Order Up ( Drama/ Yaoi/Yuri/ Straight)

Christian looked at Lilith. " The changing room is in the back." pointed in the back towards the lockers. " Yous should be fine i don't think anyone is in there yet." He set the marsala up to simmer and he flipped the filets on the grill.
I nodded and went outside to grab my bag off my bike.I slung it over my shoulder as I walked back inside and to the back of the building.I stopped at the kitchen and seen Christian cooking.I smiled and said,"Wow you're good at that,it smells awesome".I continued to walk to the back and put my bag down to change.
Andrej was starting to stir. Was it bad that he disliked this new girl, Lilith, just because she took the spotlight away a little bit? Andrej stood up angry with himself. "Get over yourself Andrej," he mumbled. "Your not looking to date anyone any way." He hastily walked to the locker rooms to change out if his fancy clothing. He slowly entered, eyeing eyeing Lilith. "Hope you don't mind," she said softly. He began changing, making sure to hide his flat chest from the girl. Wouldn't want her to find out. Andrej left his hair down, happy with the look. He wasn't sure if he would get away with it though. He walked back out of the locker room and began tidying up the tables and what not.
Christian smiled. He enjoyed knowing that people loved the smell of generations of cooking and tweaking each recipe added something new and interesting to the dish. He finished the Filet marsala and finished it with the garnish and placed it on the counter. He placed four more out warm and ready to be taste tested.
Val had just finished changing, walking out just as two others walked in. She pulled her hair back into a bun while walking over to the kitchen, knowing that Christian would be there. She knocked on the swinging door before opening it slowly, grinning when she saw him cooking away.

"Don't you ever take a break?" she asked, walking in.
I jumped slightly at the sound of another person's voice.Turning I seen it was the girl that was ordering when she first walked in.I gave her a polite simile and said,"No not at all,i'm not shy". I turned and finished getting dressed as the other girl left.I got a strange vibe from her that meant we might not get along.I shrugged and put my hair up,slipped my shoes back on and walked out into the kitchen.

As i walked through,I almost bumped into the girl that was leaving the changing room.Giving her an impish smile,I said,"I'm so sorry.I guess that's what I get for walking around with my head down"."God,i'm such a idiot",I thought to myself.
Andrej grinned at Lilith, almost happy that she was cowaring in front of her. Well Well it wasn't necessarily a cowar but an apology non the less. She stood up extra tall and looked down at her. She didn't want to go full bi*** on her with Christian standing in the kitchen. She just kept smirking at her until she said, "no problem. Don't worry about it." She turned away seething. She wanted Christian, she had to admit. She didn't like even when he so much as gave Lilith an order. She wanted him to stop her and feed her warm delicious cake again. As if. She walked into the kitchen, plucking a piece of the dish Christian had set out for taste test. She placed it on her tongue, chewed, then swallowed. "Wonderful job, Christian." She giggled and went to tie on her apron.
My hours are odd, Maiken thought as he walked towards the restaurant. His work schedule was a bit hectic, since he had to clock out early yesterday to get to another job a few blocks away. When he had returned, there were only a few people cleaning up, and he had helped out a bit before leaving for home.

Today, Mai was supposed to be taking the afternoon shift, but since there were so many new co-workers lately, he supposed it wouldn't hurt to be early and help out. He entered quietly and changed into uniform. "Maybe today I'll be more social," Maiken mumbled as he came out of the locker room to help. Yesterday, he did keep out of the way and stuck to the sidelines. It wasn't very fun either, but he was able to focus more on the customers.

"Does anyone need assistance?" He asked, looking around the dinning area. From his understanding, there were a few people lingering around as Christian was in his domain, probably with another worker or two.

