Our Elements (RP)

Frank patted Aster's head,still not moving his gaze."Chill dude. We still have work to do here,it's not like were running away forever.Just until we figure things out and make a plan..."Wale nodded."Yea,besides Eran has to stay here.It's the only place he can balance himself..."Wale sighed figuring that didn't make sense and he'd have to explain.Again.
Using his hands to redo his hair, Aster replied in a huff. "Don't worry, Wale. No need to explain. I understand. Although, it really is time to fix Allen up." Turning to the others there, besides the brothers, Aster asked, "And who are you, might I ask?"
(crappit xD if he dies ill feel bad about myself .3.)

Aka flinched after he sent the blades of fire. The man had shifted so Link would take some of the damage. This guy played dirty. He ran up and quickly yanked Link off of his 'glomping'. And pulled him to the side, looking at him quickly to see any major injuries. Akala was afraid he accidently harmed his newfound buddeh.
Link smiled at him he was a bit buried on the sides but not back and he simply said."Fire wall."He chuckled,just because a firewall didn't work on the man didn't mean it wouldn't work on other things especially something that was actually in the name.But as he chuckled he couched up some blood in his hand, it had blocked the fire but not all the force that came with it.Then all of a sudden Link pulled Aka down closer as a blade passed just behind him.

The man stared at the two with a smile."Neither of you know how to die..."He said as he lifted his scythe up high and brought it down on the two.
Thank god that city is through, I had to restock on sand just to save myself from harming them. Nicko had travel many days, searching for anything that may interest him. Nothing had caught his eye, the bland earth in which he saw was not much but did inspire some thought. As he was gliding above the earth he noticed a group of people and a man attacking him he believed. Without hesitation he focused a couple 10s of pounds of sand around his wrist so he'd be able to fire at any given moment. "Hey you people, who are you, and why are you sir attacking them? Tell me now!"
The man didn't even look at the new pest,he just swung his scythe in his direction to make him back off."What is with people now-a-days? doesn't anyone know how to mind there own business anymore?"he sighed finally looking over at the brat,this had been the third one so far and it was getting very annoying.Link just stared at the new idiot who was trying to help,he somewhat thought the same thing the man was but wasn't irritated about it,he was more relieved.
(Hey ember, Im on the short change gang too)

I glared at the man in thought. This man is not going to give in from his eyes gleam. "So I guess you are not giving in? I'll make you on my own." Taking hand under hand, I took the sand into my hands. Releasing the sand in a whip form, I aimed for his legs and scythe.
The man moved his scythe to block his legs and the sand went no where near it as he smiled,finally facing the boy."Why would i?"He chuckled,so this one controlled sand,how interesting. He set his scythe on the ground slightly leaning on it as he looked at the boy,"Why would you bother something you have no idea what it's about?"

(I know xD )
This man was able to block the sand?! I guess it wasn't as fast as I could have sent it."Well I man with a scythe attacking a couple of people isn't very normal is it? Now I am quite so curious, have you ever seen a user of the sand? They are really very unique, you can do so much with these grains. I'll show you what I can do! SAND RELEASE!" The sand which i had sent to him was very compact, so I released the super compact sand in a violent explosion.
The man hopped his scythe up and decided to just deal with this the easiest way,he swung at all the sand around him and it was as if the scythe ate it. It all disappeared once it hit,he smiled at the boy as he placed the scythe across his shoulders."Like my scythe?Like what it can do?"He chuckled.
I gasped with the horror of seeing Satan himself. Blocking a hundred pounds of sand isn't easy, especially with a little scythe. I wasn't to go out in a full out war with this guy but I'm afraid I've gone to far and this guy will engage. I needed to clear my mind. I sat on the ground and crossed my legs. I returned the sand from the mans feet to me and used it to create a small shelter around me with the front open so I could speak with the man. "Indeed that is a magnificent scythe which I will need to analyze at some point. Now before things get serious let us take this in a diplomatic view. Who are all of you, and before you all become trapped under the sand, what you are doing."
The man sighed."Why would I answer anything you ask?"He stuck his scythe in the ground and crossed his arms,who did this boy think he was? young people are such pains now a days,never think.Link stayed quiet wondering if he should take off while the man was busy.
Aka then thought of an idea. He wasn't the smartest scientist, but he surely wasn't dumb. Akala noticed Nicko was a sand elementalist. Exceptionally rare. Aka also saw that a large series of sand surrounded the area, and had a minor brainstorm. "Oy, sandman! Glass is created when sand has enough iron properties and the heat of approximately 2,500 degress fahrenheit!" Aka's brain practically fuzzed for a moment," Spread your sand stuff all around, and Link, could ya do that firewall thingy again?" Akala brain didn't seem to function right. Usually, he was this dumb, crazy weirdo guy, but at thw time, an enormous mass of things was scrambled in his head, and he felt like he was blurting out nonsense. Nontheless, maybe they could try?
Link looked at Aka,"Umm,yea...Why?..."He didn't get what Aka was getting at but it was making sense so far,he just didn't understand what his firewall was going to do.Aka was fire but he wasn't so why would he be part of this plan,if you'd even call it that.It's more like pieces being placed.

