Our Elements (RP)

Nicko stood in awe. "Your telling me this man doesn't just have a skill, but his special ability is destroying elements?" This was huge, I had never heard of such thing in my life. A destroyer of elements is one thing I had never expecting to see in my time, I can only wonder what sort of man would wield this weapon.
Link shook his head."No! The Scythe! He's just a big dude that gave up his element to use this..."He looked at the scythe."It's something my family made and 'had' locked up,but it was taken when everyone died..."Link sighed,getting tired of holding onto the weapon. The glass cracked more and Link now seemed more hurried."Can you let it go now???"
Aka wuped some dust from his cheek. He didn't know what to say," So is he dead or what?" Akala asked, steppinb forward a tiny bit, almost half expecting the man to burst of his glass prison they had made. Akala coughed, and a spark came from his mouth, whereas when he had coughed.
"Alright you may have it as you please, but I incest that this is a very dangerous weapon and should be treated as such." Releasing the weapon, I pull the sand back under may coat and re-form it over my arm in-case another attack is needed. I don't want to pull anything serious unless I have to.
Link now carried this weapon with ease,most were too heavy for him even some of the simpler ones. Though this was made by his family and was made to were a Techno could hold it and move well, but he had no intention on giving up his element to use it."Of course..."he smiled,he looked back at the man still incased and the started walking away. He still wouldn't be able to beat the man even if he now had the weapon,Link was hurt and his strength had not changed so the man could easily snatch what he wants back if Link stayed.
I knew that I couldn't trust that weapon what so ever, it would completely destroy my fighting method. "Well as we know this man would hold forever, shall I take you somewhere save since you seem injured" I noticed that the man said something about the other man giving up his element to wield that weapon. What kind of sick bastard would do something like that?
Link looked back at the sand bender,"I doubt you could carry both of us with the little sand you have."He smiled,he didn't even know where he was going now but he knew he had to hide. Somewhere away from here,he had to find a way to shut down the weapon and that could take some time that he might not have if he stays near that man. So he had to make some distance between them and make sure not to be found easily.
"Hmm that is where are mistaken sir. In my arm currently there is about 100 pounds of sand. I can compact it almost to the point of no space in between molecules of sand." They would underestimate me which is understandable. Unraveling the sand I craft a soft ball around them to safely life them. "We won't get anywhere super fast but I can at least carry you in this." Trudging along we make our departure into a nearby place to hide.
(Oh I pretty much encased you in the rest of the sand I had encased in my jacket and carried you guys in it)
(Ooooh okay xD )

One thing Link rated second on his hate list,Flying. He freaked out in the ball,maybe he should have mentioned this when he had the chance. Just the feel of moving in the air was sickening to him,he was fine with traveling through space and time but when it came to air he really just couldn't do it."I want out...."He said in a whine with fright in it.
"Calm down you baby, I'll take you to the desert where I should be able to keep you safe for a while" That man was so annoying but I would have to deal with it. The desert wasn't too far away from here, I could re-stock and provide some shelter before that man comes after us again. Honestly that man was about the scariest thing I've seen in my life and I'd lke to know more about. "So mr. uh smart guy, tell me about that man and his scythe?"
"Mr.Uh smart guy!? That's the best you could come up with!?"Link yelled,still freaking out in the bubble. Link did not get this one at all,though he was interesting he was annoying Link at the moment and he really didn't like it.

( :/ didn't have much...)
Akala sat calmly inside the large ball of sand. His legs were criss-crossed and his right eye was slightly twitching. That technomancer's freak attack was starting to get to him, and Akala gritted his teeth to keep himself from digging his nails into the ground. "Relax, guy, we're not dying." he grumbled tapping a finger against his head. Aka then thought to himself, Well, desert means heat I guess. And heat means more for me... Akala sighed and leaned slightly, counting slowly to ten.

Link sighed."Why am i suck with people....I never do good with people...."He rambled to himself in a slight whine trying to forget where he was,He leaned his head on the weapon which kept him up at the moment. maybe if he just didn't pay attention it would all be over soon,the boy said something about the desert right? He had to make sure he didn't heat up too much or he'll have a melt down,which was never good and the fact that the others were sand and fire meant they'd be just fine so he wasn't worried about them.
(No just me and these two other people)

After a while of traveling I had arrived to the edge of the desert with these two people. I had released my grip on my hand, releasing the people from that sand ball. "Alright I brought you all this way and I don't even know who you are, so I'd like to have some answers right away. Who are you two and what sort of man 'gives' up his element?" I sat down on the soft sand crossing my legs, I was all ears.
(There are about seven people maybe eight i the forest together and two still in town,then i think some wandering around in the middle xD )

Link had fell back on his butt and them laid back on the ground,now happy but probably not for long."Someone who's not happy with it,and the side effects of there's they hate it. And it was his 'duty' to do so,and it worked out perfectly for him."He explained as he laid there with the weapon laying across his stomach. He knew a lot about this just from his own memory,he knew how it felt to want to give up his for something else.
"Hmm I see, I'll have to think on this one. Well I guess I owe you some answers as well. I am Nickotis Chanter but just Nicko please. I really don't live or belong anywhere and, as you've seen, I have the element of earth but only use sand and I prefer to keep sand in very very compact forms. It is very useful in making weapons out of sand." These people were oblivious to me, I know nothing of them and have no reason to trust them but they seem innocent enough but in a lot of trouble.
Link figured he should tell him who he is now,even though it felt awkward doing it since he was never used to it."Link Tech....As my last name shows,I'm a Techno and the son of the man who made this..."He lifted the weapon slightly and set it back down right after."Been alone ever since my home was attacked when I was little and never had any place ether. I've just been running..."He explained simply,after he did it didn't feel as awkward to him.
"Now why do you run? Is it because your family has made this weapon or something else? Also I'm very interested on why, why this weapon is so unique and why that man was wielding it. Obviously it wasn't for good but is this man evil in a sense?" I had began to feel as if I've pelted these men with questions but I had to have answers and I had to have more knowledge. Also I'm very intrigued on this man's, and his friends, elements.

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