long time. And Aster was really showing off in an obvious way like always,Link snapped his figures and pulled up a screen in front of him about 12 in. large.He began working on a couple things on it as he watched the fight.
"I expected that much out of you!" Even though I had missed the kunai on the way down, I had the other one curled around my wrist and un-raveled it shot it upwards at the man's chest. "And here's two tips, Sand can change itself in a moments notice, from a simple sandbox to killing you in a sandstorm. Its a very flexible element at nature, unlike its ancestor earth. Also, 'Sand man' gets pretty annoying!" I curved my body to shoot up when I hit the ground and thrust forward.
Aster teleported out of the way, directly behind the "Sandman". His kick connected and sent the "Sandman" back a few meters. "I am aware that you expected as much from me. I am not naive enough to create a predictable pattern. However, this fight has been dragging on for long enough. I must confess, you are quite adept with your element. But, it is time to end this little bought. Actually, it is already over." With a laugh, Aster began to explain. "I didn't have a large amount of power left before I reached even my high limit. So, I decided to end it with one trick. If you'll notice, the sand no longer reacts to you, and you may be wondering why. The fact is is that I used my technomancer abilities to strengthen the individual gravitational fields of each grain of sand to the point where they must maintain a gravitational balance unless they want to collapse into a black hole. If you tried really hard, you'd break that balance, and thus create a black hole right here, on this very spot." Aster smirked after explaining how he executed his plan. It was one of the simpler ones he'd come up with over the years, but it was effective nonetheless. "This battle is over, unless you wish to fight me physically, without our elements. In point of fact, I'd be fine with a physical duel because my victory would be almost assured. So, what is your response?"
"What an idiot."Link said as he stopped watching and focused on his screen,what was this idiot thinking? Using it like that could be dangerous,not just for the opponent but others around as well. He really had no self control with holding back is 'amazing power' which could get him killed one day,this element was not to be tinkered around with like that. Link pulled up a grade bar and bar level on his screen,the bar level was about a third full and the grade level showed many numbers at first until a D came up and Link smiled.
I stumbled back and fell on my ass. I looked at my hands with a scared gaze "You rendered me useless in less then a couple seconds.... Your 'element' is not one that human should wield. From what I've gathered no one deserves to wield the power you posses. You have just endangered everyone here. If you hadn't told me I would have kept my sand armor on, creating a black hole all around my body, your stupid." I became pissed, I trained for years to accomplish something, but then this guy comes up and threatens my life and I can't do anything about it. This isn't right on any standard.
(( Time to make my appearance with a lame entrance! ))

"Hey!" a voice called out from a distance. Moments later, a girl could be seen running towards the group, panting as she slowed to a stop next to one of the spectators. Ferris finally caught her breath before speaking again, "You're done fighting, right? So you can weaken the gravitation now." The girl crossed her arms. "It is far too cruel to threaten someone with their own ability." With that, she walked over to the sandman and held a hand out to him. "You can stand, yes?"
Link couldn't help but look up at this stranger that popped up out of nowhere and he tried not to laugh as he watched."What in the world?"Who was she?Did someone know her,he knew he didn't but one of the others might. At least she had some sense though,what she said was true and Link agreed with it. What Aster did is one reason why the Techno's got a bad name and were hunted down,that's why Link usually never fought unless he had to. Though you should make the most of what you got,but in a good way.
Ferris couldn't help but notice the other's laughter, and she automatically turned to face him. "Sorry, did I say something funny? Or maybe a little unusual?" she asked, pondering over her own question. She eventually shrugged and smiled at the stranger. "Sorry, but I just couldn't stand to watch one more second of this abuse in power. I have a little pet peeve for people like that."
Link gave her a thumbs up,he liked this one.She seemed more...Well smart,and it was something they needed at the time. On his screen he pulled up another page and began researching,like he always did.He stuck the scythe in the ground right beside him as he worked with the screen, the grade level showed numbers again as it calculated once more.
I stood up on my feet again, but it didn't feel normal. I felt the warm sand underneath but I had no connection until he decided to stop this crazy ability. I rose my head to see this girl standing over there, she was kind of pretty, first girl I have seen in a while I guess. She had my same feelings for this mans powers, they weren't right. "Hey um pretty girl I'm a Nicko nice to ah meet you." Smooth move me, smooth move.
"Well, I suppose the fight is over. He didn't concede, but I guess that was implied." Aster released the gravitation. He began to walk back to the brothers, when he turned around to talk to the girl. "Make no mistake, had that boy tried to interact with the sand, I would've released the gravitation right away. There was no chance it could harm anyone anyway. In point of fact, everything I said was I an absolute lie. I used his lack of knowledge of complex physics to weave an impressive bluff, which I'd say worked. In reality, although I could do it with a full limit, creating thousands of black holes would be counterproductive because each one would counter the other, leaving us not only in a state of fixed gravitation, but also causing deformations in space-time that result in a time stop. No, I wouldn't do that. Not again." Suddenly, there was a dark look on his face, and then, he was gone.
Ferris held in her breath as the Techno spoke, not releasing it until he disappeared. With that, she turned to look at the sandman. Well, Nicko. "It's nice to meet you, too." she said with a smile. "You're not hurt, are you? I'm Ferris, by the way."

Compared to the others, she was rather short for her age. It made her seem a lot younger-- around fifteen or sixteen at most. However, in actuality, she was almost twenty!
"No I am not, my ah feelings are a little ah messed up though, OH SORRY! That was aloud wasn't it haha...." The only thing I could think was kill me now. I don't know why, she just caught my attention I guess. "Anyway thank you for the fight but Techno's just kinda scare me when they threaten to take away my element or I die, and I've only know what a Techno is for about a couple hours now."
Akala held a wave to Ferris," Akala. I'm a pyrotechnic. Not as interesting element as these other guys," he laughed a bit and continued to sit in the sand. As he breathed, a small whiff of smoke emitted from his mouth.

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