[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

Fun Exalted canon fact: in the Immaculate faith, depiction of the dragons (or any god, actually) is extremely severe heresy. No idols. This would include gargoyles. That's why they have those weird elemental symbols around. Like in most religions that forbid icons, they need SOME symbols.
hmmm then the throne of the Empress should not be, or she'd have a special derogation.
cyl said:
Fun Exalted canon fact: in the Immaculate faith, depiction of the dragons (or any god, actually) is extremely severe heresy. No idols. This would include gargoyles. That's why they have those weird elemental symbols around. Like in most religions that forbid icons, they need SOME symbols.
hmmm then the throne of the Empress should not be, or she'd have a special derogation.
TheRealBrickWall, can you specify a page/book where you saw this lore? I am not calling you out, I actually am very interested in learning about DB lore since they will be your main protagonist in the beginning...
I want to give everyone a chance to post before I have the dragon leave, so if you don't want your character take any action, just post so here.
Alright, did my digging, and found where I got it.

In the 1st edition book for Dragon Bloods, the setting is a LOT more detailed. In the section for the Immaculate Order, there is a sidebar called "Aniconic Faith". It details the Immaculate Order's lack of, well, icons.

But it says that Dragons are allowed (making me wrong), just not anything else. And not ANYTHING else. Depictions of animals or humans who aren't the human forms of the Dragons are forbidden alongside depictions of any non-Dragon god. This is for mortals. Terrestrial Exalted get a bit more leeway, like permission to bear armor with animal motifs. But they're still supposed to avoid it.

Fun fact is that this crosses over to the secular world. You may not commission a portrait of yourself, or your wife, or your favorite bowl of fruit even. And you may certainly not hang it anywhere. All these things will get you a stern talking to from any Immaculate, and in the cases of the less nice ones, it will probably be kung-fu smashed on the spot.

Keep in mind that not all Immaculates agree on how to enforce this. There's a canon story of one Immaculate fighting another because one of them tore apart the Boar's Head Inn for displaying a boar's head. The other thought this was a dick move.

Obviously, abstract art is very popular.


P.S. Amethyst has nothing to do while the DB is still in the temple. She's outmanned and outgunned, it's time to be clever, not simply bold.
Keep in mind that not all Immaculates agree on how to enforce this.
Sure, they even allowed a guy (regent Fokuf...) to masturbate while reading some explicit texts from the immaculate scriptures, and considered the act holy :lol:
cyl said:
Keep in mind that not all Immaculates agree on how to enforce this.
Sure, they even allowed a guy (regent Fokuf...) to masturbate while reading some explicit texts from the immaculate scriptures, and considered the act holy :lol:
It's not pictures, and Immaculates are all about the self-lovin', so why should they get mad?

P.S. You are allowed to call it a church. They have all the other stuff Christians do, including nunneries, they might as well get churches.
cyl said:
I never said anything about pictures, have I ?! :shock:
Pictures are for chumps! I mean, look at us, displaying our fantasies on a text based web interface.

Just sayin'
cyl said:
I never said anything about pictures, have I ?! :shock:
You mentioned it in sequence with the heresy of icons, so my inference was logically sound.

@Tourmaline: For what it's worth, most Delzahn are accustomed to spending some time in Chiaroscuro, which is walled quite well, and many Chiaroscuro Delzahn never really leave the city. Many Delzahn are simply becoming less nomadic. Obviously, Mahir isn't one of those Delzahn, but you should probably not make broad racial statements like that, since that's pretty much the major existing cultural contention within the Delzahn.

I should really stop reading Exalted books just for fun.
Bardlebee said:
Actually I got the impression when reading the south that a good one third of delzhan are nomadic...
By the way I will have to draw a map with photoshop here in the next scene, I cannot do this until I get back from work and school... so I apologize but the update will be here closer to 9PM CST


With that said, next semester I am done of my degree, so if this does go to be a long term game which I fully intend it to, it won't be such an issue. The updates I have been spitting out have been kind of slow on my terms, though I have only PBP gamed once before so I don't know. You guys know whats going to happen next anyway :P
I think you're doing fine, don't worry, we have all passed through periods of tight schedules.

[P.S. small piece of advice: study now that you can and still have the good mood and clarity of mind. As time passes it'll only get harder. I'm currently 25 to 26 years old, on the last stage of my postgraduate degree in Criminal/Penal Law in university and God knows that i have to literally grab myself by the neck to make him study and write his projects. And to think that while i was in high school i was almost glued to my books, makes me almost cry :( good times back then.]
I think you're doing fine, don't worry, we have all passed through periods of tight schedules.
[P.S. small piece of advice: study now that you can and still have the good mood and clarity of mind. As time passes it'll only get harder. I'm currently 25 to 26 years old, on the last stage of my postgraduate degree in Criminal/Penal Law in university and God knows that i have to literally grab myself by the neck to make him study and write his projects. And to think that while i was in high school i was almost glued to my books, makes me almost cry :( good times back then.]
I am 24, turning 25. So, it's not like your old or anything. Difference is I guess I am in my field already, I am a network administrator for a clinic of about 120 people. So, I have some solid experience, the degree in my field doesn't mean much except for getting up to higher positions...

Is postgrad considered a masters degree? I guess I should know this hah! I will be going for my masters right after my bachelors, but I won't be doing full time school, thats for sure.

That is to note: in the IT field, certifications get you places you want to be, not a degree. However next year I am leaving this clinic to be a big shot Network Engineer once I have my degree, as I already have multiple certifications.

