Our Elements (RP)

Link snapped the screen off and crossed his arms,he stood there looking at the ones around him and sighed. From being alone to having three people around in less then three hours,never knew it was possible. And by the way they spoke of Technos he really didn't feel welcomed to stay,Even though he really only used his for info and defense. Of course he was in the middle of a desert,so he couldn't just start walking and he hasn't finished his air board program which would take a couple hours to finished.
"Don't worry, Nicko," Ferris said, looking up at him. "There are other Technos out there, and i'm positive that not all of them are like him. Sure, they have a strong power, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they should be feared. Right? I'm sure that man had a good reason for the way he acted, anyway." A grin spread across her face as she crossed her arms. "Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they just never used their powers at all! But... This is the first time I've met a Techno in person. Well, two."
"Only if you say so, I was just hoping to face someone with a more, well, realistic element such as water or fire or even air. An earth bender would be interesting, I can bend earth my self as it is my element, but it just feels more comfortable to bend the sand. I stood up and dusted myself off, then took the and back and put the line layer over my body, camouflaging it so it would be unnoticeable. "I ahve no idea of what this Techno is or why it is something people control, I do not mean to discriminate your people but it just isn't something I am quite... used to you could say. And for you, the man threatening to end our existence, pretty much, I plan to have a confrontation with you again. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go search a more, realistic opponent." I put two of my fingers on my head, focusing my energy, then I sank under the sand. I emerged at the other side of the desert. I look over my shoulder of where the other people where and took a deep swallow " It's a shame, she was very pretty." I had never known much human confrontation so this was something completely different for me. I sat in the sand an meditated thinking of that location. Now seeing that location with my mind I scoulped a sentence in the sand in front of the girl, hoping she would see it. ' If you ever need me, take a handful of sand and send it into the wind, I will come.' "Well that's as much as I can do right now. I stood and began to run over the land, looking for a fighter.
Link sighed,then a beeping sound came from his pocket which made him jump slightly. He pulled a little box out of his pocket and tossed it in the air,it opened up to another screen that looked to be a camera. The man had smashed through the glass now and was moving on to where he was,which meant he also needed to start heading on while he still had this much space between them. He tapped the screen and it turned back into it's little box form which he put back in his pocket,he started walking with the weapon in hand away from the direction of the man which he didn't care where it was taking him but it was better then going straight for him.
Kia laid in the area on the beach where the water and sand met. Right where the waves got too, but quickly flowed away. She liked the beach, it was her element. Water. No one was here today, so Kia was alone. She wasn't going to say she didn't like it alone, but it was... Different.

Storm stood on a flatland less than a mile from Kia, seeing how fast he could get from Point A to Point B, literally marked by the only two trees within football field range. This was one of Storms three daily hobbies: Racing, Mouthing Off, and Laughing.

Mitchell walked down an empty road with his black eye. It was a shame, he never came out of fights with scars. Sure, he won the fight, but it pisses Mitchell the hell off when they leave a mark. Mitchell made sure he payed for it. It was an embarrasment.

Aiden was sitting on a rock doing his normal hobby: Thinking. He was also watching his brother Storm as he raced between two trees. Aiden brought his first sword down and brought a perfectly shaped rock for his purpose. He laid the sword into a grove in the rock and began to sharpen it. Aiden had three swords, he named each one. The first one was Slicer, the one he was sharpening now. Slicer got it's name because it was his sharpest sword, it could slice through most things. The second sword was Hollow. Hollow got it's name because the speed Aiden could control it at, it made it almost seem like if you hit the sword with anything the sword would collapse. The third and final sword was named Brute, was a classical. Brute was called Brute because with it Aiden could be brutal. It was clever, to him at least. Brute could barely cut through anything. It was more of a blunt weapon than anything. Brute could cause extreme pain to someone simply because it would never break the skin.

Nedia stood in his patch of grass, surrounded by dense trees and bushes. He was happy, it was quiet. The wind had stopped blowing and the leaves weren't rustling. Nedia hadn't conquered his techno, but he did know how to do one thing, because he needed to pick it up first before anything else. He slowed time down to enjoy this moment. It rarely happened. Detearia, his pet raven,'s wing slowed as they flapped towards him, the sun was shining through clouds and Nedia could see the outer ring of it. Though this was an ideal moment, Nedia couldn't bring a smile to his face. The events of that morning still haunted him.


Earlier that morning.


"Where is it?!" Mitchell screamed, he was furious about his shirt being hidden. Mitchell was a hot-head, and definately NOT a morning person, when those two mix, it's not good. Mitchell was shaking in rage, and the joke was getting to be a little out-of-hand, and all the Greaves knew that.

