[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

Chiaroscuro might be the simple solution, above all if we want to go east afterwards.
I'm fine with any destination you choose people.

By the way the first phase of my vacation is over and now i have access to internet so i'm officially back :)

Also congratulations Bardlebee on your exams, enjoy the freedom and have a good time now :D
I'm fine with any destination you choose people.
By the way the first phase of my vacation is over and now i have access to internet so i'm officially back :)

Also congratulations Bardlebee on your exams, enjoy the freedom and have a good time now :D
Thanks, sorry for the slow turn around guys... my air conditioner has gone out and has taken all my time. With the fact that I live in Texas and we are experiencing high ninety's, turning on my computer and keeping it running seems to be a challenge without it overheating. So... yeah may be another day. I will try to do a work-update me thinks.
At some point in those 8 days, we crossed the border between Kick-Ass Action Awesomeland and Bad Anime Filler Episodeland, apparently. :? Plus, the description you gave us doesn't really come across as very salesmany. Except where you say it's salesmany. Seriously, IC and OOC, I just want to walk past this guy. I'll stick with the rest of the party, but really, we seem to have gone from a peak to a valley. And not geographically.

Seriously, I don't want to be overly disparaging, but this guy is simply atrocious. I will probably only forgive you if we get to do bad things to him.
TherealBrickwall said:
At some point in those 8 days, we crossed the border between Kick-Ass Action Awesomeland and Bad Anime Filler Episodeland, apparently. :? Plus, the description you gave us doesn't really come across as very salesmany. Except where you say it's salesmany. Seriously, IC and OOC, I just want to walk past this guy. I'll stick with the rest of the party, but really, we seem to have gone from a peak to a valley. And not geographically.
Seriously, I don't want to be overly disparaging, but this guy is simply atrocious. I will probably only forgive you if we get to do bad things to him.
Atrocious how? He is meant to be annoying. Did he succeed? I hope so.

This is not nearly episodic, at all and your quick assumption is wrong. This is not a filler episode nor was it meant to be, just a flavor 3 post punch.

Your also jumping to conclusions through one post. :evil:

EDIT: Re-reading it I can see where you wouldn't think he is a salesman, but cut me some slack. I am at work. Although I have free rain of my computer, it does not allow me to smash tirelessly on these computer keys of storytelling.
I say "bad anime filler episode" because it completely shifts the entire tone of the story, and seems to have abandoned a sense of verisimilitude (seriously, pink smoke bombs and an apparating wagon?). Not because it seems detached from the plot.

And the annoyance I'm speaking of is not the annoyance you intended. However, to your credit, the annoyance you intended is also there. I can tell how he's supposed to be annoying. I'm just also annoyed at his presentation.
May we have an occult roll or something to determine if this guy's "real" ?

I really think we are dealing with a funky spirit :lol:
TherealBrickwall said:
I say "bad anime filler episode" because it completely shifts the entire tone of the story, and seems to have abandoned a sense of verisimilitude (seriously, pink smoke bombs and an apparating wagon?). Not because it seems detached from the plot.
And the annoyance I'm speaking of is not the annoyance you intended. However, to your credit, the annoyance you intended is also there. I can tell how he's supposed to be annoying. I'm just also annoyed at his presentation.
Right. Well perhaps your interaction with Bandito is simply bad timing on my part. I meant him to be comedy relief but it seems that he was relieving all to soon. Regardless, we are here and we are going to ride this comedy relief until its dead.

Also, if you wish to roll for Occult, state your intentions in the game thread.

Having said all that, give Bandito a chance damnit! :)

He's done nothing wrong. This game is going to be mostly serious, I don't usually throw in randomly appearing wagon-men, so don't worry about future implementations. Though I cannot promise whether you will meet Bandito once again.

