[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

I think that i've posted my action already a few posts above in the IC thread. I said that i'd wait for 3 ticks, taking the aim action and when it's my turn i'll attack the soldier in front of me, adding (because of the aim) 3 dice to my attack against him.
I think that i've posted my action already a few posts above in the IC thread. I said that i'd wait for 3 ticks' date=' taking the aim action and when it's my turn i'll attack the soldier in front of me, adding (because of the aim) 3 dice to my attack against him.[/quote']
Scratch that, I have everyones turn now...

I will update in a few hours.. I don't have the map on my laptop here at work and I don't want to confuse myself or you guys on who you are smacking in the face. I feel Takeno is about to lay the smack down.
Uh Brickwall either I'm senile or you are mistaken Amethyst is your chara, Amaterasu is mine xD , sure a name issure to come around and I've had a tragically poor day/night... 24 sleepless hours ><
I have no idea what you're talking about. My post CLEARLY says "Amethyst", and it always has. <.<

Rightio, let's hope I manage to land a hit so I can help gang up on the Terrestrial.
TherealBrickwall said:
I have no idea what you're talking about. My post CLEARLY says "Amethyst", and it always has. <.<
Rightio, let's hope I manage to land a hit so I can help gang up on the Terrestrial.
My final is tomorrow, which means free time for posting because I won't be in school anymore. Which, reminds me I am actually not IN a game :(

I wish there was a smiley with a party hat.

Updated: Waiting on some people who I forgot, I think its Red and Takeno.

Maps are for wusses! If I am able to pull myself away from my studies for my final tomorrow, I will post a map, otherwise, Thursday will be map day. Because school will be done.... FOREVER. (party hat)
Huh, you lost me there. :|

Red already realized her actions on T0 & T6, her next action should be on T12... did you made a full rotation like 10 became 0 ? (in which case I must indeed shoot again).

I strongly advise against it, it's the best way to loose track of the total time that has been spent during combat.
cyl said:
Huh, you lost me there. :|
Red already realized her actions on T0 & T6, her next action should be on T12... did you made a full rotation like 10 became 0 ? (in which case I must indeed shoot again).

I strongly advise against it, it's the best way to loose track of the total time that has been spent during combat.
I indeed do not have a mastery of the combat system.... if there is supposed to be 12 ticks and not 10 then your right. Let me take a look at the book later.... as for now go ahead and do your actions and I will adjust it next turn
Here let me help:

Combat started like this (speed of the weapon used):

T0: Red (6) / Soldiers (4)

T1. Zaria (3), Amaterasu (6), Takeno (4), Amethyst (5)

T2. Mahir (6)

Then it went (or should have gone) like this:

T4: Soldiers / Zaria

T5: Takeno

T6: Ame / Red

T7: Ama / Zaria

T8: Mahir / Soldiers

T9: Takeno

T10: Zaria

T11: Ame

T12: Red

T13: Ama / Zaria /Takeno

Unless I missed something.
cyl said:
Here let me help:
Combat started like this (speed of the weapon used):

T0: Red (6) / Soldiers (4)

T1. Zaria (3), Amaterasu (6), Takeno (4), Amethyst (5)

T2. Mahir (6)

Then it went (or should have gone) like this:

T4: Soldiers / Zaria

T5: Takeno

T6: Ame / Red

T7: Ama / Zaria

T8: Mahir / Soldiers

T9: Takeno

T10: Zaria

T11: Ame

T12: Red

T13: Ama / Zaria /Takeno

Unless I missed something.
Ok, so do the numbers just continue forever or do they go back to 1 again? I was under the impression as long as you kept track of the ticks, it didn't matter if you revolved it... Also, Zaria moved this round that is why he is a few ticks back still.

EDIT: Also, I take it we are on Tick 13? If this is the case I will replace my initiative with this. thanks for the help.
Actually I am kinda lost too, I don't know which tick we're on (let me revise who acted and how many times), but I know Red has not fired a third time yet so either I'm late or things got a little mixed... probably both :mrgreen:

Normally Ticks just keep going on and on and there are no revolution UNLESS combat completely stops, and begins again (which is rare... and weird :lol: ).

