[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

Last bit up- a short piece on the Prophet's rejection of the Mask.

As I was working through that, the Motivation I've picked didn't quite seem to fit; the Prophet hasn't seen how the other Deathlords do things, so it doesn't make sense for him to want to bring them all down- could I change it to "End the tyranny of the Mask of Winters"?
Fictions are finally finished.

Also, Mnemonsyne had to redo some of her sheet, so she'll be posting sometime later tonight.
MorkaisChosen said:
Last bit up- a short piece on the Prophet's rejection of the Mask.
As I was working through that, the Motivation I've picked didn't quite seem to fit; the Prophet hasn't seen how the other Deathlords do things, so it doesn't make sense for him to want to bring them all down- could I change it to "End the tyranny of the Mask of Winters"?
Actually, never mind changing his motivation, he jumps to conclusions a lot.

"The Exaltation doesn't remove my free will, therefore the Immaculate Faith is entirely made of lies" is about as big a leap (and already established) as "Mask is a tyrant, so they all must be".
Okay, everyone, due to some people still needing a little more time, I'll be officially starting the game for all three groups on Monday. Until then, I'll be adding NPCs that your characters would be aware of in some respect or another, as well as giving you each information that you specifically might know that might be hidden from the others.

Keep in mind that unless stated otherwise, you probably do not know much about the luminaries outside your Exalt type.

The game will start on the first day of Calibration between the RY 767 and 768, exactly five years after the disappearance of the Scarlet Empress.

Infernals, this means you will begin by attending the Thing Infernal.

Loyalist Abyssals, you will have been bidden by your respective Deathlords (the Lover and the Walker in Darkness), to make your way through the Underworld to the Thousand, citadel and fortress of the First and Forsaken Lion, accompanied by Weeping Raiton Cast Aside, for purposes that will be revealed on your arrival, which will be your starting scene.

Ragtag mixed bag hooligans, I'll send you each individual PMs tonight or tomorrow to get you started with private threads, and hopefully I'll be able to bring you all together sometime within the next few days. You will all begin in the wilds of the Scavenger Lands.
I feel kind of lame for saying that, but I don't get the joke. x3 Maybe it'd because it's so late. Or early. xD
Grey said:
MorkaisChosen said:
Time to get Biblical...
Morningstar: Apple...?
I have no idea what you mean by that... :?

Just in case anyone's as confused as I probably would be if I was reading this and I didn't know what I meant, I was talking about the biblical undertones in the Prophet's character.

Wait, no, not undertones.

Morningstar is most likely making reference to being the tempting snake in the garden of Eden offering the fruit of the Tree of Wisdom. In other words, being the one who offers forbidden temptation that will, in time, bring ruin.

Or perhaps I'm reading too much into it. xD

Regardless, tones are nice. <3

So, have a ring.
D'oh. Should've got that.

Anyway, I've got to go and cry at people to make straight the way of the Lord or something.
I'm just sayin', for a Prophet, you sure sound mighty wishy-washy! >_> *waggle eyebrows*

/soclal attack :P
I'm sorry, I'm quoting Isaiah (I think). If you want to take it up with him, make like Elijah and nip up to Heaven in a Chariot of the Blazing Sun.
Isaiaaaaaaaaah! *shakes fits and nip up to Heaven in a Chariot of Moderately Blazin Sun-like Subsitute. Ness.*

Look. I'm just a Raksha here, I'm making do with Oneiromancy, so be a pal here and don't tempt fa- *creaking noise*

... aw butterscooooooooooooootch!!! *insert falling to doom clip here*
And that, my faithful adherents, is why you don't trust a Raksha. What looks on the surface to be as reliable as oak dissolves into dreams and madness.

I do, however, have to commend you on the inventiveness of your chosen profanity.
/Sundering the Gates of Death

Now, don't be naive, you didn't REALLY think I died back there, right?


You're never really dead until you decide you are. <3

So, what was I babbling about again?

Oh right, butterscotch. I love butterscotch.

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