Mitchell turned to Nedia, Nedia was often blamed for things disappearing, his element allows him to send things in all different places. Nedia took a step back, but Mitchell seemed to move as fast as Storm and caught Nedia by the throat.

"Tell me where my damned shirt is or I'll-" Mitchell didn't need to finish the sentence, Nedia got the idea. Nedia felt Mitchell's hand grow hotter and hotter the longer Nedia didn't say anything.

"I-I don't..." Nedia couldn't get it out, he broke under pressure.

"Mitchell, stop! Storm took it and hid it in a tree! Let go of Nedia!" Kia was the only one who stoop up for Nedia, she was the only one who didn't completely resent him. Nedia understood she'd rather spend time with other people, and Nedia didn't mind either. Kia was the only one who understood.

Mitchell dropped Nedia and Nedia almost fell over. His neck stung from the burn Mitchell had caused. Mitchell turned towards Storm but Storm was long gone.


Present time


Nedia reached up and felt his neck again, it was dry and stung when he touched it. Nedia was weak, he knew that, but he didn't want to show it.

Nedia realized he had stopped time completely when he was having the flashback. Slowly, Nedia allowed the sense of time to come back and Detearia was on Nedia's shoulder in seconds afterwards. Nedia looked up at his raven, and held out his finger.

"Jump," was the command Nedia muttered.
I had left the desert hours ago, but the sand was still warm and comforting on me. I had approcheded a forest, seemingly normal. I might catch a rowdy fire wielder burning down the forest of a water bender messing with the plants. As I walk throughout the forest I could sense something a faint presence. I brushed the bush out of my face to see a boy, sitting there in the middle of this forest. He seemed innocent enough but so did that Techno that rendered me powerless. I stepped out of the woods into the clearing and just stared at the boy, hoping he'd notice.b
(This is the clearing, just so you guys know. It's iconic to Nedia. View attachment 9390 Most of the time Nedia is under the tree or out in the middle of the field.)

Detearia's head perked up after he had jumped onto Nedia's finger. Nedia took the warning and looked over. Someone stood in the clearing, about a step from the bush line. Nedia just looked at the boy. Nedia didn't know how to act towards other people. His siblings were the only people he really knew.

"New record, eh Aiden?" Storm asked after obviously running the distance faster than ever before.

"Sure, whatever," Aiden replied.

"Everything okay?" Storm was curious at Aiden's tone.

"It's Nedia, someone's in his clearing," Aiden put a lot of emphasis on his.

"Is that worse for Nedia, or the other person?" Storm asked.

"Not sure," was Aiden's only reply.

"Wait, how do you know?" Storm asked, last time he checked, no one has telekinetic powers between them.

"Vibrations... I also know it's another earth bender, the vibrations are distinct..." Aiden informed Storm.

"Should we go check it out?" Storm didn't really like his brother Nedia, but there's always been a part of him that still takes him in as his brother. It's like that for all the Greaves, except Mitchell, he hates Nedia.

"If something happens, I'll go," Aiden told Storm, Storm nodded.
Aster had left the desert when he sensed a presence in a field. However, this field was generated by the power of a Techno. Not as powerful as Link, but still naturally gifted. 'Well, I think I'll go meet this guy. But, I shall present myself as an air elementalist.' Aster teleported himself to the edge of the field and began to walk towards the man. When he had reached him, he uttered a simple greeting. "Hello. Who are you?"
"How could one thing be so hard to find?..."Link sighed as he spoke to himself as he walked,then felt a warp and sighed again.He knew exactly who it was since they always seemed to do it constantly,then he had an idea."Lets see what you do when you can't get away that easily."He chuckled as he snapped his fingers and programed a bug protecter on the space link labeling all the 'bugs' including an annoying Techno he knew of and setting it up."Time for you to mind your own will and power..." Now that he thought about it,why did he always walk and never just teleport? Actually he had no idea,but didn't care since he's done good without it.
Another man appeared in Nedia's field. Nedia didn't mind meeting new people, but he wasn't used to it, so he was uncomfortable that two people other than his siblings know where his field is. "N-Nedia," was all Nedia could get out, he decided that he was a bit to uncomfortable and was forced to break the eye contacts and look down.

"Storm?" Aiden was a little more uneasy then last time.

"What's up, Aiden?" Storm couldn't wait to get a load of this.

"Another person is in Nedia's field, one might be just luck, but if there's two, well, they could be planning to double team Nedia, and we both know Nedia probably couldn't even take one of them," Aiden said, Storm nodded in agreement.

"So, we go check it out, then?" Storm asked.

