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Fantasy Orasura


Senior Member
Kurisu casually sits in the chair around the round table, waiting for those he had contacted to come to the room. He was assigned to gather a small party to find a way to exploit any weakness in these demons. To kill them all or seal their portal. He contacted specific people. He was worried about the Mafia Man he contacted. He was planning to make a trip to the Dragons Tooth Empire to see if he could do something. He suspected the Mafia in its silencing. He had specifically given them clearance into the building, to be guarded at all times on their way here. He decided to fill them in when they got here. Until then, he'd just sit in the room, flipping through his little plans...
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Marco yawns, as he walks down the corridor quietly. He was called to meet here for a mission, and he wasn't sure why. After a few moments of walking down the corridor, he looks at the rooms' sign, and goes to open the door. Marco opens the door, and walks in.
"Good to see you, Marc. I assume you've already been filled in about the expedition? You better have your things packed. We won't be returning for a while.." Kurisu said, still recline in his chair, "While we wait for the others, feel free to have a seat.."
Fane stood in front of the building he guessed was were he had been sunmoned to. As Fane walked through the door and into the building, a group of four guards surrounded him. He looked quizzically at them, but noticed they moved with him and didn't hinder him. He continued through the building down a corridor and the guards left as the group approached an open door. Fane didn't give a second thought and went inside the room.

He was right behind a man he assumed got here just before him. Fane noticed Kurisu sitting in the chair across the room. Fane looked at Marco and then Kurisu, "Hello you two. I'm guessing this is the right place to be." He went to a seat, but waited to be offered to sit down.
"Assuming you're Fane, you assumed correctly. I am the one who sent the letter, Kurisu. Welcome to the club. This is Marco, my colleague. Have a seat, the others will be arriving soon.." Kurisu said in a sincere and polite manner, then continued to flip through his notebook.
Marco yawns again, and sits down in a chair. He says "I got everything I needed...". He watches the man, who apparently goes under the name Fane. He greets Fane with a "Hello", and he leans back in the chair he is sitting in.

"So, we're here for an expedition, but to where? I was not informed of any specific locations." Marco states, with a relaxed voice.

It hadn't been very visible from far away, but if you look closely at Marco, he appears to have been awake for a long time.
"It all depends really. I'd prefer to inform you when the others are here, as to not have to repeat myself, however, to put it simply, we're taking a trip to the Dragons Tooth Empire." Kurisu said adamantly, not even looking up from his notebook, "I'll assume you know of how we've lost contact with them..."
Walking into the building he casually strolled the various ornaments and nicknacks throughout the building. He could only wonder why he was being summoned or how they managed to get his notice during one of his stops at towns. However if there was good pay involved it would make a suitable compensation for interrupting his travels. He finally reached the chamber where the man in charge wanted to see them. He simply said, "Yo." And then he took a seat to hear the briefing to the business ahead.
A guard in blue robes walked in right after. With his six-foot spear in his hand, he slouched against the wall.


I scratched my head, and look curiously at the group.

"Mornin'," I yawn obnoxiously, looking as if I just woke up; I wave to the group.

"They assigned me to guard duty over your assembly, Lord Kurisu."

I slump against the wall and start eating an apple, making loud crunching sounds as I do, probably looking like the laziest guard there could possibly be. Ever.
Soon after the arrival of everyone, Finx skips into the building with a wide grin stretching across his face, immediately after his entrance into the building Guards rush to his side, keeping a stern eye on him.

Finx's presence seems to be sadistic yet humorous at the same time, as he doesn't seem to say a word, small whispers can be heard under his breath. Soon before he reaches the chamber door he begins quietly singing;

"There was an old woman,

Her name it was Peg;

Her head was of wood and

She wore a cork leg.

The neighbours all pitch’d

Her into the water,

Her leg was drowned first,

And her head followed after."

He continued singing this even as he walked through the chamber door, he subtlety looked across the room, after taking a good look at everyone, Finx then assumes he's in the right place taking his top hat off, slighlty bowing as he spreads his arms in sign of greeting, a wide grin remaining on his face while putting his singing to a finish "And her head followed after"

"Aaah.. yes.. Finx, was it?" Kurisu said with obvious disdain for the Mafia Member, "Please. Take your seat. We will be beginning shortly. We're missing just one more person." Then Kurisu stands and walks over to Finx, and leans to whisper in his ear, "Try anything funny and I will kill you here and now.. Got it?" After finishing his threat he simply sat down and stared at the door way in an oddly creepy manner.
The "laziest guard ever" presses intimidation in the room as his eyes focus in on the newcomer.


Finishing up my apple and tossing the core aside; leaning my spear against the wall; I glare sharply at the newcomer.

