[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

To use a very conservative estimate, around 75% of Raksha charms have the 'shaping' keyword. And of those that don't, most would prove of no use in the kind of situation we're thinking of.

Honestly, activating that charm is pretty much a massive screwjob to any Fair Folk you might encounter.

You might call it an 'I Win' button charm, though with a very limited scope. :P
Aaaand the Nightingale's backstory is up. I shall now likely post a short story for him or something.

If I get bonus xp, I fear I will end up spending on more artifacts...


Edit: ... Maybe a manse and/or skin mount amulet, since I am boned for essence...
It'd be a shame to ruin someone else's fun...

The other thing to remember is that Integrity-Protecting Whatever just protects the character themself. Turn my cloak into snakes? Sure, why not...
No, it protects their clothing too, to a the extent that it could harm them. Turning your armour into magma? Not gonna happen. Turning it into spider silk, on the other hand...
True but you people are thinking of outright shaping attacks. The problem with such charms is that they also protect against any charms with the shaping keyword, and therein lies the true heart of madness. :P

Edit: Regardless it doesn't matter. It's not fair of me to impose on you guys so you should feel free to do whatever you want with your charm slots. ^^ For now, anyway, I'm sure things will be very interesting once our groups start meeting up. <3
NoisyCricket said:
Updated background information to actually have information on his significant personal relationships.
I see I'm not the only one working for XPs :mrgreen:
xarvh said:
I see I'm not the only one working for XPs :mrgreen:
While I would appreciate them, I was thinking about it this weekend, and realized I just didn't have that much information on people he knew before his exaltation, or on the place he grew up, so I figured I would give the GM a few more hooks to sink into me. >.>
Cloak into magma's direct harm. Cloak into snakes, however, only harms you when the snakes get to act. I'd allow it, personally, but I s'pose it's an interpretation thing.

One should take care when dropping ST-hooks all over yourself- they can cause grief, especially if you get two pulling in opposite directions.

Saying that, I've probably set myself up for some fairly enormous Resonance already. Oh, and I may have to try to Punch Out Cthulhu.
To be fair the Punching Out Cthulhu is something he appears to be dangling before me. Naturally, I took the bait.

The Resonance? My fault. Now watch what happens when the defining archetype for a rogue Abyssal isn't "Emo," but "Angry"...

Query, any of the lunars, sidereals (non-Infernals / non-Abyssals) want to have had previous interactions with Romanatali defending creation on a "just this once" basis?

After all' date=' she has learned to compromise. To work with evil against greater evils. Standing with the moon anathema against rogue demon and ghost attacks upon the threshold. Working with... strange beings who claim to be exalted, but looked nothing like normal exalted or anathema against fey and elementals gone insane.[/quote']
Romana is fairly old by human standards, being born in RY 715, exalted in RY 722, and ran off to the threshold in RY 736 after graduation and taking time to get prepped and equipped.

For comparison, Empress disappeared, Jade Prison got opened in RY 763, Thorns got conquered in RY 764 and "normal" current day (typical game start) is RY 768.

Yes, she's being running around the threshold and having adventures (with brief returns to the Realm now and then) for 32 years.
MorkaisChosen said:
The Resonance? My fault. Now watch what happens when the defining archetype for a rogue Abyssal isn't "Emo," but "Angry"...
Gotta problems with emo abyssals, pal? :mrgreen:
*blinks* wait... are there even any sidereals in this game? I thought that there WERE going to be sids?

Just who is in which party? And that is a LOT of abyssals running around... :shock:

Team "For the Yozi!" (infernals)

The Adversary, Serpent of a Thousand Lies


Armand von Emeric, The Elegant and Loving Monster

Team "That which is not dead...." (abyssals)

'Joy' Blasphemer of the Flawless Arrow

Broken-Winged Nightingale

The Necromancer

Î’lossom of a Thousand Deaths

Bleak Void of Scars

Dispairing Secret Trinity Song

Reaving Lily of an Ashen Spring

The Prophet Bound in Thorns

Team "Shapeshifters" (lunar)

Arishat, The Man-Eater

Flickering Claw

Team Creation?!?! (misc)

Tepet Romanatali (DB)

The Lady of Snow Izumi (Fey)
There's a Siddie hanging out with the Infernals.

Also, that's the teams by Exalt type, but one of the Abyssals left before they got famous.
Sorry, being facetious.

By "Left before they got famous" I mean "left to pursue a solo career", by which I mean "is a rogue seeking to punch DEATHLORDS in the FACE for MASSIVE DAMAGE."

(That's the Prophet.)

The Siddie may not be in any more, since I can't see a sheet, but I definitely remember someone looking at playing one.

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