"We go check it out, then," Aiden finished.
Aster was about to respond to the boy, named Nedia, apparently, when he felt a damper being placed on his powers. Obviously, he knew there was only one person powerful enough to do that. 'Damn that Link. Why doesn't he just mind his own business?' However, the difference between Link's powers and Aster's were not as great as Link perceived them to be. Indeed, Aster was weaker in term of technology development, while Link was weaker in terms of spacial and temporal manipulation, but Aster had done his own forays into Link's branch of Technomancy as well. Enough, it so happened, to bypass his "bug". Turning back to Nedia, he introduced himself. "I'm Aster. A pleasure to meet you. What's your element?" he ask innocently.
"Techo," Nedia let it slip. For the love of god, Nedia has resented it since he knew about it, and the moment someone asks him, he instantly blurts it out. Nedia knew that no matter how much he resented it it would never change, but he still tried.

Storm stopped right on the outskirts, and waited about three seconds for the rocks to rise near him, then they sank back down, leaving Aiden.

Both Storm and Aiden observed the two in Nedia's field, but they didn't seem hostile. In fact, one of them was barely inside the field while the other just seemed to be talking to Nedia. Talking, that was the flaw. If it were up to Nedia they wouldn't be here right now, but Nedia doesn't have full control over his powers yet so it's not up to him.

"So, what are we going to do?" Storm asked Aiden, Storm knew it'd be better to let Aiden do the thinking.

"You stay here, I'm going to observe closer. Be careful- the one standing way off in the distance is an Earthie, I can take care of him most likely if trouble sparks, but the other one... I'm not sure... I can't tell, but he's not an Earthie. Be careful around him," Aiden commanded, Storm nodded and the rocks engulfed Aiden and he moved underground to the action to see what was going on for himself.
Aster, of course, was aware of Nedia's status as a Techno. However, he wasn't expecting the resentment he saw on Nedia's face. It reminded him of how he was until his old mentor had found him. Aster was always an outcast. First off, being a prince wasn't too conducive to making real friends, and on top of that, he was the intelligent type, which hindered him even more. The discovery of his Techno powers had come as a shock, and it put him at even greater odds with his peers. Then, his mentor found him and showed him how to use his powers for the good of others. To be honest, Aster didn't know why he'd been acting as he had for the past day. It really wasn't like him. So, he decided to go back to his master's ideals, and that started with Aster deciding to help this guy learn about his powers. Aster remained silent and sat down next to Nedia. Then, he spoke carefully. "Hopefully, you'll believe me when I say that I'm a Techno as well. If you'd like to learn about your powers, I'm probably one of the more powerful ones out there. So, what do you say? Would you like to learn to control those latent Techno powers of yours?" he asked with a kind and inviting smile.
Nedia liked the idea of learning how to use his Techno powers. This field being cleared was an accident, and the only thing Nedia knew how to do was slow down and stop time. He didn't know how to alter things like people always said Techos could. Nedia slowly began to sit down, he didn't have a reason to not like this guy. If this guy was going to kill Nedia, Nedia welcomed it, because he wanted to move on from this torturous life he had. If this guy was going to help Nedia, Nedia would welcome it more. Usually Nedia could tell what element people are when he sees them, like the earth guy by the brush line, but Nedia couldn't tell what this guy was, maybe that's what happens to Technos. Nedia sat down next to him.

Aiden wanted to stop Nedia, why would he trust this guy? Seriously? Well, there's nothing that Aiden could do about it if that other guy was really a Techno, Aiden knew their power. Instead, Aiden moved over to the other guy, the Earthie. When he got under him, he noticed a over-concentration of sand under his feet, so Aiden compressed the sand into rocks.
Aster began to speak. "First things first. I want to know what you know. No need for a fight or anything. Just give me a demonstration. I know: Tell me who those people are over there on the outskirts of this field." Unknowingly, he was referring to Nedia's brothers and the "Sandman". He knew the "Sandman" was among them, and he could sense a variety of different elementalists, but he didn't know any of them. He was curious as to see the extent of Nedia's natural talent with his Technomancer ability.
Nedia already knew his brother was there, he always knew when his brothers were around. The only thing was, he didn't know a damned thing about the earth guy.

"Well, the one underground-" There was a slight interruption from Aiden, who was underground, saying something along the lines of: 'ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME?' and Nedia continued. "Is my brother Aiden, and the one outside the field is my brother Storm, I don't know who the other guy is, but he's an Earth-guy," Nedia wasn't sure what everyone called the other elements when they were with other people, he just put the element, then guy or girl at the end.

