Our Elements (RP)

(No, you didn't, but I know a lot of people that would be mad if I did something like that right off the bat. I'm glad you aren't :D )
(Ok ima try and do something you apporve of oh master Stealthy xD )

So I look and see that boy over there and decide that it's not much to just go over and say something to them, it seems as if they would be powerful, I needed a decent opponent that wasn't a Techy. I throw my kunai and teleport to it then take back the sand. It's a fast style of movement that I quite enjoy. Over there I watched a bunch of people walk away before I stepped up but they seemed powerful enough. I guess I'd just sorta play a 'cool' guy act and just walk through and see if any of them are willing to pick a fight or even just a conversation that doesn't deal with me getting my ass kicked by a Techy.
(( Ok, so, Braxto, I'm going to assume you finally know what's going on now that I've explained it to you in skype xD ))

Nedia nearly tripped every three or four steps, he was going towards the clearing he called his own. He didn't know what he did, but he did know he killed his brother. Maybe, he thought, the guy would still be there, the Techno... Maybe he would still accept Nedia...

Meanwhile, back at the shelter, everything was at an all-time low. It was awkward... None of them really were going to miss Mitchell... To be honest, he wasn't really close to any of them, he only ever fought. Kia sat outside looking into the sky while Storm just kind of walked around the shelter. Aiden, was burying their brother, and, well... Thinking.
Nedia stumbled up to the clearing again. He noticed that both the Earth-guy and the other Techno were both still there. He stood there, he didn't know what to do. He made his descision, he wanted Aster to teach him how to use his Techno powers before something like that happened again. He just, didn't know how to start.
Aster waited patiently. He knew the boy, Nedia, would come back. Indeed, he'd initially run off from his master's offers to mentor him. However, eventually, he came back. Just as Aster had predicted, the boy returned in due time. He seemed a little scared. 'He probably accidently used his powers, and the effect was obviously not the most pleasant.' though Aster. Speaking to Nedia now, he said, "I see you've returned. Have you reconsidered my offer for an apprenticeship? The proposition still stands, although I can't tell you how long it'll be on the table." It seemed that the boy would need some convincing. Very well. "Listen, you have these powers for a reason. Don't think your life is purposeless. You see, you are the one who makes the reason for your existence. Don't just throw away the advantage you've been given. Use it to accomplish your purpose."
Link watched his screens and noticed that Tech boy coming back,"Zoom..."The camera zoomed in to the boy and Link couldn't help but smile,he my be in the middle of the desert but this was entertaining."Running."He said as he made a square with his thumbs and index fingers,he separated as a keyboard formed between them and he began to type.On one of the other screens files and info began to open and pile,flipping though them as he looked."Lets see what it can do..."He said downloading a program over the files as he watched the screen with the camera images,he knew Aster knew he was there but did the boy? He doubted it since Link hadn't messed with him,yet.
Ferris watched as everyone left the desert, and was now stuck in the barren landscape. There was no way she could make it back with her poor sense of direction! With a sigh, the girl knelt down, taking an empty jar out of her bag and scooping some sand into it. Then, she continued on to find a forest area, or at least somewhere with grass.

Of course, Ferris gave herself a little "head start" with her powers, and she arrived to a forest-like area in no time.
Nedia suddenly had a surge of anger about the people contaminating the clearing in the forest.

~It's your clearing, they shouldn't be here... Get out... Get out. Get out!~ A voice in Nedia's head said. Nedia ended up saying the last part out loud, and covered him mouth as soon as he finished. The anger was gone. He backed up to conceal himself just in case someone heard him, and he backed up into a tree, and it's texture felt odd. He looked at it, and it was charred black.
This boy was of no interest, I had lost all of mine. I just walked out of the clearing like I saw nothing. I had also made a connection with the earth and heard them from where I stood. Technos. I can't truly get why someone is aloud to wield such a responsibility, but from that girl I've seen, I know some are alright. I had been away from the sand for too long, I needed to go back. Releasing most of my sand, I made a path under me and began to fly over to the desert like it was a nimbus cloud. I'll get there in no time. Then I gotta go find that girl, maybe she can explain some of this Techno stuff to me, also I wouldn't mid to see her again. Why I liked this girl, I have no idea, but I wasn't gonna argue with it.
Aiden sighed, "Nedia's back at his clearing, one guy's still there. The Earthie," he looked up in the sky, "Is there," pointing at the guy flying on a cloud of sand. "I'm going to screw with him," Aiden said, smiling.

