Our Elements (RP)

((*Rolls* OMIGOD. That was a lot to read. Sorry for being AWOL for the last couple o'days. And, HI NEW TECHNOS. YOU WILL ALL JOIN MEH GUILD. ...Anyway...))

Spinning around quickly and jetting two streams of air from her palms, Sora created a tornado around her that nullified Allen's first attack. However, she hadn't anticipated his kick, and so the second blast of air caught her as she slowed her rotations, and the shot blew her backwards, causing her to somersault through the air before she was able to catch herself. Dizzy and a little disoriented, Sora caught herself and flew back towards Allen, collecting speed as she propelled herself forward. She copied his technique and swung her limbs, shooting piercing gales at him, first in a cross from her arms, and then two longer shots from her legs.

Ildri and Shui finally noticed the battle taking place above them as Sora had spun around. The small tornado had shaken the trees surrounding them, sending a cool breeze through the forest. "Oh, sh*t, that's right. Sora had challenged that guy to a duel," Ildri muttered and glanced at the rest of her party. "Alright, Shadow Slayers! We're gonna go cheer our guild mate on, 'kay? Let's go!" Ildri commanded and summoned a swirling ball of fire that encased the hydra eggs in a protective cocoon. "You guys are coming, too!" she cooed and sped off towards the fight, the ball of fire following her closely. Shui followed behind slowly, not too interested in watching the fight or catching up with his crazy guild master.
Allen figured he shouldn't give who he was away or Wale would kill him,so he had to fight simple.Bringing his hands down he lifted them up fast sending a wall of air up and blocked the attacks them sent it fast towards Sora with a push of his arms forward,he brought his arms up then and sliced them on his sides also sending to blades which curved to meet there target.
((HEY. I'm no good at ending battles, so I would like to ask something. Who do you want to win? Obviously, I want Sora to win, but if you are adamant that Allen wins, then I'm willing to let him do so. That could be interesting, 'cause then Sora could claim Allen as a rival or something.))

Sora sent the wall of air right back at Allen by blowing out a jet of air. She sent it back with more force and speed then before, hoping to at least catch Allen off guard as she dealt with his second wave of attacks. She shot forward a foot and remained still as the curved wind blades blew past her and then she shot back to her previous spot as the curved blades began to boomerang back. She blew out another gust to propel the curved blades on their journey back to their owner, and she formed two spheres of air as she did so. Sora sent one ball after the other, blowing out another jet stream of air to maximize the speed of the two orbs. 'This is ridiculous. Neither of us are gaining any ground,' she thought and prepared for Allen's counterstrike. Despite her mild irritation at not getting anywhere with her attacks thus far, Sora was wearing a soft smile. She hadn't been able to fight like this for a while. She still wasn't exerting her full strength - and she had a feeling Allen wasn't either - but she was exercising a lot of techniques she wasn't often able to use. 'I'm glad I found him,' she mused, already preparing her next attack as she swirled air around her limbs so she could combat Allen's next move.
(Well xD they are princes,each has learned almost to there max with what they can do with there elements though only few have like actually can be one with there element.And something that they can do will give them away,which they don't want.)
( xD Sorry,no i didn't see it X3 and I gots it!Mwuahahahaha!)

Suddenly,Allen had went blank and that moment of blankness cost him greatly as the wall and blades hit dead on there target.Of course they speed of the blades had surpassed the wall and each sliced across Allen with ease,one across his chest as the other his lower back both very deep.And before he new it the wall had made it's way to him,sending him back hard and straight through a tree as the tree behind that one caught him but not before it shot a shock of pain through his back as he slammed into it.Allen coughed up a lot of blood before blanking out again and again as it flicked off and on.

"Allen!"This is when Wale actually shows he does care about Allen,when he took off towards where he was thrown in a hurry followed by Eran and Frank.They had made it to the tree and Eran started up easily with his element's help as Frank and Wale stayed below,knowing Eran would call if they were needed.

(X3 I just love it when my characters feel pain! -3- don't know why,just do and that fixes our winner problem! ha!)
((O______O; Poor Allen. He was basically murdered by his own attacks. Oh, the irony. *strikes a dramatic pose*))

Sora's eyes widened as all of the attacks she had deflected hit Allen. The two attacks she had fired herself flew over his head as he crashed into a tree, and Sora waved her hands, dispelling the attacks and the wind that swirled around her limbs. She floated down towards Allen as Eran jetted upwards, and she stopped beside Allen, examining him closely but refraining from touching. She wasn't a medical expert, and she was worried she'd hurt him further if she touched him. Looking down at Eran, she pursued her lower lip before exhaling slowly. "I'm not sure what happened. He was fine and then he just stopped moving. I don't get it," she muttered, almost more to herself than to Eran. "Does this happen a lot?" she asked, her eyes mainly curious, but holding a hint of worry, too.