Also: you can Move freely of Dexterity yards / tick even while attacking, moving is free, which is a great advantage for character with a high dex in melee combat, and also for archers.

However if you run, then it's an action (Dash, speed 3, DV -2) which can also be cumulated with other actions (like attacks) with a Flurry.

If I'm talking chineese here... don't worry, focus on your finals and we'll get back to that once you're done :wink:
Ticks start at 0 every combat, and don't reset until then. While you might track it as cycling if you use a tick wheel, when you're writing the initiative down, using the cycling method is more confusing.

Also, for what it's worth, maces do Bashing damage, not Lethal.
cyl said:
Actually I am kinda lost too, I don't know which tick we're on (let me revise who acted and how many times), but I know Red has not fired a third time yet so either I'm late or things got a little mixed... probably both :mrgreen:
Normally Ticks just keep going on and on and there are no revolution UNLESS combat completely stops, and begins again (which is rare... and weird :lol: ).

Also: you can Move freely of Dexterity yards / tick even while attacking, moving is free, which is a great advantage for character with a high dex in melee combat, and also for archers.

However if you run, then it's an action (Dash, speed 3, DV -2) which can also be cumulated with other actions (like attacks) with a Flurry.

If I'm talking chineese here... don't worry, focus on your finals and we'll get back to that once you're done :wink:
No I understand about the running system. That I have down. The soldiers simply have a crappy dex and armor to boot, and didn't bother wanting to flurry.

Brickwall: I know it did bashing, it was a typo. Regardless the guy got knocked out and burned to death. Unless you want to put him out :P
Orders or not, you have to be some kind of bastard to burn down a church (of your own religion) full of innocents and children. I don't think he's worth the Miscellaneous Action.
Okay so: here it is more described this time... and if I read correctly

T0: soldiers launch flame vials (normally this would be a speed 5 action) and Red tries to intercept one and botches ( 6 :mrgreen: )

T1: Takeno attacks a guard (4) / Amethyst draws (5) / Amaterasu shoots her bow (6) Zaria does nothing (guard 3)

T2: Mahir shoots (6)

And then the confusion started :mrgreen:

from what I gather it went down like this:

Takeno: aims 3 + attacks 4 + aims again (next action should be on T11 - last action described T8)

Red: shoots another arrow (next action should be on T12, last action described T6)

Amethyst: gets out of the church 5 + attacks 5 + attacks again 5 (next action should be on T16, last action described T11)

Amaterasu: attacks 6 + attacks 6 + attacks 6 (next action should be on T19, last action described T13)

Mahir: attacks 6 + switch weapons 5 (next action should be on T13)

Technically Ame got ahead in the resolution, normally Takeno can attack twice when Ame makes one attack (when they both act on T11, Ame's next action is on T16, and Take acts on T15)

So right now here's where we left off:

T7: Amaterasu attacks (unresolved) - we should be here !

T8: Takeno aims / Mahir switches weapons / Amethyst attacks (unresolved)

T11: Takeno attacks (unresolved) / Amethyst attacks (unresolved)

T12: Red attacks (undescribed)

So right now here's your update for the pcs (you can handle npcs :mrgreen: ).

If I can't post my action before you update, consider Red shooting at Zaria on T12.

Then we will have:

T13: Amaterasu attacks (described) /Mahir's turn (undescribed)

T15: Takeno's turn (undescribed)

T16: Amethyst's turn (undescribed)

T18: Red's turn (undescribed)

So, unless I missed something, which is possible, we still have to deal with some actions, before posting other actions.