Aiden focused on the sand cloud and tried to disperse it, but couldn't. "Wow, this guy has a good grip on his sand, but we'll see if he can hold it," Aiden said, picking up a rock and launching it at the sand cloud. When the rock hit the sand cloud, Aiden grabbed the grains of sand that shot out from the sand cloud and made the closest to a spear that he could, and impaled the sand spear into the sand cloud, in attempts to mess with this Earthies flying attempts.

Storm looked at Aiden weirdly.

"Don't you want to know what he's up to?" Aiden asked, Storm simply shrugged.
"What the hell?" I had fallen off my cloud and dispersed my jacket off, releasing the sand on the ground. "Hmm so another bender of earth I see, well given your random act of violence you must be up to something no?" This would be interesting, sand was a superior form of earth, both steady and flexible, tough and soft. I could still bend regular earth but it made me mad when I had to, I was above standard earth at this point, but I'd have to do it to counter him. Also it takes years upon years of working with sand to fully master it, so he won't pose to much of a threat to control my sand.
The two sisters trudged through the forest, still at different paces. Vanessa ran her fingers along the trees as she walked past them. Out of the corner of her eye, Vanessa saw something and stopped.

"Wait! Ailani, look!" Vanessa exclaimed. Ailani sighed in exasperation.

"We don't have time for this! How many times to I have to tell you? We are NOT taking a brea-

"No, look! It's an open space!" Vanessa interrupted.

The girls looked through a space in the trees to see that Vanessa was right. The little girl began running towards it, Ailani not far behind, grumbling about the sudden energy in Vanessa's tiny body. When they finally reached the clearing, they saw people already there. One was backed up against a tree, while the others were in various places in the clearing. Vanessa grabbed Ailani's hand and tugged her farther into the space.

"Come on! Let's go say hi!" Vanessa gushed.
Nedia noticed two more people go into the clearing, but they were girls. Ever since the surge of anger, Nedia had been extremely hesitant to walk up to Aster, and now there were more people there. Maybe, Nedia thought, this time would pass, and he could be left alone once again.

Aiden chuckled quietly, "So, sand, huh? Heh, I applaud you in your choice of material. Don't think just because you can use a more advanced material of Earth than most Earthies, that you are superior to me." Aiden's swords revealed themselves from the shelter that he was outside of, his brother and sister inside. "How's about it, me and you, one on one? Don't worry about my brother and sister inside, they won't bother us," he said with a smile.

Kia heard Aiden talking to the man he just struck out of the sky. Why can't the fighting stop. For one day, please? She thought, she constantly had to deal with her brothers fighting one another, and other people. She was tired of it, and she was going to let Aiden know of this soon.
I didn't have to ask twice, I quickly let all of my sand onto the floor. This would be enough to take on one person who also has earth. I'd take it slow at first. If this guy was like any other earth bender he would be steady and smart. Taking in surroundings was one of my specialties of my years of thinking I noticed he had many brothers and sisters, he must be used to critical thought and cleverness to just survive with them. I'll take that into consideration during this. I took the sand of the ground and swirled it around me, just as a sort of readying move. "Make your mark, and make it a good one."
Aiden smiled to himself, this guy was interesting. Aiden could tell this was going to be a tough fight, this guy had strong control over his sand.

Aiden quickly thought up that he should put distance between him and his foe quickly so he could see anything that this guy was sending his way, and so Aiden could think more with more concentration and less interruption. Aiden doubted that this guy would fight any more faced-pace than himself, because most Earthies were more steady on the fighting.

