[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

Haku said:
Agrravated soak is soak as lethal damage. The only difference is that that it's harder to recover from aggro damage and you can't soak it with stamina.
Pg 149 of the Core book disagrees:

[QUOTE="Exalted Core]

Unless otherwise stated, no being has

a natural soak against aggravated wounds, and only the stron-

gest healing magic can mend such grievous injuries swiftly.

Fortunately, armor provides an aggravated soak equal to its

lethal soak. This type of injury heals naturally at the same

rate as lethal damage.

So armor does have Agg soak, which is always equal to Lethal soak, and agg damage normally heals at the same rate as lethal damage (I thought it was slower too).

I doubt the fact that the agg soak is a separate value will come up very much...but you never know.

Also, I thought for some reason that charms that created armor didn't automatically give agg soak...but I can't find that anywhere, so I must have dreameed that up. >.>
knightfall said:
Haku has the right of it, Cricket. Sherwood, that should be fine.
I just wanted to point out what the book says. I have no problem having +5 Agg soak :)

I just wanted to make sure I was playing by the rules and all.
Regarding the Errata'd version of Hybrid Body Rearrangement, just so it does not become a game breaker, maybe we should cap the number of times you can take any of the stackable mutations by the Lunar's (Essence).

It would prevent the mega toxic and uber-tentacled/multi-limbed horrors, especially the later with Octopus and Spider Barrage.
I have faith you'll exercise common sense. And, if you don't... Well. I have over 290 Lunars. I'm sure a few of them can lack common sense, too. ^_^
So are those of us in the Other group going to be together to start with, or completely seperate, or somewhere in between?

It'd certainly make for an interesting group...

EDIT: Also, Eternal Enmity Approach question: the Charm text says it reinforces an Intimacy of hatred towards "an organisation, an idea or a widespread social group." Is it acceptable to have it applied to the Mask of Winters? I realise that goes against the text of the Charm, but I think a Deathlord's powrful enough to deserve it. As a corrolary- if you'd prefer me not to do that, can I swap the Charm for something else?

We'll probably see what I can work out, but the greatest likelihood is that you'll all start separately and I'll find something to draw you all together.

Mask of Winters on his own is not valid. Mask of Winters and his entire organization, however, is, as are the Deathlords as a group, though the latter would not extend to their underlings.
I would recommend having something... big to do the drawing together or some linkages in history. 8)
OK, that's fine. I'll go for Eternal Enmity: Deathlords, and leave the Intimacy against the Mask as a sort of "I hate you all, but I hate you more" thing.

I can't really justify "MoW and his whole organisation" 'cause he was a Credulous Dupe for a while, and I don't want to stretch the slightly-mentally-unstable excuse too far.

Looking at the sheet (Motivation in particular), I can see one way that the Prophet and Luck's Arishat could meet up- "Fell the Juggernaut" as a Motivation implies she'd be inclined to go after the Mask, too. This is, of course, merely an idea and our Most Puissant Storyteller may well decide to do something completely different...
Okay, everyone. I should get to reviewing all the custom material and making necessary changes over the course of the day.

Also, some bad news. It looks like Karregan's dropped out.

I'd like to start Thursday, at latest, so please try to have your fluff and stats done by then so I can go over them and award bonus XP, if any.
Once I get OK on custom stuff I can fill up the blanks on Romanatali. Also, should I still have dots in ally Godzilla Fey, given that it's going to be played by danakir (also, have you given danakir the XP for fey noble/unshaped/whatever)?
Haku said:
Once I get OK on custom stuff I can fill up the blanks on Romanatali. Also, should I still have dots in ally Godzilla Fey, given that it's going to be played by danakir (also, have you given danakir the XP for fey noble/unshaped/whatever)?
I'd prefer you keep the dots to justify the Raksha's involvement in the game, yes.

I'll get to you on the charms soon.

PM sent regarding Ally and XP for Raksha.
knightfall said:
Haku said:
Once I get OK on custom stuff I can fill up the blanks on Romanatali. Also, should I still have dots in ally Godzilla Fey, given that it's going to be played by danakir (also, have you given danakir the XP for fey noble/unshaped/whatever)?
I'd prefer you keep the dots to justify the Raksha's involvement in the game, yes.

I'll get to you on the charms soon.

PM sent regarding Ally and XP for Raksha.
*nodnods* Coolness.
Ok, I think I'm going to write up my infernal as being from the north regaredless of where we end up so I'll get to it. Probably will be Wednesday evening before I can sit down and hammer it all out.
I hope to be able to write up another Dramatic Narration Type Thing for the Prophet's defection, but I may not have time (this game's distracting me from coursework enoughas it is...). I probably ought to get a coherent writeup of the philosophy down too.
Man, this is the most drawn-out character Background I've done in a long while. Normally they spring fully formed into my mind.

There again, I'm normally playing other games.

Looking forward to this one, Morningstar is shaping up very well...
There's lots of fun to be had in this game, I had a lot of fun myself writing Izumi's philosophy. :)
danakir said:
There's lots of fun to be had in this game, I had a lot of fun myself writing Izumi's philosophy. :)
*sidles off to read*

*sidles back*

So when the playtests for Fair Folk in Crucible begin, I'm going to attempt to conscript you. SO MUCH.

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