May I suggest that each player indicate to the ST in his stat block on which tick his next action will take place so we can all have a clear view of what is going on.
Okay, it looks to me as if Amethyst and Mahir are facing the same soldier, and that Amethyst will hit him first. That being the case, I will wait to post my turn until her attack is resolved. After all, she might kill him, and if that's the case Mahir will go fight someone else.
Tourmaline said:
Okay, it looks to me as if Amethyst and Mahir are facing the same soldier, and that Amethyst will hit him first. That being the case, I will wait to post my turn until her attack is resolved. After all, she might kill him, and if that's the case Mahir will go fight someone else.
No problem, hopefully after tomorrow we will be done of combat pretty quickly as I will be able to post more then once every two days. :P

And I can play video games again :D
cyl said:
Amethyst: gets out of the church 5 + attacks 5 + attacks again 5 (next action should be on T16, last action described T11)
No, she got out of the church and attacked on the same action. It was a moving stunt, essentially.
Ok so it's like this then:

T6: Amethyst (unresolved)

T7: Amaterasu attacks (unresolved)

T8: Takeno aims / Mahir switches weapons

T11: Takeno attacks (unresolved) / Amethyst attacks (undescribed)

T12: Red attacks (undescribed)

And what went wrong and created the confusion is that while you have people who have speed 4, you also have people using a speed 6 weapons, so when those guys (6) reach their second action, the other guys (4) already are starting their third... plus there is the tick delay between each player.

In order to keep things ordered it's simpler (though it's a bit more work for you :wink: ) to resolve each action separately and within the resolution post to move the players & npcs on the tick scale.

For example:

Amethyst has posted her attacks, so you'd need a post resolving this attack and at the end of the post you'd put a mention like:

T7: Amaterasu attacks

T8: Takeno aims / Mahir switches weapons

T11: Takeno attacks / Amethyst attacks

T12: Red attacks

And after that it would be Takeno's turn, & so on.
TherealBrickwall said:
cyl said:
Amethyst: gets out of the church 5 + attacks 5 + attacks again 5 (next action should be on T16, last action described T11)
No, she got out of the church and attacked on the same action. It was a moving stunt, essentially.
Your right, it was a stunt, I didn't take this into account. :(

Next turn is going to get spicy......
By the way, i need to inform you that i'll be away on vacation from 9th till 15th of August and probably won't have access to internet connection (though i may still find a net cafe or smth and smuggle a post or two in between the days. Well there is always the chance that our hotel will have internet access but i don't count on it).
Bardlebee said:
TherealBrickwall said:
No, she got out of the church and attacked on the same action. It was a moving stunt, essentially.
Your right, it was a stunt, I didn't take this into account. :(
Pretty much everything that has been posted qualifies for at least a 1-die stunt by the book. However, mortals get a 1-die penalty on stunts, so 1-die stunts only allow them to bend the rules slightly and do not-quite-possible things, without adding any dice or allowing any sort of recovery. So, basically, you did take it into account by not giving her any more actions than the attack or giving the attack some sort of penalty.
TherealBrickwall said:
Bardlebee said:
TherealBrickwall said:
No, she got out of the church and attacked on the same action. It was a moving stunt, essentially.
Your right, it was a stunt, I didn't take this into account. :(
Pretty much everything that has been posted qualifies for at least a 1-die stunt by the book. However, mortals get a 1-die penalty on stunts, so 1-die stunts only allow them to bend the rules slightly and do not-quite-possible things, without adding any dice or allowing any sort of recovery. So, basically, you did take it into account by not giving her any more actions than the attack or giving the attack some sort of penalty.
Schools over *fist pump* I can actually get on this site now :D

Oh and Ebon_Arbiter, if you can't update don't worry about it. I believe this battle is done soon so you won't miss much out of experience and battle.
cyl said:
Uh no, that last shot, that was my action on T6. :wink:
ooooh changing.... so that means... its your action on 12 still, because I resolved everyone else. Either that or it gets more confusing lol
Just so everyone is on the same page.

cyl, you may make another action and we will consider it T12

The only people I am waiting on now are Amethyst and Amaterasu, which this is in no way to say "Hey hurry up and post!!" just so you guys know. The beginning of the match was messed up and has confused me the most out of everyone. So, thought some clarity was in order.

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