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Fantasy Orasura

Kira chuckles a bit, readjusts himself in his chair to seem more relaxed and says"And what of me? I've committed no crimes...in this part of Asura. And I'm not any part of your army. I expect payment, human". He releases, and contracts his claws playfully for amusement
Chuckling in amusement at Kurisu's response "Then I see I am put into no place to argue, I'm ready when you all are my little doves" with a large grin on his face, like always, moments after Finx yet again begins humming the same Nursery rhyme as before.
Marco sighs, as he listens to the conversation quietly. He feels as if this will end up badly, but banishes that thought.

"So...we have everyone here...yes...?" Marco says, with a tone as if what has been said in the past few moments did not happen.

He sighs, and feels that Kira will continue on about a payment....
From the shadows on the opposite side of the room, Hak, still leaning on the wall with his arms cross, spear lying next to him on the way, took some bread out of his sleeve and started munching on it; he remained silent, carefully eyeing Finx all the while.
Kira stops playing with his claws and stares at Marco. "What, you like what you see?" He chuckles as his skin turns red, his hair turns white,his nails and teeth grow sharper and he grows two spiraled horns along with a pair of wings. "I don't mind people staring at me....but with such contempt.....Jeez" Kira says as he throws a short hiss towards Marco

"Yeah. Because the ladies are like: 'Ooooh! Red skin, horns, and fangs! I GOTTA get me some of that.'" Hak retorts.

"Mornin', Kira. I didn't notice you come in. I guess I only notice important people." Hak picks his ear.
Kira chuckles as he quickly takes his human form. "You always did have a big mouth Hak.....though if I remember that big mouth never could save you from me." He says as he slips his hood back on and readjusts himself in his chair, still chuckling
"Alright, alright. I think it is about time we got going.." Kurisu says, standing up and moving towards the door, opening it and motioning everybody out, "We will meet at the Town Gates tomorrow. You all may go pack your things, however, you, Finx, can stay here. We have a little room built specifically for you.."
Finx glares towards Kurisu, seemingly as jolly as ever, get's up and slightly bowing towards him "As you say, 'My lord'" chuckling, Finx picks up his mask placing it on his face before walking across the room near Kurisu glaring at him as if waiting for him to lead the way taking out a deck of cards flicking through them doing a few basic tricks for amusement.
Kira gets up, and walks you the door, seeming very relaxed, all the while whistling the tune to the nursery rhym that Finx was humming. He goes to the inn he is staying at, and buys a couple of rum bottles for a couple coppers from their bar, falling asleep at the table in a drunken stupor
Fane walked towards the door and gave a wave to everyone in the room. He then gave a slight bow in front of Kurisu and Finx, "until I see you tomorrow." He walked out the door, through the building and back to the inn he was staying at. He wondered just how long this journey would take and how much the whole group would need in supplies.
"Now then, Finx, Hak. We'll be going now." Kurisu said, and began to guide the two through the corridors, progressing lower and lower levels of the building, all the way down to a quiet, cold prison. There was already an open cell, which Kurisu quickly pushed Finx into, and then closed. "Hak, you're going to be guarding this little man. Have fun." With that, Kurisu went to return to his quarters.
Marco had been shown out, and so he walked to where he was staying in this town. He had packed clothing, food, supplies, and emergency items. He was generally prepared, but he had to be sure he was ready for anything, while his pack was light enough to carry around ALL day if necessary.

He knew something bad was going to happen before the next day...but he tried to think better of what would happen...
Kira wakes up, drunk out of his mind at the bar at around 1:15, and notices he's out of supplies, so, he flies off silently into the city in his demon form, killing stray animals such as cats, dogs, chickens and one sheep. Once he has enough meat, he skins it all and places it into a sack to preserve it. He climbs through the window of his room in the inn with the heavy bag, places it next to his bed near the window so it can stay cool, and switches back to human form. He then goes downstairs, buys a couple of water containers and a bottle of wine, which he immediately chugs. He somehow later finds himself in his bedroom on his bed, and silently drifts to sleep
Hak, with his spear in his hand, crosses his arms as he leans against the outside walls of Finx's cell.