(The one time I'm not on... -Shot-)
I looked up at the towering girl,once again reminded of why I hated being so short.I gave the girl a small smile,not liking the look she gave me.I've been here for an hour and already someone didn't like me.I walked further into the kitchen and seen that Christian had made something that i'm assuming he wanted us to try.I walked over to where he sat the plates.It smelled so good,but I wasn't a fan of fish.I gave an apologetic smile to Christian and said,"I'm sorry but I don't really like fish all that much.I'm sure it tastes really good though".I ducked my head and walked back to the front of the resturant.

As I walked in,I seen the tall girl from before.Taking a deep breath I said,"We got off on the wrong foot,say we try this again? Hi,i'm Lilith the new Host.It's nice you meet you.....".I waited for her to say her name.
Christian frowned a bit.... " My steaks look like fish ?" He took a better look as the Filet Marsala. " I guess it's too much sauce around the filet and the cut could be a little cleaner on the meat." He looked at Lilith and then turned to see a familiar face. " VAL!!!" he walked over to her to give my sister a hug. " I thought you went on vacation with the rest."
Andrej turned on his heel, smiling at the girl. She stood there again, brushed the hair out of her face with a delicate finger and said, "Your right. I'm sorry." Andrej wasn't really being truthful, just saying that for the sake of piece. She thought a moment and looked back at Lilith. "My name is Andrea," another eerie pause. She lifted her hand and stroked her hair in admiration. "You are very pretty. It would be a shame if you were cut..." She ended the sentence coldly but started giggling and walked away. Maybe that was creepy enough to get the message across that they wouldn't be the best of friends. And why is that? Because Lilith stole the spotlight with Christian for a few minutes. It wasn't a good reason to dislike someone but once Andrej got a bad taste in his mouth, he didn't ever really go back.
Valentina smiled, hugging him back before eventually pulled away. "I was afraid that I'd start getting sent on blind dates too, so I left after finishing high school. I thought being on my own for a while would be best." she replied. "But, I talked to them before they left and they said I could work here for a while. I hope that's okay."
Christian smiled. " Are you kidding me you're more the welcome after all we're family and it's good to have you here." He looked around. " Whatever job you want to do just name it and we'll make it happen." He looked over at Andrea and Lilith talking. " Plus it's nice to have someone to have my back from time to time."
"Well..." she said. "I still not used to talking to people, so just being a busser is find by me." She smiled. "Since I already have on my uniform, I can start as soon as possible! It might be my first job, but I think i'll be fine with my big bro by my side."
Christian laughed. " Everyone is super-friendly here. So don't think it would much of a problem. " He put his hand on his shoulder. " It's good to have you here Val. If there's anything you need just let me know."
After taking a once-over around the room, Maiken finally realized that no one was out here. Sighing, he gave up and fixed anything that seemed out of place on the previously set tables - even though they were pretty much perfect. A long, defeated groan escaped from him and he sat at a table in the far corner, pouting.
Today was starting off much better than the hectic rush to work that had been yesterday. Getting up early (a feat, considering she worked at a restaurant and therefore was still at work when the night owls were finally paying their bills and heading home) had given her plenty of time to start her day right, and continue to enjoy it up until leaving for work... with a (okay, totally borrowed from work on the sly last night) take out box full of a super secret surprise. Coming in to work, she was more her normal, chatty and cheery self then the 'I'm late I'm late I'm late' mess she had been the service previous, and she entered with her usual ear to ear grin. A grin that turned into a frown at the sight of a perturbed looking server (Maiken).

Without invitation, she moved through the dining area and pulled up a chair to plop herself down at the same table facing the other, putting her box, now forgotten, on it next to her before setting her elbow on the table and resting her chin on the palm of her left hand. "Why the long face? Everything okay?"
Maiken hadn't lifted his head when the bells rang by the door, signaling someone's arrival. Imagine his surprise when said person sat across from him and spoke. Feeling his cheek burn at being caught sulking like a child, his hand automatically went up to rub the back of his neck nervously as his posture straightened. "Ah, yeah, everything is fine. Nothing to worry about," he said since it was the truth, in his mind.
Casi's lips quirked to the side, her right eyebrow arching upward while the head of her left one furrowed in the universal expression 'I don't quite buy that'. She looked Maiken over once - resisting the urge to smile and comment on the blush spreading across his cheeks - and sighed.

