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Fantasy Order of the Hunt OOC

Looking forward to this! Very good setup for the encounter. Is the aforementioned camp the iron claw camp?

Yes, its not their main camp. Just a base they set up for the campaign that they currently on. I will do a lore on them as well. They are one of the notorious criminal groups that operate outside of civil and moral laws.
This is common knowledge for those who operate near the southern region Of Redanna.

A map or at least a general map will be coming out soon. Still working out some kinks.
I will try to get a post done tomorrow. :)

Also, it should be noted that I am traveling from the 9th to the 15th - I might be able to get replies in during that time but they will be slower and of lesser quality (I'll have to write on my phone lol). Once I'm back I should be clear of conflicts though. c:
Yay! I was considering trying to get a post in to get maeve to her spot on the east of the camp... is that the plan for the next post? right to our positions? I am assuming we are close enough to make that travel. also I was waiting to see if Berries was going to have Joha jump when Maeve snuck up behind her XD or maybe she was too drunk to react
Yay! I was considering trying to get a post in to get maeve to her spot on the east of the camp... is that the plan for the next post? right to our positions? I am assuming we are close enough to make that travel. also I was waiting to see if Berries was going to have Joha jump when Maeve snuck up behind her XD or maybe she was too drunk to react
Yeah I wanna get on that soon but I've been super busy the last couple days (rip finals week :c).
Berries Berries thanks for the heads up. Will keep that in mind.
BugDozer73 BugDozer73 you should not head out yet until the order is given. Leaving room for questions and more banter/strategic talk.

Also to all, once the GM post, the turn cycle restarts so its open for anyone to post and then a new order will start.
Berries Berries thanks for the heads up. Will keep that in mind.
BugDozer73 BugDozer73 you should not head out yet until the order is given. Leaving room for questions and more banter/strategic talk.

Also to all, once the GM post, the turn cycle restarts so its open for anyone to post and then a new order will start.
Gotcha. Will post at dawns first light

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