[OOC Thread] The Matrix [Anathema Ascendant]

It'd be childish of me to just yell "First" or something like that, especially since my character didn't even speak. However, I'd be adding to my remiss if I didn't take advantage of it. Therefore...

Gah! I have 8 XP and can't decide among:

Scar-Writ Saga Shield (Second purchase)

Viridian Legend Exoskeleton

Shock and Awe Slam

Nowhere to Run

Nowhere to Hide

All of them are fun. >.>

Edit: Soliciting opinions!
xarvh said:
He looks completely clueless, and the lack of any armor or weapon does compound to the effect.
Then he turns at the Necromancer, eyebrow raised.

-What is a neverborn?
An emo-byssal not knowing what the Neverborn is? Le gasp? Is it possible that this one hasn't been brought before the patron Neverborn master of the deathlord that he serves? Like all proper abyssal should have been?
He has probably been explained several times, but Int 1 does not help. :mrgreen:

Due to his motivation, the Walker had to take a quite unorthodox approach in taming him.
NoisyCricket said:
Gah! I have 8 XP and can't decide among:
Scar-Writ Saga Shield (Second purchase)

Viridian Legend Exoskeleton

Shock and Awe Slam

Nowhere to Run

Nowhere to Hide

All of them are fun. >.>

Edit: Soliciting opinions!
I can't find the last three of those. Where did you find them?
I say Virdian Legend Exoskeleton.

Survive long enough to accumulate the XP for the others!
Hmm, I ought to work out a shopping list for stuff at some point.

Due to conversations with Danakir, there's going to be a fair bit of defensive social-fu in there. Raksha are scary...

The whole Redemption issue (from two pages ago...) is an interesting one over my end. Currently, the Prophet's a renegade, but believes in the message of the Neverborn- hopefully, though, at some point he'll realise Oblivion isn't the peaceful escape he thought...

On our list of what characters are in what game, can we add which Deathlord they serve? I don't want to act like I've never seen someone before if we have the same boss, and it will save us time from having to hunt through character sheets to see who it is they serve.
Grey said:
I say Virdian Legend Exoskeleton.
Survive long enough to accumulate the XP for the others!
I'm between this, Shock and Awe slam, and Scar-Writ Saga Shield for the very next things to get...just depending on if I want more offense or defense...and if I want to look like a monster for a while...

Edit: Shock and Awe Slam it is! Feantari convinced me >.>
MorkaisChosen said:
Hmm, I ought to work out a shopping list for stuff at some point.
Due to conversations with Danakir, there's going to be a fair bit of defensive social-fu in there. Raksha are scary...

The whole Redemption issue (from two pages ago...) is an interesting one over my end. Currently, the Prophet's a renegade, but believes in the message of the Neverborn- hopefully, though, at some point he'll realise Oblivion isn't the peaceful escape he thought...

I'm hoping we get the Infernal overspill content soon.

My ultimate goal for Morningstar is to have him ascend to Primordial and supplant the Ebon Dragon as a force of constructive antagonism.
Grey said:
My ultimate goal for Morningstar is to have him ascend to Primordial and supplant the Ebon Dragon as a force of constructive antagonism.
You might want to dip into Adorjan then. Read her Excellency. :twisted:
Point. But then I would have to buy it four times.

Combined with my present Excellency that would rapidly become silly as an XP sink.

Besides, if Morningstar does pull that off, he can create his own thematic Excellency.
Grey said:
I'm hoping we get the Infernal overspill content soon.
My ultimate goal for Morningstar is to have him ascend to Primordial and supplant the Ebon Dragon as a force of constructive antagonism.
I've always questioned how the Infernals could become as the Primordials, since the Primordials are operating under the same fundamental principles as the Raksha. As such, can any shaped being really hope to go through the Ascension necessary to be as they are? For theirs is the secret they stole from the shinma Nirakara through guile and wit.

Can one reach the same heights as they have without sharing in this secret knowledge? That's what I wonder. :3
It'd have to hurt. Get made Unshaped for a bit, maybe? Experience what it's like to be outside Creation before you can truly rule it, sort of thing

That would have serious effects on someone's sanity, of course...
I think it'd be interesting to play "infant" Primordials some time. I may just have to add that to the Games You'll Never Run thread.

It'd not be difficult. Start out with a simple concept (a small one, since they're still infants, that can grow into a larger one. For example, start with flowers, which develops into plants, which develops into life itself) and develop a being based upon it. Then, create a group of starting Noble Raksha, one for each Grace, all of whom are immune to the calcifying effects of Creation and have triple the normal essence pool.

Then give them the ability to take Excellencies on par with those of Infernals, realize you're a madman, smile and let loose your ridiculously overpowered newly formed Primordials on Creation.

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