Ildri ran the rest of the way to the abruptly ended fight. "What the hell happened?" she asked, having heard the crash instead of seen it. "Woah, that looks painful," she commented as she caught sight of Allen and the broken tree he had shot through.

"No sh*t," Shui muttered as he jogged the rest of the way over to the tree, stopping beside Wale and Frank. "Did Sora do that? God, I'm sorry. She gets carried away sometimes," he apologized, not entirely comprehending what had transpired.

((I love causing my characters pain. xD I just write that by myself 'cause I generally go overboard and turn into a full blown borderline psychopathic sadist. :/ I'm kidding. *coughnotreallycough*))
Eran made it up and took a look at Allen quickly,holding his head with both of his hands and looked into his eyes.Now he was a medic,of course not an official one but knew more than most of them around here and especially knew more about his brothers then anyone."This has happened before plenty,but he was never in real danger when they happen..."Eran caught the source of the problem and checked the effects the problem caused,the hits Allen had taken.They were very bad and he was losing way to much blood,Eran got to work very thankful they were in a forest as he touched the tree and began pulling what looked to be paper out.It was a thing Eran made himself,instead of actual medical tape and wrap he used his own paper that would be mistaken for normal medical wrap if touched."Can you help hold him up while I at least stop the bleeding for now?"He asked,looking at Sora.

Wale waved Shui off,"It wasn't her fault,one it was Allen's strength sent right back at him so that's one reason it took such a tole.But Allen wouldn't have been hit that easily,His blodd flow must have gone out of wak then..."Frank looked at Wale,"It's been a while,I could have sworn he grew out of it."Wale shook his head."Doubt that'll happen for any of us..."

( xD haha yes,I make it to where if I have a very strong character(Like these dudes,which is also why i made technos who are very powerful in there element not as strong in strength.)I give them balanced weaknesses.Which is also why Eran's weakness is very bad since he's one of the strongest here X3)
Ferris had started getting closer to the commotion just in time to watch someone get launched into a few trees, completely smashing through one of them. Her jaw dropped in both horror and confusion at the sight. However, instead of running after him to find out if he was okay, she moved around to get a better look at the situation. Hiding behind a tree, Ferris peered over to see what was going on.

From what she could see, there were quite a few people, or at least more than she'd expected. She watched the scene ahead of her, remaining hidden to her best ability as people rushed over towards him.

I can't stay here.
she thought. I need to leave before i'm spotted. Without a second thought, Ferris folded up her map and started to make her way away from the group.
(Sorry for not posting yet, just try and get me into the mix please!)



He opened his sandy eyes to a gleaming sun above, brushing his golden lock aside, he arose. I pushed that training a little hard yesterday, I should do it even harder today.He He clapped his hands together, making the small, sand structure he slept in that night to collapse. This area will no longer do, I may not like, but I need to bring some sand and head to a nearby city for some well needed food.He found his traveling jacket ,which was a gleaming grey and tan, in the sand pile, and began to put it on. While putting it on, the covered the parts of his arms and torso began to be entwined with very compact sand for his departure.

Peering to the horizon he took the sand beneath his foot and rose it, causing him to levitate. I can use this until I get to the edge of the desert, I don't believe the people in the city see many flying, sand people now do they? He departed and arrived at the edge of a dark and dirty city. The smell of cigarettes and gloom was almost irritating but Nicko knew that he couldn't bear being around people for too long. Deciding he would stay for at least a day, he made his way into and unknown future.
Sora's expression turned perturbed as Eran asked her to help hold Allen. She didn't particularly fancy the idea - not so much because she didn't want to help, but because she was worried she would make the situation worse - but she supposed she had to do what she could to help fix the problem she helped create. With a nod, she replied. "Sure. How do you want me to hold him?" she inquired, not knowing how or in what way to hold her fellow air elementalist.

"What do you mean his blood flow 'went out of whack?'" Shui wondered aloud, one eyebrow raised in question. "What does that entail, exactly?" he continued, unable to comprehend what was happening up above in the treetops. 'If his blood flow's abnormal, he has a heart condition or something, right? But, why would he accept a duel knowing that?' he puzzled as he awaited Wale's response.

Meanwhile, Ildri plopped down on the forest floor with a sigh, one knee pulled up so she could rest her arm on it, and, subsequently, her head on her arm. The fireball containing her hydra eggs floated closer to her, hovering a few inches above the forest floor and away from the trees surrounding them. 'I might have to get Sora to fly them over the woods so they don't catch anything on fire,' she thought absently as she observed her surroundings. However, she wasn't one to sit still long, even if she had only been sitting for a few seconds. "OI! IS HE DEAD OR NOT?!" she yelled up at the treetops to Eran and Sora.

