[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

Come forth, you the frail and the weak! You, the pathetic and the wretched! You, the freak and the rejected! You, every abused and sad and broken and lost soul in this world or the next!

Come! Come forth, to me, for I have butterscotch!

And it is glorious!
Damn, now I'm feeling the urge to work out a couple of Charms- Glorious Solar Butterscotch and its Abyssal Mirror, Resplendent Shadow Butterscotch.

I'd do it now, except I'm just taking a five-minute break from some coursework and I really don't want to get obsessed with the minutiae of such an endeavour.

I'm already trying to decide which Ability it's linked to (possibly Craft, possibly Lore with the whole Wyld-shaping thing, but then it could be Survival...)

Yeah, obsessed like that. :shock:
danakir said:
Glorious Solar Feast.
Make it happen.
I wanted to make an Alchemical Jade Caste called Benificent Iron Chef. He was going to be the inventor of Iron Chef Style martial arts.

He was going to beat Apostates with Artifact frying pans.
I really need to get the Alchemicals book...

Also, Grey: I hadn't looked at your character stuff until a couple of minutes ago. The apple comment now makes perfect sense.

Fancy trying to get our characters to meet up so yours can take mine up a tall building and offer him the world?
Go and have a look at my character sheet. Specifically the Concept line.

I didn't actually go for him receiving the Last Breath after being crucified, but the whole thorn thing didn't originally come from the name of the city...
Yay! The antithesis of all that's virtuous is smiling upon us!

Wait, is that good? I don't think that's good.

(And I'm off back to my work...)
Oh, gods, I've got something to live up to now...

Just to make things even better, the Prophet doesn't trust Raksha (thanks, Deathlords...)

'Course, your own background doesn't exactly discourage that view of things. It'll be a bit of work to walk the line between "characterful distrust" and "metagamey hypersensitivity", but I'll do my best. :D
Grey said:
I suddenly need an image macro for 'pleasing to the Ebon Dragon'.

It was a toss-up between that image and the one of him and the Empress from Swallowed Darkness.
And from previous posts, it appears that knightfall's gonna have us meet up at some point... This may not go well.

Time to learn more Integrity Charms! :D

I'm gonna make that my new wallpaper.

And then I'm going to find an excuse to inflict it on /tg/.

The one from Swallowed Darkness I have as a Motivator somewhere, captioned with 'WHERE IS YOUR EMPRESS NOW?'

MorkaisChosen: Pyrian Charms were here. What Shaping effect?

Hell yeah, Infernals. =D
That may be very wise. Without them, you're all nekkied little babies in the snow. ^^

Though I swear to God, if I see anyone learning Integrity-Protecting Prana through metagaming, I will cry. ;_;

And shush with your Pyrian charms! xD They are evil! Evil!!!
I probably won't go for it immediately, there's a LOAD of other stuff I want. The other thing to remember is the Willpower cost- just be persistent... :twisted:
Well yeah, I guess I could go for the 2wps natural influence and that point but it'd still take a couple of scenes versus me draining it all in four social attacks... ;__;

Thank god my permanent mutations aren't considered shaping anymore but permanent works of glamour...

Edit: Wait, what am I saying, it's a day long effect! So I can't do that either.
Ah, Infernal Chargen; Ow, ow, my starting Charm selection. Ow. EXCELLENCIES EVERYWHERE
More or less, being at the complete mercy of a single charm that can last upward of a day doth sucketh mightily indeed.

Regardless, s'part of being a Raksha playing in the same field as the big bad celestial exalts, so I won't complain too much. x3

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