Aiden hit the ground, sending a chunk of Earth about 6 foot in diameter at the other guy, in hopes of making him fall back. Once Aiden hit the ground, he not only sent that chunk of Earth out, but another one about half the size from right under his feet the complete other way to get even further away. Aiden estimated this would put them about 50 yards apart, not to far, but not to close.
I wasn't even impressed. Simply, I put my hand out and separated the rocks piece by piece, making them become simple sand. I quickly turned the sand around back at him. I wasn't trying to go for a hit, no, it was more of a way to show that attacks as such wouldn't work. I used the sand around me to form 4 kunai, 2 for each hand. I launched 1 from each hand immediately at him then started to dash. I had become very good on my feet due to having to run in sinking sand all the time. I'm sure he'll just put up a wall, he has no idea what sand can do does he?
Aiden smiled, he broke the rock easily, well done. A quick thinker this one was, and very skillful. Aiden shot the ground up, sending him about 50 feet in the air, easily going over the 2 kunai. He reached out and grabbed Brute and landed next to the other guy, sideswiping while doing so. This was going to be fun, fighting sand up close.

Nedia nervously walked out into the clearing where Aster and the two new girls were. Nedia knows he's going to have to get over being nervous around people sooner or later. You never know, maybe people aren't so bad...​ Nedia thought.
I didn't so much as change my stance. I stood there with my arms crossed as the man struck at me. I easily put up a sand wall, causing his arm to hit it and make him jump back. "Look if your not going to put up much of a fight then I might as well go, I need someone to push me to my limits." I took off my shirt and released all my sand, including my sand armor. I sent a line strait across his ankles, causing him to fall over on his face. A grin crossed my face, this wasn't even worth it at this point.
Instead of exactly what weirdbraxto wants to happen to happen, I think I'm going to have a say on what my character does, instead of him just stand here xD

Aiden slightly raised up a portion of ground between him and his opponent, the sand hitting it and either stopping of flying almost straight up. "You know, if you want someone to push you to your limits, you might want to actually fight, instead of stand there and let your sand do everything for you. I do commend you on nearly defeating me right off the bat, but I decided since you're playing somewhat more of a defensive fight, defense versus defense would take a while," he said, raising the portion of ground even further than it had been and pushing it forward towards his enemy. Aiden liked fighting this guy, but he's just now learning about his fighting style and it's a mistake for this guy to think he's even close to being finished.
Blaze wandered calmly into a fight, they were hittig sand and earth at eachoter, not very dignified, Blaze thought. She looked up at one of them, he was slightly raised on some dirt. Scrunching up her nose, Blaze made sure they could both see her, she made fire sculptures around her, se had stored up the fire from the last raid. BBlaze didn't even care about being hurt, she got hurt all the time. Looking at the many scars and ugly puckerd marks on her pale skin, Blaze turned in a slow circle, the fire around her twisting and turning. "Hey, you should really stop fighting" she said, with an offhand tone.
Ailani watched the fight ensue and smiled a bit, enjoying the show. She found herself eeging the two fighteres on and totally forgetting about her little sister until Vanella started cheering also. Ailani smirked, proud that Vanella seemed to be interested in this. She suddenly felt protective over her sister and pushed Vanella a little bit behind her just in case things got out of hand.
Ferris seemed to suddenly appear near the two girls and the boy who seemed to be accompanying the earth elemental she didn't know. She stepped up to the boy, but didn't really pay him or the girls any attention. Instead, he watched the scene with the three others. "Come now," she said with a smile, waving a hand at the fire girl. "I can see where this is going and there really is no need to stop violence with violence. Besides, they are probably too stubborn and wouldn't listen to you anyway." She was clearly trying to stop the fighting from getting any worse, but her attempts were most likely futile. She could already tell things weren't going to end up the way she wanted.
Blaze smirked, flicking her on-fire hair as she lazily turned her head towards thegirl who had appeared. She twisted her wrist slightly, and didnt stop moving, she was arching her back and licking her lips. Blaze moved with the fire, studying the boy like a cat on mouse. Narrowing her eyes, Blaze twitched her cat's ears and turned back to the other two, her inspection over. He posed no threat. "whatever." she quiped, and tilted her head, licking her fangs "i think they will agree to my way of thinking... one way or another..." Blaze suddenly turned her head to her, eyes alight with malice "unless... you'd like to come with me"

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