I remained silent as some thoughts ran through my head.

While I wasn't paying attention for the lot of the assembly, I did hear that this man was a member of the Mafia. However, something seemed off about this man, something was not right in his body. His aura seemed different from those around him.

I closed my eyes; he probably knows that he can't escape from me, I thought. If he wanted to escape, he would've done it before he entered the cell. But I knew that something was off about this man and his plans; I remained silent as I listened to the man in the cell.
As Finx sits down at his bed in his cell, his mask remaining equipped to his face while playing with his cards, before long he yet again began singing the nursery rhyme "There was an old woman, her name it was Peg; Her head was of wood and she wore a cork leg. The neighbors all pitch'd her into the water, Her leg was drowned first, and her head followed her after~" After repeating this several times his singing comes to a stop. Finx get's out of his bed slowly walking towards the cell fitting his arm through the gaps as a support as he leans his head to the bars "Hello little dove" the wide grin stretching across his face would go unnoticed as Finx remains wearing his mask.
Hak purposefully knocks over his six-foot (two-meter), 60-pound (27 kg) spear onto Finx's arm, making Finx feel as if his arm was struck by lighting.


"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to do that. My spear can get heavy sometimes." I pick my spear up and twirl it as if it weighed nothing.

"Now go back into the corner, I'm too busy ignoring you." I retort, not bothering to look at Finx at all.

I just stared straight into nothing all the while while leaning on my spear.
Although Finx shows pain under his mask, slightly gasping while hit the mask hides his expression of pain as he retracts his arms back to the cell, for a moment he glares at Hak pondering about him for a moment before turning around walking back to his bed, before reaching down to sit on the hard bed, Finx let's out an uncontrollable laughter, as he settles his laughter down he sits on his bed "My, my, little dove has more power than he can carry it seems" after these last few words, Finx remains quite and lays down in the bed, gaining whatever sleep he can get.
Kira, not able to sleep, decides to visit Hak within the castle. He gets out of bed, turns into his demon form, flies out the window of the inn, towards the castle. When close to the castle, he picks up speed and flies through an open window. In the room is no one but himself, so he detracts his wings and crawls along the ceiling and walls avoiding other guards until he reaches the dungeon, and demorphs, greeting Hak "Yo."
The moment Kira enters the room, Finx's eyes spread wide open glaring towards the new vistitor, a grin stretches across his face as he yet again lightly closes his eyes and remains somewhat asleep but on alert.
Kira leaps up onto the bars of the cell, and stares at the occupant inside, grinning hysterically. "Eh, who's this?"
The mask slowly slips off Finx's face, tattering along the ground before coming to a stop as the mask remains, laying there Finx's hair flows down as a Star becomes clearly seen on the left side of his forehead that extends to under his eye, the star is colored purple and Finx eyes open and in a instant he appears in front of Kira eye to eye, a wide stretched grin seemingly painted across his face "Hello, Black Dove.."
Kira grins back and says "ooh I like this one....though isn't it ironic? I'm the bird and YOU'RE the one in the cage?". Kira chuckles profusely
Finx taps his fingers up the bars "Oh my, this one has quite the song, please tell me, how does it feel to be a slave for Demons, it must be hard constantly running away.." Finx then licks his lips taking a step back from the cage bars washing his hair back replacing his Top hat on, the hair that once covered his eyes remained gone, and only his dimmed purple eyes remained glaring at Kira
Kira giggles uncontrollably, keeping his grip on the bars. "I am no one's slave....though I can't say the same for you" He says, still laughing and clutching onto the bars. He gracefully flips off of the bars, and transforms back into a human. "Hak, I don't see why you're keeping this one caged up. He's not much of a threat" he says as he leans against the wall, and pulls out an apple.

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