What type of work are you looking to get into? Being a lawyer?
Hehe :) No offense meant by the age statement, just thought you were problably younger since i'm not used to the college system. And yes, the postgraduate degree is our equivalent to Master's degree. The bad thing about us is the lack of jobs as a whole and the inability to find work fitting to your studies. Thus we study a bit more in case we get a better opportunity in the future.

I guess it's probably this situation, combined with the long years of studying, that is currently taking its toll on me.

Oh well, God willing things will get better and thus I should refrain from being pessimistic. :D

[Edit: Yes, i'm a lawyer indeed. I finished the training period (18 months), passed my exams with flying colours and acquired my professional license but still i'm unable to find a decent job. They treat us like nothing and expect us to work almost for no money, and that is if you actually manage to find a law firm willing to accept you. Problem is that i don't have any relative in the same field and i'm not yet in position (financially) to consider starting my own independant office. So we'll see.]
Hehe :) No offense meant by the age statement, just thought you were problably younger since i'm not used to the college system. And yes, the postgraduate degree is our equivalent to Master's degree. The bad thing about us is the lack of jobs as a whole and the inability to find work fitting to your studies. Thus we study a bit more in case we get a better opportunity in the future.
I guess it's probably this situation, combined with the long years of studying, that is currently taking its toll on me.

Oh well, God willing things will get better and thus I should refrain from being pessimistic. :D

[Edit: Yes, i'm a lawyer indeed. I finished the training period (18 months), passed my exams with flying colours and acquired my professional license but still i'm unable to find a decent job. They treat us like nothing and expect us to work almost for no money, and that is if you actually manage to find a law firm willing to accept you. Problem is that i don't have any relative in the same field and i'm not yet in position (financially) to consider starting my own independant office. So we'll see.]
I have always wondered how well those independent offices do...

The plus side is that you are really young for a masters degree. I am about standard for a bachelors degree nowadays, considering most people in America don't even get they're bachelors and those that do range from 23-27. It's just the fact of the world that more students must stay at home with their parents to finish college because the world is not tailored for a non-degree person anymore, its a shame. But yeah, I know what you mean as a result of taking night classes I get a lot of forty year olds saying the same thing every semester "Your doing the right thing, man if I was your age again I would be finishing my degree.... etc etc". The IT field is nice that the jobs are so abundant and pay well, but the layoff rate is high if you don't have good certifications and experience. Also, most of the time larger companies that hire Network Engineers require degrees and corporate networks of 1000+ employees are the only type of networks that really support Network Engineers anyway, so here I am.

I am kicking myself for taking a year or so off of college, however I was able to get some solid experience, so just as well. Either way, congrats on the degree man, you are quite young for a masters so that is some feat to be honest. So, the bright side is that you won't be forty going "what if", not that thats a bad thing.... I should be 26-27 when I finish my Masters, so hopefully we will both be rich and top-dogs in our respective fields in a few years :D

EDIT: When I was young I thought of being a lawyer, but I fell in love with computers. I also wanted to be an actor, but I am to short for that I think.
Ah fellow student of the law... fancy that !

I'm 29 going on 30 at the moment and got a master in constitutional law (France)... and now I'm managing my own business (tourism in Peru)... sometimes life takes you to far far away from your degrees ! :wink:
cyl said:
Ah fellow student of the law... fancy that !
I'm 29 going on 30 at the moment and got a master in constitutional law (France)... and now I'm managing my own business (tourism in Peru)... sometimes life takes you to far far away from your degrees ! :wink:
That's awesome, I have met people that were Network Administrators that had their degree in landscaping and stuff.
TherealBrickwall said:
@Tourmaline: For what it's worth, most Delzahn are accustomed to spending some time in Chiaroscuro, which is walled quite well, and many Chiaroscuro Delzahn never really leave the city. Many Delzahn are simply becoming less nomadic. Obviously, Mahir isn't one of those Delzahn, but you should probably not make broad racial statements like that, since that's pretty much the major existing cultural contention within the Delzahn.
I should really stop reading Exalted books just for fun.
Ah, I was unclear there. I know about Chiaroscuro and the city/nomad divide (I read Exalted books for fun too ;) ), just... apparently not on my best writing form. I need to proofread more. Or not write when I'm tired, that would help too. Edited my turn to hopefully make Mahir's thoughts on the situation more clear.

Fellow students! Students who are around my age, even! I'm 27 (soon to be 28) and still slogging my way through my bachelor's in environmental science. I find my major fascinating, albeit depressing at times, but it feels like I've been in school forever.
Tourmaline said:
TherealBrickwall said:
@Tourmaline: For what it's worth, most Delzahn are accustomed to spending some time in Chiaroscuro, which is walled quite well, and many Chiaroscuro Delzahn never really leave the city. Many Delzahn are simply becoming less nomadic. Obviously, Mahir isn't one of those Delzahn, but you should probably not make broad racial statements like that, since that's pretty much the major existing cultural contention within the Delzahn.
I should really stop reading Exalted books just for fun.
Ah, I was unclear there. I know about Chiaroscuro and the city/nomad divide (I read Exalted books for fun too ;) ), just... apparently not on my best writing form. I need to proofread more. Or not write when I'm tired, that would help too. Edited my turn to hopefully make Mahir's thoughts on the situation more clear.

Fellow students! Students who are around my age, even! I'm 27 (soon to be 28) and still slogging my way through my bachelor's in environmental science. I find my major fascinating, albeit depressing at times, but it feels like I've been in school forever.
I think I will update now, even though I don't have a map layed out, lets get this party started.

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