EDIT: And yes, seriously, pink smoke. It's his character.
Oh I have seen weirder things than people popping out of pink smoke in exalted... it's just that - apart from the super quick transition - he's quite a colourful character (no pun intended)... more colourful than the average mortal, so Blossom who's travelled a lot might recognize something.
I agree that the transition was a bit abrupt- I would have liked a chance to RP some 'getting to know you' in camp- but Bandito is still funny. And suspicious! Is he a fae? A mischievous god? Or, most horrifying of all, an incredibly tenacious salesman? :o
Yeah, re-reading this, I see the abruptness now. Oops.

A quick getaway is in order! Hope you guys don't mind me brooming this guy away and finishing your occult and conversations!
Yeah, I know I probably misspelled Chariascouro and Delzahn... I don't have the book at work.

It was 98 in my house last night, had to go to my parents house... heh...

The guy is coming out today its going to be awesome having air again.

Also, I wanted to note that there will be time for 'getting to know each other RP time' as Tourmaline said. To be quite honest I had not thought of it at the time. Thank you for your input and an otherwise logic and great idea on that. Though you are about a mile away from Paragon, so that will be rough to incorporate. It would be good if you guys could do it on the way? Also, didn't say what time of day it was, ugh I need to add details more.
errrm, fyi I never pretend to be a savant with the cultures of Creation, however I think I know Paragon pretty well based on the South book and core only, so if I get something wrong, feel free to slap me and I can adjust descriptions.
Red was not looking for evil, but spiritual trait, to identify if the man has some extraordinary traits / behavior proper to an essence being... so I guess with 1 suxx he appears quite normal huh ?!

errrm, fyi I never pretend to be a savant with the cultures of Creation, however I think I know Paragon pretty well based on the South book and core only, so if I get something wrong, feel free to slap me and I can adjust descriptions.
Hey, feel free to slap US ! :mrgreen:

It's YOUR world we're playing in, you're free to mod / make up anything you want.

Just give us some infos beforehand so we can empty our cups and discover the world you built through the eyes of our pcs. :wink:
cyl said:
Red was not looking for evil, but spiritual trait, to identify if the man has some extraordinary traits / behavior proper to an essence being... so I guess with 1 suxx he appears quite normal huh ?!
errrm, fyi I never pretend to be a savant with the cultures of Creation, however I think I know Paragon pretty well based on the South book and core only, so if I get something wrong, feel free to slap me and I can adjust descriptions.
Hey, feel free to slap US ! :mrgreen:

It's YOUR world we're playing in, you're free to mod / make up anything you want.

Just give us some infos beforehand so we can empty our cups and discover the world you built through the eyes of our pcs. :wink:
Yeah I rolled occult for ya based on whether it was spiritual or any connection with occult at all to be honest.

Yeah, I know but it helps to have expert advice (mainly for the game I run RL) and another angle. Just a small spoiler, you guys are close to exaltation, though you may not like what happens or how :P

That is your characters won't heh.
Well, we could always do a flashback to the first night in camp or something once we're done with Bandito.

Let's do the time warp agaaaaiiiin...
Yeah, I know but it helps to have expert advice (mainly for the game I run RL) and another angle.
On this matter I suggest you ask us a question before posting anything if you have a doubt / lack info or do not want to make stuff up.
I think we all have the books and we can quote / sum up a few infos for you should you need it. 8)
My next post will be a lengthy one involving you guys purchasing some items from this man and moving on, then during your trip to Paragon you guys can sort of hash out roleplay wise who you are and where you are from.

Stop me if you are looking for more from this man instead of jewelry, arrows, and clothes.
I realized we need to make you guys a new logo for Episode 1 or... is it Episode 0

Who knows!

Class starts tomorrow :( I am going through the stages of loss right now. Right now I am in denial.
I just realize I should have made the large post I was planning to be the start of the next episode... take this time in character to talk amongst yourselves roleplaying wise and ill weave a spell of a new thread and make a large post with your arrival to Paragon and the sights and sounds and cookies and such.

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