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Fantasy Orasura

Hak snaps himself awake.


"Good mornin'," I say with a long yawn, followed by a stretch.

"I..." Long. Interrupting yawn. "I must've trained myself to sleep with my eyes half-open." I yawn once more.

"Early BIRD, as usual, Mr. Tentai." I smirk.

"Oh. This guy?" I gestured to Finx with my third finger.

"Yeah. 'Lord' Berus," I emphasize the word 'Lord', "wanted me to watch 'em."

I smirk at the thought thinking that Finx had missed his slim chance of escaping. Since he didn't know I was asleep, it was a shame for his freedom. Better be more careful next time, I remind myself.
Kira cuts the apple in half and tosses half to Hak. "Breakfast" he says as he takes a huge bite into his piece. "So I wonder..." he munches on the Apple " what Berus has in store for us today. "

I catch the apple, but unfortunately this was one of the rare moments when I wasn't hungry. Looking towards Finx, I decide to give the apple to him. But not before taking a gargantuan bite out of it, making sure to slobber all over it.

"Enjoy, my 'dove'." I lazily mock him, tossing the apple behind the bars of Finx's room.

Thanks Kira, I mouth, grinning for a moment or two.
Finx widely grins, not ever having intent of escaping what so ever and just chuckling mockingly at Kira's response towards him. Finx would glare at the apple, the wide sinister smirk stretching across his face as he walks towards the apple, as he picks it up in a flash of a moment the apple seems to be made a-new, being at it's full original state and the slobber no longer being present on the apple, moments after Finx takes his first bite out of the apple and then remains spinning it atop of his finger.
It was at this very moment that Kurisu walked into the cellar where Finx, Kira, and Hak all were. "Glad to see you all got up early to try and get to know each other, however, it is time to leave. I assume you all have everything you need?" Kurisu said in an oddly pleasant tone. You notice he is dressed in a black coat with a white suit underneath, and he has a longsword strapped to his hip, "Now all we need to do is find Marco and Fane, then we set off to Dragons Tooth." After finishing his sentence Kurisu then stepped past the small crowd and unlocked Finx's cell door. Before he could react, Kurisu grabbed Finx's hand and they both began to glow purple. "That will keep you from using your aura. Just a safety measure." Kurisu said with a tone that seemed more sarcastic than anything. Kurisu then walked to the door and made a 'follow me' gesture.


After gathering the others and heading to the town gate, Kurisu turned and asked the group a rather simple question. "This is the last chance. Any questions or thoughts? After we exit this town there'll be no turning back." Kurisu said, gesturing towards the Town's Exit.
Marco stands with the group, and remains silent. He knows what he has to do for this mission, and if he wasn't ready, he would of asked before it was time to depart. He stays with the group, and yawns.
Hak stands with the group and raises his hand, not out of curtsy, but out of mockery of Kirisu's status.


"Do I really need to be here?" I point to myself, my eyes half-open.

I had a lot more to say, and do, but I kept quiet; I knew that Kirisu did things physically, and I didn't want him touching me. I just let out an obnoxiously loud yawn, probably muffling someone else's question.
Kira chuckles at Haks remark and starts to stretch out his arms, yawning. "So, anything you gonna prohibit us from doing on this mission?" He casually says as he cracks his neck, knuckles ect.

Self: Hak should get where I'm going with this......if he's paying attention
"I'm good to go." Fane said with a certain and somewhat anxious tone. He was a bit annoyed at Hak and Kira's remarks, but stayed quite. The only thing different about his appearance was a large bag on his back full of supplies. He hoped they would last until at least getting to Dragons Tooth.
While standing within the back of the crowd a large grin stretches across his face at Kira's response to Kurisu meanwhile thinking "Thank you for asking my question for me, slave" chuckling sinister-like moments after. Meanwhile playing with a deck of cards, spinning them around as if they were flying around him.
Kira chuckles at the ill informed remark. "No problem jail bird. One of us has to have the balls to ask these sort of questions anyway, and it sure isn't going to be you." He says as he leans against the gate near Hak

"Well, we know you don't have them either," I say dryly, nudging Kira as I look up.

I saw some crows flying overhead. Seeing one of them fall out of the sky would've been the funniest thing if it didn't remind me of Kurisu's career. I rubbed my stomach, feeling it grumble.

I took out a loaf of bread that the Queen offered me from my sleeve. It bothered me that she was always treating me like I did actual work. Then again, I'm sure it bothered Kira that the Queen favored me over him, but in the end, we were both like her sons.