Aiden came out of the ground, defeated. His thinking didn't get him far against the Techno. 'Oh well, from the looks of it Nedia's actually made a friend.' He thought, before looking at the other Earthie and slouching towards Storm.
That is quite hilarious. However, I'm not sure it is quite appropriate for this thread. It is bad manners to go posting unrelated things on a thread, especially on a RP thread itself. Please delete before Ember Bare sees this. I'm sure she won't approve.
Nedia sat down, then looked at his brothers Aiden and Storm walking away, he felt bad.

"I, uh... Change my mind... I just won't use my powers, I don't want them," Nedia said, standing up and starting to walk towards his brothers.

Aiden moped up to Storm, and he started to talk. He didn't get one word out before Nedia was right behind them.

"I'm coming with you guys," He said. Storm gave Aiden a weird look, but Aiden shrugged. Nedia's heard dropped. He knew they didn't want him, he didn't know why he tried. Nedia started to walk away, back towards the other Techno.

"Nedia, come on," Aiden said, starting to open up a whole in the ground. Nedia turned around, then fell into the widening hole, then Aiden dropped in and they took the practical subway to a shelter they had built while they were staying here in this area. When Aiden and Nedia appeared together, Mitchell gave them a weird look, Aiden shook his head and Mitchell stopped. Kia smiled for a second then tilted her head down. Nedia walked over to a pile of hey they marked as his, this was the first time he would sleep in this so called "bed."
Link couldn't help but continue his little,restrain,on Aster's ability.He didn't know if the idiot knew but any type of Techno would know there power is dangerous if used too much. He now sat where he was as three screens opened in front of him and was going to have fun with this,he improved his wall and began to mess around with Aster."Time for a war i'm familiar with."He smiled,this is a way he liked to 'fight' though he knew to keep his to a low minimum. He didn't want to be the one to harm something that might be unfixable.On the screens appeared camera images of the man and two of the clearing he kept them aside as he worked,just in case.

( :/ )
Seeing there was a few people, I thought it would be appropriate to say hello but then I see a familiar face, it was that one Techno girl from earlier, how odd. Seeing as I didn't want to walk much further for the day I condense some of my sand into a weak kunai and throw it near them. Then I focused my power in my mind and changed my position with the kunai. I didn't think this was frighten them too much but I don't see many people swapping places with their kunai often. "Hello um pretty..... oh never mind, it's me again. I don't believe I know who you are boy, my name is Nicko and yours?" If this boy was another Techno I swear I would have a spaz attack from sheer existence with the Techno.
([MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION]: Bro, Nedia and them are out of there. Nedia left with his brother to go back to their 'shelter' if that's what you want to call it... I really didn't want what was about to happen to happen this fast, but Nedia isn't supposed to get a tutor until after he does something he doesn't want to do, and he's about to do...

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]: I promise this won't happen soon, Nedia probably won't do this at all after this, but like I said Nedia isn't supposed to get a tutor until he does this.

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION]: It's up to you if Aster stays in the field, as Nedia is going to return there shortly. Heh...)

Nedia woke up to Mitchell screaming at the rest of them, again. Nedia didn't like the fighting, so he walked out of the shelter and towards a nearby river. He saw a fish so he slowed time so he could walk up and rub his fingers against it scales. Once this was done he let time return to it's normal state and sat down by the river.

Later, Nedia got up and walked back to the shelter. When he got there, Mitchell grabbed him again, Kia retaliated against Mitchell again immediately.

"What's your problem with Nedia, Mitchell? He didn't do anything!" She protested. Mitchell let go of Nedia and turned to Kia.

"You gonna do somethin' about it? Huh, pretty girl?" Mitchell walked up to Kia threateningly. Nedia decided now was the time to start paying off Kia for helping him so much.

"Don't touch her!" Nedia's voice had more force in it than it ever had before, and Mitchell didn't like that.

"What was that, emo boy?" Mitchell often called Nedia this, because of the way Nedia spent his free time. Mitchell whipped around and pulled back his arm, readying a punch. Nedia took a step back and started to bring his arms up to block, and Mitchell's hand came down, Nedia swore he saw sparks as it came down. Nedia closed his eyes and felt a surge of energy that made him cringe a little.

When Mitchell's fist hit Nedia, Nedia felt only a tap. Nedia opened his eyes and saw Mitchell, as he started to go limp and fall over.

All of the Greaves, including Nedia, watched as Mitchell lay lifeless on the floor. They all knew what had happened, but none of them knew how. Kia looked up at Nedia, and Nedia shook his head as a tear came out of his eye, and ran out of the shelter towards the forest. Kia, Storm, and Aiden all saw the one thing he left behind- charred earth where his feet had been.
(I wanted Asten to tutor Nedia and that has to happen before Nedia wants a tutor, and now that I've got that out of the way, well, we can continue.)

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