Leaning against the wall I think, "Something's not right about this one". I don't know what the status on any of our guests were, or what this assembly was about, but I could almost swear that I saw guards at his side when he entered.
While being threatened, Finx remains still and with a wide grin on his face, after Kurisu finishes, Finx just smiles and tilts his head "Why, of course..I'd expect nothing less" chuckling in a creepy manner as Kurisu sits down. Moments after Finx's interaction with Kurisu he glares towards Hak and for a slight moment, his grin fades. Finx then takes a seat placing his mask which was strapped to his top hat on the round table tapping it patiently waiting for the last person to arrive.
Marco, while laying back in his chair, inspects the new-comers. He knows that Hak does not have any bad intentions...but he cannot say something similar about Finx. Although this man had darkness within, he was a human being, or at least he thinks that Finx is human, so he feels that he must treat him kindly. The others did not think the same, but Marco always seemed to try to see the best in people.

Marco did stay silent in his seat, but he gave a friendly look to the ill-intentioned man.
While sitting there, a urge washes over Finx as he begins humming the nursery rhyme he was previously singing, his sadistic smile still remaining on his face as he remains silent, he motions his head towards Marco still humming the song while tapping on his mask that lays on the table in front of him "Why hello there" Finx tilts his head to his left side lightly closing his eyes with a stretched smile.
Kira silently appears at the doorway with his arms across his chest and says "Jeez, never thought I'd see you here Hak". He walks over to an empty chair and sits down in the chair. Feeling a bit drowsy, he yawns and decides to prop up his chair leaning against the wall. He pulls up his beige hood, and immediately falls asleep, ignoring everyone else.
"I'm glad most of you could join us," Kurisu said, giving Kira an annoyed look, "Now, I'm going to get on with the plan.. As you know, for little over two decades now we've been at war with other-wordly creatures we've simply come to know as Demons. What you may not know, however, is that their attacks have been happening at an alarming rate. I've been tasked with finding a team that could find a way to close off their world from ours, or, destroy them for good. We have many ways of going about doing this. My way is trying to find one of the remaining Orange Aura users, as they were attacked and all but obliterated by a large demon we know as Tsutsimo. I've specifically contacted all of you, and Finx, as I believe that you all possess abilities that could help us on this quest to rid our world of these destructive, disgusting creatures. Our first order of business, however, is re-establishing contact with the Dragons Tooth Empire. This is why we have Finx. Finx is a member of the Mafia, who we've come to believe have managed to silence the Dragons Tooth, and now reside there. Our job is to go there and find out why they have decided to set up shop there, and thus, remove them. There you have it. Opinions? Thoughts? Questions?"
Kira suddenly jerks awake, making his chair fall onto all fours, such as its intended purpose, and it makes a very loud noise, attracting the attention of everyone else. " Yeah I've got one. How do you even know we're going to be welcomed with outstretched arms? If any interactions with them go wrong, we could have a war on our hands" He says.
Kurisu violently jerks his head towards Kira and says, "I've got a better question. How do you know we're going to get caught?" He says, giving a sly smile, "Besides, if it isn't the Mafia then we could simply say we're a party of Ambassadors, coming to check up on the land. No harm, no foul."
Kira grins and says "You honestly think they're going to believe that WE'RE ambassadors?". He puts his elbows on the table and his hands on his face "Besides. I can see the disdain on your face towards Finx, which means we're both thinking the same thing. He could be leading us into a trap" he says.
"We could say we're escorting a prisoner. Believe me or not, I have everything covered." Kurisu says, still maintaining his lax disposition, "Any other questions?"
Fane sat down and waited patiently for everyone else to arrive. He examined each as they arrived one after the other. All, save Finx, seemed more or less like good people. Once everyone was there Kurisu addressed why they had been summoned and Fane nodded in agreement. Then the one named Kira spoke his worries and Kurisu retorted and so forth. Fane stood and spoke, "No more questions unless you're worried for your life. We need to get rid of these demons once and for all like Kurisu said. Lets get going already."
Kira chuckles at Fane's remark and says"I like this guy. Straight and to the point. In any case, I agree. We should get going" he says as he claps his hands together
Finx remains in his seat, his grin still stretched wide as he seems greatly amused by the situation, Finx then comes to the point of his own belief that he has the situation planted into his hands. Finx taps quietly on his mask laying on the table "I'm more interested in knowing why I'd help you, as if you have now already expressed to everyone, I am apart of the Mafia and I'm afraid my services won't be without reward, or a price" meanwhile while saying this Finx slightly chuckles as his grin becomes if possible even more sinister than earlier, once he finishes, his grin returns to a small yet harmless smile and he yet again remains silent awaiting an answer.
"That's an easy one. You see, you can either help us, or, go to jail and rot there for as long as the higher ups see fit. Their word is that if you help us on this quest then you will be given a pardon for all your crimes." Kurisu said with a much more cold look on his face, "It's still your choice, however.."

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