I'm sure even Kira had to feel sorry for that loaf of bread as I inhumanely devoured it maliciously.
I start laughing, but stop in my tracks as I notice the bread "You got that from you know who didn't you? Meh that's fine. I prefer meat or apples anyway" I say as I pull out an apple and start to munch on it. "So, Kuri-kun, about those rules? Are there any?" I say as my claws dart into the apple and split it into six slices, which I then devour
Finx glares towards Kira in somewhat confuse-ment "I don't imagine I was talking to you, unless I was thinking aloud.." Finx takes a slight pause flipping his cards back into it's original stacks pile pressing his hands against each other the deck in between them, as his hands meet the deck of cards are gone, after this is done Finx returns to what he was saying "No matter what rules there are Black Dove, you won't come out of this expedition alive" a wide smirk stretching across his face as a sinister chuckle yet again flows through the ears of those who surround Finx
Kira chuckles "And what exactly will be the cause of my demise? You? Dont make me bust a lung laughing." He says as he nudges hak, throwing him an apple to go with his bread.
Hak has a mouth stuffed with bread; he can't speak at all.


"Hmmf?" I look questioningly at Kira, catching the apple in my arms.

"Mmmm. Mhm, mhm." I agree, gratefully accepting the apple.

All I saw then and there was an empty threat from Finx. Yet I know that, well... Knowing myself, I wasn't going to let a very close friend of mine die.

After swallowing the bread, I chomp on the apple, thinking back to a moment when I found Kira... Feeding.

-Flashback (13 Years)

I was staying over for the night at the castle, the queen insisted. Kira was there too, but I was still angry at him for stealing a large, shiny apple that I found. Of course that didn't go unpunished.

We fought a lot back then. Kira was pulling my hair as I was pinching his cheek.

"Haaaak... Kiraaa..." The silhouette of the young queen loomed, quite unhappy that her favorite two boys were fighting yet again.

Kira and I both feared for our lives at that moment.

-Flashback (End)

Ever since then, he was never stingy about his apples.
Finx then afterwards remains silent, instead Finx just smirks glaring towards Kirisu placing his mask on his face, after this Finx doesn't seem to be making any noises or responses to anyone as he feels as if he's already done the deed of killing Kira
"Enough." Kurisu said, appearing annoyed, "If you three are done with your little tea party, we should get going. We have at least, say.... 8 hours before nightfall. Demons aren't the only thing you have to worry about out here, as you probably know.." With that short conclusion, Kurisu turned and set out into the forest to the North. They could probably make it little over a third of the distance before night fell, that is, if they didn't stop or got distracted. He'd have to keep his eye on Finx.. Little bastard was already threatening somebody..

Two hours later

Noises weren't uncommon in the forest just north of the main city in the Black Feather Empire. However, these noises were human. It started as the occasional crackling of a branch or leaves or something. It eventually escalated to grunts, human speech, and even sightings of men infront of them. Finally, they struck. 8 Bandits, armed with an assortment of axes, swords, and clubs, swarmed around the party on all sides. Immediately Kurisu drew his blade to engage the two directly in front of him, leaving the other 6 to the party.

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Marco stays back, as he gets into a defensive stance. He suddenly glows with a yellow aura...and it seems to..pour out of him. He focuses, and he says monotonously: "Blessing of Strength!", and his yellow aura suddenly engulfs each of his group members, dancing as their silhouette, while looking liquid. The liquid seeps into their skin, and their skin glows a faint yellow. With this, each member becomes physically stronger. Marco seems to be winded by this for a moment, but he remains ready to defend himself.
Instead of Marco's yellow aura encompassing Hak, it naturally flows into his spear instead, making it seethe with wisps of yellow and blue aura.

Hak appeared unsurprised, and was frankly equally unamused by the situation. With no guard up and his spear in his left hand, Hak was sticking annoyingly close to Finx. Hak seemed to wait for the others to do all the work, staring at Kurisu engage in battle all the while.
Kira laughs maniacally saying "HAHAHA finally some action!". He goes into his demon form and flies into the air. He activates his Aura Armor and swiftly dives into two bandits closing in on Marco, stabbing his claws through the soft of their backs, quickly throwing them down and flying back into the air only to come smashing down on another, creating a moderate hole in the ground, whilst breaking the bandits bones. He then flies back into the air, scoping the area.
Finx takes a few steps forward, by this time his image seems to poof in a cloud of smoke not too long after the two bandits appear to have two cards stuck to the neck of each Bandit Kira was carrying, the cards on each neck were both a pair of Jacks & Ace's. It becomes clear afterwards that Finx had thrown them stuck into their neck as Finx hops away by his hand in feet flipping around the area scouting it for perhaps more bandits.
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Kurisu was too busy attacking his two bandits to notice that Finx was essentially defenseless, and that Hak wasn't doing shit. He parried a lunge from a bandit wielding a sword, and countered by smashing his opponent's head in with the hilt, stunning him. He then turned and fired off a small blast of aura, just enough to push the other back. He then whirled around again and slashed the oncoming bandit who was wielding a sword, killing him. After doing this he received a glancing blow to the back of his head, knocking him forward. Kurisu recovered faster than most humans should have, and turned and opened his palm, thrusting it into the sky. A field suddenly spread out infront of Kurisu and killed the remaining bandit, disintegrating him.

"Well.. that was easier than expected." Kurisu said, surveying the fallen opponents around him, "They are highwaymen. Bandits. We should move on..." Kurisu then continued on through the forest..

(You guys wanna time skip to the town or would you rather have a few more encounters?)
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