(You do know Link's fire was is actually like a computers,you know holds back viruses and stuff yet his just holds back elements and attacks.)
"I see, a man with a with a mind, not one with a formal art of thought, but smarts. Very well." Hand under hand he stood and dispersed the sand overhead. Placing his hands together he closed his eyes in thought, until one violent moment of opening his eyes. He took the rest of the sand from his cloak and scattered it all over the man in a more dome shape. "Whatever your gonna do, do it now! Sand ENCASE"
(I mean, liek, have Link put a firewall around them so they don't turn into soup at the last minute because of the tempurature xD unless you want Link to be goo :3)

"Woohoo!" Akala giggled as he saw Nicko release a shell of sand. It was rather hard to make flames that big, but he knew it was very possible. Aka took a deep breath, and slammed his hands into the ground, feeling the earth and whatever lay with it. Aka then blasted out a wave of fire, following forward like a bomb fuse along the ground, until it reached the dome of sand that was created by the sandman (guess thats his nickname nao xD ) Akala gritted his teeth for a moment, then shouted toward Link," Firewall!!" He didn't know if he had done it in time, but Aka blew out a final vertical inferno, making the sand around the man (still no name .w.) an incredible amount of heat, shifting the sand into a hot, blurry substance. The substance almost instantly hardened into a case that looked like... a human, psychopathic cloaked-man snowglobe (XDDDD)

(ohmaigaersh I had an ideaaaa! Liek, I just made connections!

Firewall- holds back fire


Motherboard- liek, Link's heart or somthin

System Reboot- recovery system

Proxy- his... sheild maybe?

Just made some random connections. Straight outta mai jacked-up mind X3)
(Oh,okay.And those actually sound great xD and yes he has no name X3 poor man.)

Link had summon his fire walls and protected them just in time,he still had no idea what Aka was thinking but it was better then nothing.He lowered the firewalls when it was done and stared at what they had done."Umm...."He was still confused.
After quite a bit of wandering around in the forest, Ferris managed to find the town again. She had a silent victory before continuing down the streets. Feeling as though she hadn't eaten in days, she set out to celebrate a bit by finding a food vendor somewhere in town, since all she had to eat was the usual bread and cheese. However, thanks to her great lack of coordination, she eventually found herself lost once again. However, she wasn't too aware of it yet.

Looking over her map of the town, Ferris hummed happily as she wandered down a street.
Aka coughed a little," Well, either he's dead or trapped in glass. Woot," he said lazily. Akala was tired now. He wasn't used to sending off fire that hot, and yawned quietly. His shoes crunched on the feound as he took a step forward to inspect the black cloaked man, not really sure of what he should expect.
Sorry for my long absence...))

Doug had freaked out a bit when the fighting began and immediately grabbed Raven running to the back door that he had seen on the way in. He didn't stop at Raven's protests and used any open water to make his sister all the more lighter so he could easily get away from the crazy teleporting man with a scythe. He had seemed a little to blade happy for Doug's comfort.

"Doug! We left Aka and Link there!" Raven yelled up at her brother fighting his grasp and finding no way to get out of it. "Go back! We can't just abandon them!" She wasn't one to run first and ask later so her being dragged away from a fight made her very upset.

"No way R." He said in a quieter voice pulling her into the inn and putting the water in a pail that he knew the owner used to store it every chance he could. Doug looked back at Raven and realized that he had just used the long forgotten nickname that he would use when trying to convince her of something. This was certainly that time.
A knock was heard and the glass suddenly crack a bit,which made Link jump back a bit. Link knew that wouldn't hold him long,but the scythe didn't get cause and that's the main thing Link wanted.He got up and walked over,grabbing the blade of the scythe which was pretty much the only thing sticking out and tried to pull it out. But of course Link had no strength so it would barely move.
Seeing as the blade wouldn't move Nicko used some of the remaining sand on the ground to lift the weapon and encase it. "Looks like this man won't have anymore power at least, such a strange weapon." He had no idea what could happen. He had no true evidence that he would be powerless. Cold sweet began to trickle down Nicko's neck, he was also very concerned of another attack because he was down to his last hundred pounds of sand and most of it was turned into glass which he couldn't bend.
Link kept a grip on the weapon and looked over at the sand man."Let it go please..."He said trying not to sound irritated at the the fact that he couldn't get it out himself. Though he knew he wouldn't be able to,it always annoyed him that he had no strength and when it showed it just made it worse."This won't change his strength,just the fact that he can't destroy our elements anymore..."He pointed out.

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