((Sorry for bein' AWOL. :/ ))
( xD Yay!!! Movement! haha and sorry Spirit :/ was waiting for other dude to do something xD want help now?Btw,the two Eran means are Nicko and...umm...the other new dude xD haven't remembered everyones name yet haha)

Eran sighed as he yelled down,"He'll be fine!....Just hold him to where I can wrap his wound."He showed her first,holding him up from the shoulders so his stomach and waist were clear.As he did a shock shot through his body,nothing bad but a notice. He sent a wave through the earth and he found out why he felt it,two wandered close to them and one seemed to have seen them. He wondered who these strangers were and why they were here.

Wale looked over at Shui now having to explain,which he was good at."I mean what I said,I guess you could say Allen's heart is unstable...It sometimes will 'Whack' out and ether beat too fast or slow causing Allen to have...issues.The way that Allen reacted this time shows that it must have slowed down since he didn't seem to feel any pain in his chest,he just looked lost..."Frank nodded as he looked up at Eran,Allen,and Sora wondering if he'll be okay,though Eran said he will be he was still worried.
(any time's a good time buddeh. Just reminding cuz I dun want poor Aka to hold that scythe for eternity xD btw, I posted in ur new rp character sign-ups :D )
( xD yes I saw that,all those pictures are cute haha)

Link finally decided to do something,he didn't know what he was thinking but he just got up and ran to the man and tackled him. Or well it would have been a tackle if he was strong and didn't just weigh 134 pounds, so what it turned out to be was him jumping onto the man and holding on tightly which wasn't that strong ether.

The man was just confused now,he looked at Link who was on his back and had taken his attention off of Aka and onto Link.He pulled back his scythe and reacted for Link,to his disadvantage he couldn't reach him.

( xD Try to picture this scene haha)
(bwaaaaah! If I had coffee I would be spittin it out! xD )

Aka now thought of Link in a new ligjt. Either he was super brave or a big idiot. Whichever way it was meant, Akala saw it as a way for escaoe. He swung a mighty heave of his legs, freeing himself from the scythe, but completely ripped his lovely red scarf. Aka saw its remains flutter unto the ground, torn by the immense sharpness of the blade. Returning to his senses, Akala then quickly lashed out two masses of fire. Both were shaped like a bird's talons, and he slashed them both forth toward the man's stomach, praying in his head he didn't accidently hit Link.
(I know! I thought it was funny haha)

The man noticed this and saw it as 'pest control',he turned around to where Link was between him and the fire making him the target now.Which since he didn't more hit dead on,and as he hoped Link didn't hold onto him once he was hit. And once Link let go the man swung back around bringing his scythe with him and aiming to slice straight across Link.
In all the confusion, Aster had "jumped" out of the fight with the black-roped man. In all honesty, he had been devoting perhaps 1/100th of his mental faculties to the fight. Another 2/100 was spent observing the situation in the forest. The remaining 97/100th was being spent thinking of things that could only be comprehended by technomancer. (Note: That means you, whoever is reading this.) Aster immediately appeared by the Collen brothers' side, wondering what had happened. "Hey, Wale. What happened here?" Aster had asked Wale because he knew Wale wouldn't hesitate to share the exact nature of what had befallen Allen, including the complicated parts.
Wale sighed,and explained what he just said,"Allen's heart is unstable...It sometimes will 'Whack' out and ether beat too fast or slow causing Allen to have...issues.The way that Allen reacted this time shows that it must have slowed down since he didn't seem to feel any pain in his chest,he just looked lost..."He said exactly the same as before though he thought Aster already knew,he figured maybe he just needed a refresh of his memory and thought nothing of it.Frank looked at Aster but only for a minute then he looked back up at the three.
Aster kneeled down next to Wale. "I could put a regulator on his heart. I would be powered by the latent potential of his powers. His heart would never speed up or slow down again. The only downside is that when instances like this occur with a regulator, although it will keep his heart rate the same, it will sap his energy, not allowing to use his powers. But, on the bright side, he won't collapse like this." he suggested.
"He wouldn't agree to it...."Wale looked up the tree."He's too stubborn for it,and I can't make the decision for him."He smiled."He really wouldn't like that."Wale knew Allen wouldn't like this offer since even he wouldn't agree to it, they've lived like this all there lives and were still breathing so he was sure they would continue like this just fine. And with Eran it makes it a lot easier to control,Wale was thankful for that.
Aster held his hands up in a mock-defensive position. "Alright," he said, "but, remember; the offer is always on the table should he need it." Aster stood up. "So, what are you guys doing in this place?" he said, gesturing to the four ex-princes.
"What else?Running as always..."Frank said in an annoyed tone,that's all they ever do so it would get boring from time to time.Wale glared over at Frank,"More like hiding for now since no one's after us..."Frank shrugged his shoulders figuring that was more true,he didn't let his eyes leave the tree."I guess that's true..."He said scratching his head.
"Well, why hide? I'm up for an adventure. I could take you all anywhere. And I don't just mean on Earth. Although, the food on the planet that NASA calls XZ23D6-9E has rather bland food, and Mars's air is a little difficult to palliate."

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