"Nothing to worry about, maybe, but everything can't be fine if you're making a face that flat." She commented. "Come on, you can talk to me - that's what co-workers are for, right? We're like really cheap therapists who don't know what we're doing... or something." She frowned a little at that - not her best analogy. Maybe she should leave that sort of thing to Samantha, who had always been better with words (when she wasn't too shy to utter them). "Anyway, you can vent at me or... or whatever. So talk. You'll probably feel better - and don't say you feel fine because you have the same face on a cat that just got drenched." A really red, blushy cat.
Shoulder-racking laughter split Maiken's sides and he had to wrap one arm around his waist while his other hand tried to cover half his face (a habit he had developed when laughing as a child). This quickly put an end to such act, and he brushed his bangs out of his face. He hadn't the slightest clue as to what so funny that would trigger such a reaction, but he was glad for the others' words. So, to explain his odd behavior, he quickly formed an apology and excuse to tell. "Sorry about that, but I just imagined my neighbor's cat. Poor little ball of fluff absolutely despises water." The image itself was amusing and even earned a chuckle.

For the next few seconds, he was able to calm himself to the point that the only evidence of his past laughter was a small grin. "Would you be satisfied if I say I was only pouting because I couldn't be of some service to anyone earlier?" It wasn't a total lie, but it also was not the complete truth.
Ooooooookay.... that wasn't the typical response to further prompting on a 'what's wrong' bent but... at least he was laughing? Casi's smile returned, though this time it was more bemused then anything.

"I got you to laugh, that's something," she said, mostly to herself, while he composed himself. At his explanation she cocked her head to the side. "Couldn't be of service?" she questioned, "You mean no one was seated in your section yesterday or you couldn't help out with prep this morning or...?"
Christian looked at his Marsala. He tried to find a way to spice up his Marsala. " Maybe if i sauteed the mushrooms a little more. That would give it a little more flavor. He put another steak filet on the grill. He loved the simmer and the smell it gave off. He restarted the sauce and cut the mushrooms up and placed them on the pan to simmer with the sauce. He watched the flames go up on the stove. He could feel his passion rising as begin to go on auto pilot and cook.
"Oh, no, not that," Maiken started. "How do I explain this...?" He mumbled to himself. His actions and responses were confusing, even to him. Perhaps it's just stress? Now, that's something that would make much more sense to him. "I was just being anti-social yesterday and made it my goal to be more talkative this morning." He blurted without thinking his words through, "and since I couldn't actually do that, I turned towards busying myself and do some work instead. Which turned out to be a failure since everything was already done." Now the whole truth was out, and he contemplated about this.

Maiken ran a hand through his hair as he thought. He supposed that keeping things bottled up only did complicate things as it would've been wiser if he had just told the woman everything earlier. Speaking of which... "I appreciate you going through the trouble to speak with me and all, but I never caught your name."
I bit my tongue as I watched the rude girl walk away,narrowing my eyes at her I turned and walked away.Taking a deep breath I walked back into the kitchen and found somewhere to sit in there.I leaned my elbow on the table and rested my head in my hand and sighed.My first day was already looking like my worst day here.
"Casi," she responded, beaming and extending out her hand towards him. "I work back in the kitchen, so I guess we just haven't gotten the chance to talk - and don't worry about not keeping your goal. You're being talkative right now, right?" Although, she'd probably have to head back into the kitchen soon as service time was getting closer. "And, hey, you can always talk to me, okay? I mean, if I'm working I might get snappy but that's just the work talking. Other than that, if you wanna be talkative but can't get it out just head back for a bit. I'll… make you crack up again or something, okay? Or stuff you full of something and then you'll have an excuse not to talk"

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