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Fantasy Order of the Hunt OOC

Brendanfp Brendanfp Make your character alittle older and take off the magma spell and your character will be accepted

FireMaiden FireMaiden Just want you to clarify your ability alittle more for me. I want to know exactly how it works. Also by calm, do you mean like charm, or do you mean just lower their hostility and then you domesticate them? Just need SSA qq info

Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday what is a two handed aviator?? And maybe a different special ability is needed?

fuil fuil a different ability is needed.
Oh crap, I knew I was forgetting to do something. After a bit of thought, I wasn't happy with her abbilty, didn't feel like it really fit well with her character, so I changed it. Sorry I forgot to tell you when I did, i git busy right after changing it.
Celina can communicate with the winds in the surrounding area. This ability makes for an excellent tracking mechanism as the winds can move all throughout an environment and report back to Celina its information. Winds can tell the user of what happened or what is happening, help them to track someone at long distance away, and give her an idea of secrets. However, using this abbilty on the fly, in the middle of battle, is a challenge as it calls for an intense focus, to start it at least. Sometimes, the winds aren't clear, offering vauge whispers and muddled ideas, or just silence. Celina often finds the winds of no use, or she's unable to use her ability because of a lack of wind. Even a gently breeze can prove useful.

Another side of her abbilty is she's able to communicate with aerial creatures. Again, something hard to use on the fly, and requires a lot more mana than her initial abbility. The stronger the beast, the more mana it takes to understand it. And, the creature must be able to fly. An animal who has no ability to fly, even if it's part is a species that can, Celian will not be able to speak with or understand it in the slightest.

TagochiRein TagochiRein Here's what her new ability is
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Brendanfp Brendanfp Make your character alittle older and take off the magma spell and your character will be accepted

FireMaiden FireMaiden Just want you to clarify your ability alittle more for me. I want to know exactly how it works. Also by calm, do you mean like charm, or do you mean just lower their hostility and then you domesticate them? Just need SSA qq info

Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday what is a two handed aviator?? And maybe a different special ability is needed?

fuil fuil a different ability is needed.

I'd be glad to make those changes, however if you wouldn't mind me asking the reasoning.
Brendanfp Brendanfp just for diversity purposes on the age. Not a necessity. Just trying to create different dynamics. And you can keep the magma. For some reason i read magma and thought fire, but its just heated rock. So your good. Accepted

FireMaiden FireMaiden Not sure exactly on how that ability would work. Maybe someting a little more defined or something else perhaps. Just need defined parameters to work with or an understanding

Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday Accepted. Thanks for the changes

fuil fuil accepted. Thanks for the changes.
Brendanfp Brendanfp just for diversity purposes on the age. Not a necessity. Just trying to create different dynamics. And you can keep the magma. For some reason i read magma and thought fire, but its just heated rock. So your good. Accepted

FireMaiden FireMaiden Not sure exactly on how that ability would work. Maybe someting a little more defined or something else perhaps. Just need defined parameters to work with or an understanding

Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday Accepted. Thanks for the changes

fuil fuil accepted. Thanks for the changes.

Gotcha man. Thanks for accepting me, I am glad to be able to join the Rp and I will go ahead and make her a bit older :3

Edit** Actually I was just thinking about it. If it's for diversity would you be opposed to me maker her younger, say 21 ??? Just wanted her to be a fairly young character.
Brendanfp Brendanfp just for diversity purposes on the age. Not a necessity. Just trying to create different dynamics. And you can keep the magma. For some reason i read magma and thought fire, but its just heated rock. So your good. Accepted

FireMaiden FireMaiden Not sure exactly on how that ability would work. Maybe someting a little more defined or something else perhaps. Just need defined parameters to work with or an understanding

Prayforthewickedeveryday Prayforthewickedeveryday Accepted. Thanks for the changes

fuil fuil accepted. Thanks for the changes.
Okay, I hope my edit works. I just changed it again.
Heya guys! I just got back from vacation. :) It seems like we've got a ton of new players?... Also, have we taken a hiatus in posting or are we going to continue on? Sorry I'm a bit behind haha.
Heya guys! I just got back from vacation. :) It seems like we've got a ton of new players?... Also, have we taken a hiatus in posting or are we going to continue on? Sorry I'm a bit behind haha.
We are still continuing, we all posted yesterday!
Brendanfp Brendanfp If going too young, then you would have to decrease hunter years. We can just leave it as is for this instance. ^__^.

FireMaiden FireMaiden thanks for your patience and understanding. I like the ability. Accepted

Berries Berries i will do an edit on my last GM post for Joha. I will let you know when I post it. It will be sometime today.
I haven't been notified about any OOC posts :( anyway can't wait til this fight breaks out. Torston is gonna crush some skulls. Who are we waiting on?
I will speak with the gm about creating a discord.

I mean it's a really good idea. Plus it makes communication a lot easier. Within just a few hours the discord server has been online it has probably accumulated more messages than the occ. Could be a useful tool.

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