[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

I can't remember who said it, but one of the characters said "Zaria, this is madness!"

You have no idea how much I wanted him to respond "Madness?.... THIS... IS... CREATION!"
I wrote something like that, and to be honest i'd be expecting such an answer without much surprise :D Glad to see we communicate well even in the starting phases of the game. :D
Bardlebee said:
Technically, the pedestal hit the guy with the grenade and he blew up, that is why you see the skull and cross bones. The closest guy to you technically would be the one at the north side of the building so I am going to assume you mean him.
Actually I had thought that it was going through one of the four windows on the sides, and there were guards at each of those. Well, I still want to mace a guy in the face. With a real mace. Not the pepper. A 7-lb chunk of metal on the end of a stick. So whoever's closest.
Well I was waiting for things to move on since I have a little delay ahead of me... see who I shoud aim my next arrow at :wink:
cyl said:
Well I was waiting for things to move on since I have a little delay ahead of me... see who I shoud aim my next arrow at :wink:
Oh sorry guys I was assuming everyone submits they're action first.

This makes more sense... to do it one at a time anyway
You'll have to forgive me. My Creative system has become broken! xD For two days I have been thinking on how cool to make my next post and well... my mind goes blank.

I shall have to try something less nice or something. (Somehow I feel the last roll was more on my next post's ability to write than the character's ability to hit ^^)
Not wishing to slow us down further. Tomorrow I shall post (er... today). Since I usually awake before our ST usually posts (uh... Usually :P ) this should fit in well. And am I the only one being waited on? Wait don't answer... I shall give the post a re-read, so I can better plan Amaterasu's sneaky/ninja attack xD (if an arrow can't hit then certainly a dagger can strike... If I go with that thought anyway.)
Myllinnia said:
Not wishing to slow us down further. Tomorrow I shall post (er... today). Since I usually awake before our ST usually posts (uh... Usually :P ) this should fit in well. And am I the only one being waited on? Wait don't answer... I shall give the post a re-read, so I can better plan Amaterasu's sneaky/ninja attack xD (if an arrow can't hit then certainly a dagger can strike... If I go with that thought anyway.)
No rush, we all have lives.... well most of us.
Bardlebee said:
Myllinnia said:
Not wishing to slow us down further. Tomorrow I shall post (er... today). Since I usually awake before our ST usually posts (uh... Usually :P ) this should fit in well. And am I the only one being waited on? Wait don't answer... I shall give the post a re-read, so I can better plan Amaterasu's sneaky/ninja attack xD (if an arrow can't hit then certainly a dagger can strike... If I go with that thought anyway.)
No rush, we all have lives.... well most of us.
Also class is over next week... which means sweet sweet updates during the day as well... for those who get on that early. Right now its rough because of finals. Wanted to note as well, this is an open ended game and although I enjoy the vanilla solar game of "we must save the world!" You can do whatever you want. Go whever, etc.

School sucks.
If nothing happens tonight, I shall simply add fluff.

fluff fluffy fluff fluff

If only battle didn't take so long on play by post :|
Bardlebee said:
If nothing happens tonight, I shall simply add fluff.
fluff fluffy fluff fluff

If only battle didn't take so long on play by post :|
I know. :( That's the main downside to this medium, IMO. Sometimes I miss the relative speed of tabletop. Gaming here doesn't involve three- or four-hour epic sessions that leave you exhausted the next day, though. And people actually roleplay!
Tourmaline said:
Bardlebee said:
If nothing happens tonight, I shall simply add fluff.
fluff fluffy fluff fluff

If only battle didn't take so long on play by post :|
I know. :( That's the main downside to this medium, IMO. Sometimes I miss the relative speed of tabletop. Gaming here doesn't involve three- or four-hour epic sessions that leave you exhausted the next day, though. And people actually roleplay!
Very true, in the spirit of keeping the game going. In the future I think if there isn't an update in 2-3 days from a person I would assume they are doing something useful....

errm that is if you guys think thats a good idea..
I think you should add "without warning". I, at least, will try and let people know in advance when I am going to be incommunicado.

Of course, it is important that you let people know that they are up for action before you do that sort of thing.
I have to ask. Cause strangely I can't keep track. But was I the only one being waiting on? And I still feel bad for slowing down our combat because of it. ><

In my opinion, if its possible and people don't post in a few days then ya move us on.
Myllinnia said:
I have to ask. Cause strangely I can't keep track. But was I the only one being waiting on? And I still feel bad for slowing down our combat because of it. ><
In my opinion, if its possible and people don't post in a few days then ya move us on.
Well you and red. That's why I haven't updated you yet. But if I don't hear from cyl by the end of today ill push us forward. It is likely red was going to attack the nearest opponent anyway ;)
Bardlebee said:
Very true, in the spirit of keeping the game going. In the future I think if there isn't an update in 2-3 days from a person I would assume they are doing something useful...
Works for me. Like Brickwall said, I will try and let people know when I am going to be offline for a while.
Sorry for the weekend long silence, again its finals week this week. So up until Thursday its going to be sparse updates here and there.

I will be updating tonight, possibly at noon. Just one more semester of this and I am done :D

Yeah, my big week is next week, so once you're nice and free, I'm nice and busy. Plech.
TherealBrickwall said:
Yeah, my big week is next week, so once you're nice and free, I'm nice and busy. Plech.
Well I have one final next week.... but its easy as dirt. I have been hitting the books hard for this final test on Thursday because this test defines whether I get an A or a B.....

I don't want my GPA to fall below 3.2.... that is my standard I want to try to keep, though it wont make a bit of difference come interview time or getting my masters. IT (info. technology) doesn't care :cry:
Bardlebee said:
TherealBrickwall said:
Yeah, my big week is next week, so once you're nice and free, I'm nice and busy. Plech.
Well I have one final next week.... but its easy as dirt. I have been hitting the books hard for this final test on Thursday because this test defines whether I get an A or a B.....

I don't want my GPA to fall below 3.2.... that is my standard I want to try to keep, though it wont make a bit of difference come interview time or getting my masters. IT (info. technology) doesn't care :cry:
Okay, again sorry for the delay, I really didn't want this game to slug on like this. After this Thursday (my last day of class and my final) it should be smooth sailing. Post your actions.

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